168 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

John Grimes Yoga

john grimes yoga

I have always been interested in the therapeutic aspects of yoga and how it helps maintain health and aid recovery from various conditions and illnesses. I am drawn to yoga because it addresses our whole being and was developed to provide harmony of the mind, spirit and body. My interest in yoga started over 20 years ago when I was looking for ways to cope with a stressful job and for help in recovering from serious illness. Yoga very quickly became part of my daily life and was instrumental in my recovery and reducing my stress when I returned to work. Over time, I found myself being drawn more and more to my Yoga practice and wanted to know more and to be able to share this knowledge with others. Eventually I decided to leave the software industry and become a full time Yoga Teacher. I studied at the Yoga for Health Foundation which trained yoga students to teach both general and remedial yoga and whose mantra was “yoga for all”. It was a registered charity and famous worldwide for the work it did with people who have chronic illness or disabilities to help them improve their health and well-being through yoga and meditation. The Foundation has now closed but The Yoga for Health and Education Trust has carried on the work and values of the Foundation. Most recently I have trained with the Yoga Bio Medical Trust and Yogacampus to become a yoga therapist enabling me to adapt yoga practices on an individual basis for people with health problems such as lower back pain and high blood pressure. Although passionate about the benefits of yoga to anyone who practises I also believe that life should not be too serious and try to incorporate some fun and laughter in everything I do. 2003 – Qualified Yoga Teacher – Yoga for Health Foundation 2005 – Qualified Remedial Yoga Teacher – Yoga for Health Foundation 2006 – Foundation Course – Association of Yoga Studies (Vini Yoga) 2006 – Yoga Therapy Foundation Course – Yoga Bio Medical Trust and Yogacampus 2010 – Yoga Therapy Diploma – Yoga Bio Medical Trust and Yogacampus 2010 – Registered with CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) 2017 – Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists

Sarah Rhodes - Singing Lessons for beginners to professionals

sarah rhodes - singing lessons for beginners to professionals

Covid Secure Guidance Taking into account Government advice, I have offered and continue to offer my students an online alternative to one to one studio lessons. These live lessons are carried out via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype. These are and remain difficult times with no certainty as to what will happen next. Online teaching is of course, no substitute for face to face tuition. Many of my students have asked me to begin teaching again in my studio. I have therefore decided to re-open the studio, and offer one to one teaching, but strictly following Covid Secure guidelines. My existing students will be aware of how keen I am to ensure that students with a cold or any other illness which may be passed on, do not attend lessons. (After all, I and several of my students rely upon our voices for work). The current situation makes it much more important that we all follow the Covid Guidelines so that we stay safe. Contact me now to find out more. Covid Guidelines if you think that you have a cold/flu, fever or any other illness which may infect others you must not come to your scheduled lesson, but must immediately let me know; social distancing – at least 2 metres separation (3 whilst singing) must be observed at all times; there will be no physical contact (for example to demonstrate breathing techniques); students must enter the studio via the entrance driveway and through the side doorway leading into the courtyard where my detached studio is. (Please note that I am regretfully unable to offer toilet or refreshment facilities for the time being); hand sanitiser will be available and must please be used on entering and leaving the studio; Students are not required to wear face masks (and unless otherwise requested by my student I will not wear one); Whilst I will take steps to follow Covid – Secure guidance, and will keep the studio clean and well ventilated before and after lessons, students must appreciate that I cannot guarantee their safety or be responsible for any infection.

Sue Tildesley Craft & Design

sue tildesley craft & design

Hi, my name is Sue and I originally studied botanical illustration, but found it too exacting. Now I enjoy creating characters, and giving them their own lives and adventures. I come from a family of happy campers and I enjoy drawing them too, especially ones that are really part of a family with their own original name. I love plants and small intricate objects like shells and starfish. I like fine details, and I’m especially into ‘shadows’ a botanical illustrative discipline, showing what’s in front. I work in ink and watercolours, and occasionally pencil. I always try and see the funny side of everyhing. There’s always plenty to laugh about if you know where to look, the mirror’s usually a good start. I am a company director and accounts administrator for our family business. But in my dreams, I’m an illustrator. I love creating characters and giving them life on the page. So much so that I’m thinking of giving up the day job and taking early retirement, allowing me more time to travel and draw. I studied botanical illustration at Leicester college and took a certificate at Sheffield University, but now after a serious illness, I’d rather concentrate on things that I really enjoy, as botanical illustration is so exacting. The flowers that I paint now are simplified and I like to give them an outline in ink. I have a bit of a thing about shells and starfish, so there will be more of them on the way. My characters grew out of my illustrated diaries. They make me happy, and I hope that you like them too.