3047 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Horsforth School

horsforth school



Opportunity and achievement for all” epitomises everything we offer as we regard our curriculum as the totality of a student’s experience at Horsforth; our range of subjects, programmes of study, pedagogy, assessments, opportunities, clubs, trips, mentoring, pastoral support and enrichment. Our curriculum is inclusive and aims to equip all students with confidence, resilience, competence and skills that allow them to succeed in a rapidly changing society. We value a holistic approach to educating the whole person with a focus on spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC). Our curriculum offers a breadth of opportunities and experience in conjunction with high quality pastoral care leading to personal and character development. It aims to ensure all students are included and supported to reach their potential. We aim for all students to achieve excellent outcomes and this is not simply exam results but where students get to as a result of their experience at Horsforth School. We aim to ensure they are prepared for their future steps in education, employment and training and beyond. We want all students to enjoy their learning and achieve their own personal success, now and in the future. At Horsforth we have a clear responsibility to prepare students for the rest of their lives. In partnership with key stakeholders including employers, further education providers, Trustees, teachers, parents, students and school leaders our curriculum informs and shapes the journey of a Horsforth Learner.




Hi! I’m Kate - mum of 2, yoga teacher, core and pelvic floor specialist. My mission is to get women feeling great in their own body, no matter what stage of life: pregnancy, postnatal, menopausal or anywhere in between. As a yoga teacher and core and pelvic floor trainer, I love blending these disciplines together as part of a holistic model of care. The breath, core and pelvic floor work together for optimal health.   Yoga increases strength and flexibility, and improves posture and balance. The breath can help restore core function - as you inhale diaphragmatically, the pelvic floor muscles naturally lengthen out and down, and poses like child’s pose can also relieve tightness.   Yoga improves the mind-body connection and decreases our fight-flight response; the pelvic floor responds best when the nervous system is balanced and we are calm. I teach friendly, relaxed classes that bring women together to enhance wellness and build a supportive community, with a strong focus on core and pelvic floor rehabilitation. The Breathe Principle™ is a 7-Step Plan to follow to help you fix your diastasis recti. It is not a 'spot fix' because assessing, treating and rehabilitating a new mum for abdominal separation needs to move away just doing tummy exercises. It needs a broader, full-body approach to get your system working and functioning in a more optimal way. My 7 Steps to Fixing Abdominal Separation method is based on a whole-body, ‘everything working as one’, proper unit-type system....

Muziclub Ltd

muziclub ltd



Muziclub provides Online Music Classes and Academy Classes in Guitar, Keyboard, Indian and Western Vocals, Music Theory and Other Instruments from Qualified TeachersMuziclub is a platform driven by people who live music and have a passion to develop the same with whoever they touch. Muziclub academy is found on quality and structured music education. Our model has the right balance of discipline and flexibility that is needed to learn music. Our classes are designed to provide personalized focus, practice facilities, fulfilling engagement with passionate teachers. Learning without performing does not go far. So we provide an opportunity to all students to perform every week in Sunday Jam. Moreover, our teaching methods are continuously improving so that we can provide the best experience and results for students. We provide professional guidance whether music is taken by students as a hobby or as a career optionMuziclub is all about living music i.e. making music a part of your life. We are committed to providing best in class music education and services around the world through our innovative and adaptive methods. Our motto ‘live music’ drives all service offerings including music classes at academy centres or online music classes, arranging music shows and music workshops, corporate seminars, or simply chilling out over a nice groove at jam sessions. We are based at Pune, India with presence in Croydon, UK for effective coordination of Online music classes in London and rest of UK