11962 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Recovery Coaching Scotland

recovery coaching scotland


WHY RECOVERY COACHING? Background The illicit use of drugs and particularly opiates, benzodiazepines and psychostimulants, causes significant problems within Scotland as it does in other parts of the UK and Europe. Some of these problems are primarily social in nature, involving, for example, increases in acquisitive crime, prostitution, unemployment, family breakdown and homelessness. Others are more clearly associated with health problems, for example, the transmission of communicable diseases (HIV, hepatitis), injecting-related injuries and increased demands upon health care services. Similarly, alcohol problems are a major concern for public health in Scotland. Short-term problems such as intoxication can lead to risk of injury and is associated with violence and social disorder. Over the longer term, excessive consumption can cause irreversible damage to parts of the body such as the liver and brain. Alcohol can also lead to mental health problems, for example, alcohol dependency and increased risk of suicide. In addition, alcohol is recognised as a contributory factor in many other diseases including cancer, stroke and heart disease. Wider social problems include family disruption, absenteeism from work and financial difficulties. The Alcohol Framework 2018: Preventing Harm, published by the Scottish Government includes the estimate from the 2010 study, The Societal Cost of Alcohol Misuse in Scotland for 2007, that the impact of this excessive consumption is estimated to cost Scotland £3.6 billion each year. Our Challenge There are a number of characteristics in the behaviours, profile and patterns of drug use and people who use them that both differentiate and add complexity to the nature of our challenge, such as: High risk patterns of Drug use, including multiple different drug (poly drug use) and alcohol. High levels of social depravation, poverty and highly stigmatised people. Drug Misuse & Treatment in Scottish Prisons From 2009/10 to 2018/19, Testing was conducted across all Scottish prisons annually. During one month of the year, prisoners arriving in custody were voluntarily tested for the presence of illegal or illicit drugs. Similarly, those leaving custody during the month were tested to assess progress towards the 'reduced or stabilised' offender outcome. Some key points been: In 2018/19, of the tests carried out at prison entry 75% were positive for drugs The illegal/illicit drugs most commonly detected when entering prison in 2018/19 were cannabis benzodiazepines, opiates and cocaine In 2018/19, of the tests carried out when leaving prison 26% were positive for illegal/illicit drug

Vanessa Potter

vanessa potter


Thanks for finding me here. I’m a self-experimenting author, speaker and wellness advocate, but it wasn’t always that way… On October 1st 2012 I sat in a hospital waiting room staring at a white notice board. When I’d arrived, the letters had been visible, but over time they’d started to fade. Punctuation marks dissolved, as if wiped off by a zealous cleaner. Every blink washed away more of my sight. Within 72 hours I was blind and paralysis had snaked up my body, leaving numbness in its wake. Losing two of my senses was terrifying and I didn’t know if I’d see my children again. For a while I lost connection with the outer world and my future was uncertain. Slowly my visual system rebooted, but the world didn’t look like it should. Grey wispy shapes swirled and eerie lines jiggled on the horizon. None of it made any sense. Over time I listened to the more subtle cues my body transmitted and learnt new ways to adapt. Months later when I started to feel, rather than see, the colour red and when blue objects fizzed and spat like a lit sparkler, my curiosity was ignited. I set out on a mission to better understand the incredible resilience and healing power of my mind. It was a journey that led to collaborations with scientists, my first book, Patient H69: The Story of my Second Sight, a TEDx talk and then a second book, Finding My Right Mind: One Woman’s Experiment to put Meditation to the Test. Nature played a huge part in my year-long recovery, so in 2021 I co-founded ParkBathe, a citizen science, green health initiative in collaboration with Derby University. The project encourages people who are wellness sceptics to experience a 1-hour version of forest bathing in urban parks and is funded by the National Lottery. Forest bathing is simply walking mindfully in nature while absorbing the woodland atmosphere via the senses. As the project is part of a research study, walkers are invited to wear heartrate (HRV) monitors which record their stress levels before and after each session. This provides each person with an individualised measure of the wellbeing benefits. Get the whole story and listen to interviews with walkers, scientists and nature guides on the ParkBathe podcast. I am partially sighted and live in London, UK, with husband and two children.

Centre For Regional And International Development

centre for regional and international development


An international capacity development organisation, specialising in the sustainable development of public and private workforces at the national, regional and local level Regulated by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education – for more information please visit www.the-bac.org All our capacity development programmes are people-oriented even those that are highly technical are composed in such a way that they bring out the best in them Programmes are innovative, comprehensive programmes designed to extend and develop the potential of key managers and leaders within an organization, especially the appointed personnel. They are practical, interactive, development-related and are designed to assist organisations and individuals in building capability and performance improvement. The programmes are facilitated by persons with a proven track record of experience and success in their related fields. Why CRID? Concept and terminology in programmes are simple, innovative and easy to translate to appropriate business situations All material is based on research-backed ideas and methods. Depth and quality of material covering almost every aspect of corporate training for civil society, private or public sector organisations External accreditation to verify all operations, capacity and performance CRID is comprised of successful business people with proven aptitudes for training, who relate to the challenges faced by delegates Feedback is continually sought and used to ensure future courses are as effective as they can be Experience – CRID has delivered training and development solutions in many countries and continents – UK, Africa, Caribbean and Asia Pacific to several sectors: Government – ministries, departments, agencies and other public-sector organisations Energy inc. Oil & Gas – public and private sectors Transport inc. Aviation & Maritime Telecommunications inc. ICT inc Finance inc. Audit, Banking and Taxation Nicholas Aitalegbe Nicholas has over 18 years of proven expertise in the development and management of training; especially in sustainable development, general management and construction/health and safety. He has a background in a wide range of industries, including construction, agriculture, corporate management, hygiene services and occupational health and safety. He was instrumental to the coordination of extension workers and service providers training for over 7 years at Farmers Care Project in Swaziland, Southern Africa from 1999, where he remains an ex-officio director to date. Nicholas has a MA in Development Studies (work in progress). He also has a B. Agric with a speciality in Animal Sciences. He published his first book, Knowledge Management in 2017. He is married and a father of four children.

Way2BetterBusiness Coaching

way2betterbusiness coaching

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw ~ Proverbs 24:32 My extensive professional experience in the various aspects of business has set me on a mission to help business leaders turn their vision into reality – one step at a time. Throughout the years, I have had successes, learnt from costly mistakes, made wise decisions, learnt from not so wise ones, all of which have contributed to who I am today and prepared me for my mission. So basically, I'm not perfect. However, I'm grateful for every experience because there was always a lesson to learn. I remember years ago my dad once said to me, "Whether your experience is a good or bad one, there is always a lesson. Your job is to learn from it and move on". I've never forgotten that since. As a result, I am a much stronger person today and in a much better position to serve my clients and of course, you. Although my role as a coach is to help you to help yourself by giving you the ownership of change, I can guarantee you that I will not sit there and watch you make the same mistakes I've made in the past. Some of my experience are in the following fields: Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Chair of Committee of a passionate Community Group Board member of Charitable Organisations Steering Committee of a Funding Organisation School Governance Business Management Business Finance Project Management Public Speaking Operations Customer Service Over 10 years Banking and Finance Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights ~ Proverbs 18:15 I take self-development seriously and I’m on an on-going quest to be the best business coach to my clients that I can possibly be. Therefore I try to keep up-to-date with training in areas which I know will help me to better serve you. Here are some of my qualifications: Certified in Business Coaching and Mentoring Certified in Life Coaching Governing Business Activities Business and Leadership Business Analysis Business Organisation and Environment Business Finance 1st class degree in International Business and Level 3 in Teaching Adults in Life Long Learning Sector My coaching training has been with the UK Personal Development Academy (UKPDA), The Coaching Academy as well as Renaissance Training Academy.

XML Summer School Ltd

xml summer school ltd

The XML Summer School is a unique event for everyone using, designing, or implementing solutions using XML and related technologies, held in Oxford, UK. The week-long event is made up of courses which range from the basics of XML to advanced topics in linked data, web design, and publishing. Faculty tutors include practitioners and academics who are at the forefront of XML and related technologies. How is the teaching structured? Each course comprises a series of small-group classes, with plenty of time for questions and discussion. Some courses also feature a hands-on component, where you’ll have the opportunity to try out the techniques you have learned, and receive feedback and support on your work. There are also panel discussions, and informal learning opportunities over meals and evening activities. What prior knowledge do I need? That depends. The Hands-on Introduction to XML course is intended for anyone who needs to work with XML and wants to learn the basics. The other courses all assume at least this basic level of knowledge, so if you’re a beginner, you’ll need to take the Hands-on Introduction before moving on to the more advanced training. The exception to this is Trends and Transients, which features lectures by guest speakers about a variety of topics on the cutting edge of XML-related technologies. If you’re unsure about the suitability of any of our courses for your specific needs, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise you! If you’ve been to the Summer School before, but you aren’t sure which course to take next, check the learning paths page for some ideas. What about accommodation and meals? Accommodation, meals, and social events are included in the fee. The venue is St Edmund Hall, one of the most historic sites at the University of Oxford, dating back to the 12th century. All the faculty and delegates stay in college and take part in the social events, so there’s lots of opportunity to discuss questions that arise after the classes. The XML Summer School Flickr group has photos of the college as well as sessions and events. Or you can search for the hashtags we’ve used in the past (#xmlssxx, where #xmlsummerschoolxx, where xx is the two-digit year).



Mountain Ash

Pinkspiration aims to inspire young people and transform communities. Our business was founded in July 2011 and offers skills based training to gain on site experience increasing knowledge to progress into industry, regenerating some of the 380,000 empty spaces and empty shops across the United Kingdom. Our business offers industry placements, mentoring, advice and guidance. Up skilling the next generation of young people to help close the increasing skills gap. Our team offers a number of opportunities through industry placements on our TV programme Transforming Spaces‘ Design Factor’ featured on BBC. Since launch 8,500 young people directly up skilled of which 70% have progressed onto training, employment or Starting Up. Our construction sites are 50/50 gender split and our teams have re-generated 16 empty spaces, empty homes, heritage buildings and worked on Wales largest road scheme a £400 million programme. REAL ISSUES * Nearly 1 million young people unemployed * Over 380,000 empty spaces & empty shops in the UK * 
Over 220 million tons of waste generated for Landfill * Only 3% of women in manual trades, 5% in engineering and only 2% of female owned businesses in Wales Transforming Spaces: Design Factor Our construction projects transforms empty and unused spaces through working with the community on the planning, design and build. Working with build experts and volunteers from the community it acts like DIY SOS/60 minute makeover. The aim is to up skill young people and members of the community to gain on site experience. If you have an empty space or empty building our team will work with you on the planning, design and rebuild of the space to turn it into a thriving community provision. Training on the site includes: planning, construction, managing budgets, Marketing, enterprise, business and managing the whole project. Our team and the experts will work on site for around one week to re-build the space and encourage volunteers to become involved and progress into training, employment or Starting Up. Helping people to gain vital industry experience to progress their career. The whole process is filmed and broadcast. Our build projects have included Wales First Garden City Café, The Hope Centre-Newport, Blaenau Gwent Community Hub-Waundeg, Empty Shops Project-Cardiff & Newport, State of the Art Cinema Room using Recycled Pallets- Cwmbran Centre for Young People, Penygraig Empty Shop, Newport Heritage Building. All photos of our construction projects can be seen on our Facebook Page.

Aleksandra Minto

aleksandra minto

Aleksandra Wrzos Aleksandra is an entrepreneur and results mentor who works with individuals and corporations helping them to improve their productivity, effectiveness and income. She uses highly structured, step by step process to achieve and stretch personal and professional goals. She has been personally mentored for over a year by Bob Proctor, who is the best teacher on human potential out there. Working with Aleksandra brings the best out of her clients and she proves that success is not a secret, it’s a process. Once learned, understood and applied, an individual creates results far beyond their expectations. Aleksandra has a corporate background in finance. She was always driven to achieve a great success in her career as well as her personal life. Inspired by highly successful people who make things happen she kept expanding her knowledge in the financial world. Originally from Poland, she left her home country at a young age to pursue her education abroad. She has studied in the US, UK and Canada to make her dreams come true. After spending over a decade in a corporate world, getting a broad education and work experience in finance, she released there is a huge gap between what people know (information gathered on intellectual level) and what they actually do (productivity level). That led her to study more about human potential and behaviour, which at a later stage led her to Bob Proctor’s teachings. Bob explains the relationship between our conditioning that we develop at a very early age that dictates the results we get in our adult life. The information has blown her curies mind away and she decided to get a full understanding of the human mind and mechanics of human behaviour. Since the moment of that decision everything in her life started to change quickly. Fascinated by the information She’s changed careers and became certified by Bob Proctor at Proctor Gallagher Institute (PGI). She wanted to work with PGI sharing this process that leads people to success. It works with anyone who wants to improve their professional or personal results. Quickly rising to becoming one of the top consultants in the world, Aleksandra is improving lives of hundreds across the world. Her mission is simple: “If you tell me what you want, I can show you how to get it.”

Papu Jordan - Reiki, Meditation, Mantra, Sound

papu jordan - reiki, meditation, mantra, sound

Papu Jordan is a fully qualified Reiki Practitioner & Teacher and Massage Therapist with a particular interest in women’s health issues. She is also a Sound Healer, Meditation Teacher and workshop facilitator. Papu was brought up in an immigrant family in which western medicine was used alongside more traditional methods and natural treatments, and so whilst developing a career in teaching, she continued gaining knowledge and experience of Complementary Therapies and using them in her own life. Papu now lives in Harpenden with her husband & Springer spaniel and has been using complementary therapies with her family for many years. She chants every day, is studying the ancient language of Sanskrit and has attended the Teacher Training programme at Sanskrit@St James’, London, which is further informing her work with Mantra & Meditation. Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies for Women was established in 2006 with a view to helping and supporting busy women with the stresses of modern life through Complementary Therapies. Since then, the practice has grown with many clients coming for short term sessions to deal with acute issues or as a treat. Others require longer courses of treatments to help with more chronic conditions or as maintenance/preventative therapeutic sessions. Many have gone on to do Reiki training with Papu and become part of her local Reiki network of students and practitioners through Reiki shares, workshops and other events. Papu has experience treating all ages – from babies & children right through to the elderly; and in supporting people with a wide variety of conditions, including life limiting ones, both as a Grove House volunteer therapist and in private practice. She has undertaken Cancer Care courses at Mount Vernon Hospital and attended courses and workshops led by Estelle Edwards, William Lee Rand, Frank Arjava Petter, Pamela Miles, Kathleen Prasad, Phillip Permutt, Jo Rose, Laura Joy Mason, Gabriella Burnel (Gaiea Sanskrit), Sue Pready (College of Sound Healing) and Bodhi Aspirations, Sanskrit@St James’ amongst others, as well as running collaborative workshops with other local therapists and teachers. Most of our clients are from Harpenden, St Albans and the surrounding areas including Redbourn and Wheathamstead but also come from further afield including Hemel Hempsted, Berkhamsted, Codicote, Kensworth, Luton, Dunstable, Watford, Ware & London, + online from other parts of the UK, Europe, the USA & Australia.

BluePrint Ceramics

blueprint ceramics


Meriden Coventry

The business first operated from premises in the small village of Knowle in Solihull but moved into larger premises in July 2012 to accommodate the larger tile projects that they were being requested to supply. The new premises within Century Park, Birmingham, offered better access for hauliers due to its locality to Birmingham Airport and the major motorway network as well as offering a much larger warehousing capacity. A real success story, more recently the business has expanded its operation even further by opening a state of the art eco-friendly architectural showroom based in Meriden between Birmingham and Coventry. The showroom offers and extensive range of unique and innovative collections on display, with access to thousands of samples. The showroom offers modern meeting spaces and a state of the art office space all under one roof. We can provide onsite CPD training and various types of technical testing. The directors are supported in their day to day business operations by an experienced and talented back office team who cover administration, warehousing, finance and sales. They are currently looking to further expand this team in order to manage the additional demand and retain their reputation for excellent customer service, something with which they have become known for. The company is particularly proud of the clients that they have accumulated over the years who include many household names both in the UK and abroad. Over the past four years the company has also exhibited at shows such as 100% Design and Surface while featuring in FX Magazine and IDFX Magazine as well as being members of the TTA. The Directors have visited Cersaie in Italy each year since the company’s inception to meet with suppliers and further cement their relationships guaranteeing their clients access to the latest and most technologically advanced tile ranges. With turnover increasing year on year the company has ambitious plans for progressive growth as well as continuing to innovate within the tile sector by further streamlining the tile specification process. We welcome enquiries from commercial clients and can offer a range of services and advise on our products including ancillary products which complement our collections. For unrivalled customer service speak to a member of our team today! We have created a number of videos that are available to view on our YouTube Channel, an example below focusses on the installation of large format porcelain tiles:




E-Learning enables busy professionals to complete essential training at a time and place that suits them. The production of quality interactive training is far from straightforward, and many trainees have become disillusioned with dull and boring e-learning courses. Which is where EasiLearning come in – with entertaining and engaging courses for professional users. Current online courses offered include: Anaphylactic Shock Standard refresher training in anaphylaxis Anaphylactic Shock Lite refresher training in anaphylaxis Clinical Nutrition Screening & Support (for ‘MUST’) Online training in Patient Group Directions (PGD) for the NHS Vaccination Training for Pharmacists Venepuncture Theory We offer versions tailored for both Community and Hospitals settings where required. We also have versions appropriate to where in the UK you are working, as there are some differences between the juristrictions of England, Wales, Scotland, N Ireland, Jersey etc. Free Guide offered: Hand Washing in a Clinical Setting EasiLearning will tailor this Guide for Clinical Organisations free of charge to help increase infection control and to promote our courses. Contact Us for further details Expanding List: The list of EasiLearning courses is expanding all the time. If you would like a subject we do not currently offer, go to Contact Us and let us know. However, the subject must be suitable for online learning and must be of interest to a wide audience. We also offer courses from a small number of other quality suppliers – see Training Resources Personalisation, Assessment & Tracking All EasiLearning online courses are tailored to the organisation with personalised introduction and a certificate with the organisation’s logo. Each trainee can print off their certificate on completion of the inbuilt assessment. The cloud based version of the courses use EasiLearning’s Train and TrackTM system, which gives management a unique weblink so they can track which trainees have passed the assessment and on what date together with a score where this is appropriate. No specialist IT infrastructure is required to make this version of the course work – commission to delivery is usually less than 2 weeks! Some customers already have an LMS and may choose either SCORM 1.2 or 1.3 version to have tracking and reporting done by the LMS. In either Web or SCORM versions, trainee completion data is available to be exported into e-personnel systems. We offer special versions for NHS England nLMS/OLM.