11962 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

St Saviour's And St Olave's Church Of England School

st saviour's and st olave's church of england school


We are a fully inclusive and very successful inner city Church of England school for girls. I hope this website will give you a flavour of the amazing range of opportunities available here to our students, as well as a sense of our proud history and exciting future. With roots that can be traced back to 1562, and only six headteachers in the last 116 years, we provide an educational environment of stability and tradition that enables our whole community to learn from the very best of our shared heritage. Our students consistently achieve outstanding results, and many have gone on to study at the most prestigious universities in the UK, including Natural Sciences at Cambridge, PPE at Oxford, Physics at Manchester, and Art at Central St Martins. Last year, four of our sixth formers went on to study medicine – unmatched in South London. We are proud of this great academic success but that is far from the whole story of SSSO. We are a community with shared values rooted in our faith, and we work closely with a range of partners as well as parents to ensure our students have opportunities to grow in to confident, caring and successful young women. They learn to value themselves and others, to become participants in a greater community. St Saviour’s girls are generous with their time and energy, supporting their peers as mentors, school councillors and house captains, and they raise thousands of pounds each year for charities in the local and international community. Our students’ success in every aspect of their development is supported and encouraged by a dedicated and highly skilled staff, who give freely of their time and energy to ensure every St Saviour’s girl has the opportunity to excel. Through the formal curriculum and in the vast range of extra-curricular provision, we believe every girl will find something to challenge and inspire her. I am proud to have been the headteacher of this school since 2013, grounded in our traditions and our values which were established in 1903, we offer exciting and innovative educational opportunities which will allow your daughter to flourish.

Dumfries Community Choir

dumfries community choir


We’re one of the biggest community platform in the South of Scotland, and we work with our partners to use culture as means to improve the lives of our community who are experiencing high levels of social and rural isolation. As a unique social co-operative, we have over 170 voluntary members who contribute to our social model through volunteering, sponsorship or advocacy. Anyone can join our membership organisation. We have just taken over the Loreburn Hall in the centre of Dumfries which is a temporary cultural space, including an 80 seat cinema, 50 seat cabaret lounge, 50 seat black box theatre and a main hall with a capacity of 1200 Our work takes place in schools, residential homes, cafes, car parks, swimming pools and in all sorts of locations throughout our region. We believe that there are barriers that prevent members of our community taking part in culture and we do everything we can to deliver socially driven projects that help to improve the cultural health of our region through our seasons of projects which aim to increase resilience by connecting our community through our cultural programmes and services. Our signature projects include a diverse range of community arts based programmes and iconic place-making projects including our annual winter festival, Carlisle Fringe, Dumfries Carnival, Le Haggis, High Tea, Queer Haggis, Dumfries Youth Theatre, Dumfries Community Choir and Producers of the Future. Every year we deliver more than 300 shows across our festival programmes, as well as weekly community arts sessions to over 100 participants, creative industry training for emerging artists and the sector across Dumfries & Galloway, and traineeships in producing across our major projects. Our cultural skills development programme is one of the largest of its kind in the UK. At the centre of our work is the belief that we can use culture to connect people, we advocate that culture is good for our wellbeing and health, and that art is a form of human expression and creativity. Our network of over 100 associate artists and producers includes performance makers, producers, artists and collaborators who believe in the power of social change.




DTE Elite – Excellence in Driving Instructor Training DTE-Elite are an industry leader in driving instructor training, backed by almost 20 years of research, teaching and instructing. The most qualified driving instructor training in the UK Founded by Dave Foster with a vision of raising the standard of driving instructor training, DTE-Elite‘s methods solve the industry problems observed by Dave as an experienced instructor trainer. Our revolutionary training methods are proven to help people achieve their goals in becoming a driving instructor. We have helped so many people pass and get on the road to an unlimited earning potential. Our training fees are competitive and can be taken as manageable instalments. Click here to read more about us The name DTE-Elite originated after founder Dave Foster completed his Masters Degree in Driver Training Education (DTE). Dave has been dedicated to the pursuit of furthering his knowledge in everything regarding teaching and training in order to cascade this onto others so they too can become better trainers. Dave has a whole host of qualifications in the field including a diploma in Driving Instruction and others from advanced driver courses, motorcycle qualifications and fleet training. There is literally nobody more qualified to give training to instructors. In most of his driving schools, the instructors were originally trained by Dave, where they found driving instructor training easy with his university researched and proven methods.

URUBU - Ecstatic Dance, Wellbeing & Embodiment

urubu - ecstatic dance, wellbeing & embodiment


London's original Ecstatic Dance events since 2009!Seth Newman: As the founder of the URUBU School of Transformational Arts, he integrates the roots of Humanistic therapies, Bioenergetics & Body Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychology and Tantra in creative and life-transforming workshops, retreats and trainings. As a coach, Seth is dedicated to helping people calm, empower and rejuvenate their busy minds and bodies to achieve the best versions of themselves. Seth brings a wealth of experience holding heart-centered spaces. His in-depth studies, trainings, personal experiences of many therapeutic modalities such as Humanistic & Body Psychotherapy, the Human Potential Movement, 5 Rhythms, Active meditations and the teaching of the Indian Mystic Osho who he grew up with in India in the 1970s, infuse his approach to living a creative, holistic & embodied life and sharing his unique offerings with others. Seth has been facilitating regular workshops for many years. As a musician, Seth is very passionate about rhythm & drumming, has an MA in Community Music from Goldsmith College, worked as a world music percussion teacher in East London schools for almost 20 years, created URUBU collective back in 2009 as a Live Music Ecstatic Dance experience with Afro-Brazilian drummers & musicians and started his journey as an avid DJ with a love for Afro-Beat, Cuban and Brazilian music and created an Ecstatic Dance scene in London and the UK. Seth has a life-long passion for 5 Rhythms and other movement and Ecstatic Dance practices.

Community Youth London

community youth london


Community Youth London (CYL) is an independent music and media charity which manages a variety of community-based services and initiatives, the majority of which are youth-oriented and led. CYL has developed many approaches with the aim of overcoming barriers to access so-called ‘hard to reach’ groups using targeted youth support programmes, marketing campaigns, outreach and alternative activities. These expertise’s have been successfully applied to our services and proven effective in attracting young people who have traditionally shied away from other initiatives. Through our work with celebrities, popular artists and respected community figures, we have gained the trust of young people in many disadvantaged areas. As an alternative measure to historical behaviour orders and restorative justice programs, CYL has delivered a range of one to one plus group programs that have been proven to not only help young people leave but also to stay away from a life of crime. Our charity became operational in January 2007 and quickly gained a positive reputation for our targeted work with young people, our approach to diversity and our innovative services. Since inception, CYL has grown from a vision to a reputable charity with an impressive track record and a growing database of over 47,000+ young people who work in London and the UK. Taking a multi agency approach towards addressing the needs of young people who are often marginalised, excluded or hard to reach.

EIFA International School London

eifa international school london

About EIFA EIFA’s philosophy EIFA is an independent, international, secular school providing an English-French bilingual education. EIFA takes a child-centred approach to learning and encourages the linguistic diversity of its students – developing responsible global citizens, and promoting multicultural understanding through study in at least two languages. EIFA is the only school in the UK to teach all core subjects in English and French – from day nursery to year 13. Most parents would agree it is vital that our children grow up with an openness to, and a deep acceptance of different cultures. This must start with language. It is language that frames our lives and by being bilingual we gain an insight into other cultures. Language skills are also a powerful springboard when it comes to gaining admission into the most challenging universities and workplaces. At EIFA we foster open-minded and flexible citizens of the world who will find themselves at home in more than one culture, communicate in more than one language, understand the views of others and how these are shaped and mix with people of a variety of backgrounds and cultures. We encourage students to reflect on and accept responsibility for their own learning by presenting opportunities for inter-disciplinary research projects where they explore subjects of interest, employing critical thinking skills to select, analyse and evaluate different sources of information in order to offer solutions to the issues raised in class discussions. We equip each student with the requisite tools to achieve their potential by pursuing an internationally accredited education. We provide internationally recognised programmes in the iGCSE and the IB Diploma which encourage learners to acquire social skills as well as academic skills, and foster a desire to promote peace and understanding in our world. History EIFA was founded by Sabine Dehon, a teacher with more than 30 years of teaching experience, and Isabelle Faulkner, an international lawyer. They met in 2007 in London, when Isabelle was looking for a bilingual independent school and they started to talk about a vision for a rather different kind of offering. The vision was of a bilingual school, but one that would creatively combine the rigorous academic approach of the French curriculum with the breadth and excitement of the English one. Thus was EIFA born.

Education And Employers Taskforce

education and employers taskforce



Education and Employers is a UK based charity launched in 2009 which aims to“provide young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential”. The charity believes that every young person in our country, wherever they live, whatever their parents or carers’ circumstances, should have the opportunity to meet a diverse range of volunteers and hear first-hand about jobs and the world of work. To help make this happen the charity works with state schools, employers, the national bodies that represent them and a wide range of other partners including the government and third sector organisations. Its flagship service, Inspiring the Future, uses innovative online match-making technology to connect schools and colleges across the country with tens of thousands of volunteers working in different sectors – for free. These volunteers, from a huge range of jobs – from app designers to zoologists, and at all levels – from apprentices to CEOs, have signed up to share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm about their jobs with young people. The charity’s research has shown that meeting people from the world of work helps to broaden young people’s horizons, raise their aspirations and increase motivation to learn which leads to improvements in attainment. It also helps tackle the ingrained stereotypical views children often have about the jobs people do based on their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background. People can volunteer from an hour a year in a local primary (Primary Futures) or secondary school to chat informally, either in person or virtually, about their job and career route, take part in career speed networking sessions, give young people careers insights, mock interviews or feedback on CVs. There is also the opportunity to link up with schools for workplace visits, job shadowing, and mentoring. Tens of thousands of volunteers have enabled over two million interactions between volunteers and young people to date. Inspiring Governance launched in 2016 and is funded by the Department for Education. The free matching service connects highly skilled volunteers who wish to become governors or trustees with state schools across England, helping to increase the diversity of governing boards and raise school standards. Education and Employers also undertakes research into the effectiveness of employer engagement in education. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world to consider what interventions have most impact.

XML Summer School Ltd

xml summer school ltd

The XML Summer School is a unique event for everyone using, designing, or implementing solutions using XML and related technologies, held in Oxford, UK. The week-long event is made up of courses which range from the basics of XML to advanced topics in linked data, web design, and publishing. Faculty tutors include practitioners and academics who are at the forefront of XML and related technologies. How is the teaching structured? Each course comprises a series of small-group classes, with plenty of time for questions and discussion. Some courses also feature a hands-on component, where you’ll have the opportunity to try out the techniques you have learned, and receive feedback and support on your work. There are also panel discussions, and informal learning opportunities over meals and evening activities. What prior knowledge do I need? That depends. The Hands-on Introduction to XML course is intended for anyone who needs to work with XML and wants to learn the basics. The other courses all assume at least this basic level of knowledge, so if you’re a beginner, you’ll need to take the Hands-on Introduction before moving on to the more advanced training. The exception to this is Trends and Transients, which features lectures by guest speakers about a variety of topics on the cutting edge of XML-related technologies. If you’re unsure about the suitability of any of our courses for your specific needs, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise you! If you’ve been to the Summer School before, but you aren’t sure which course to take next, check the learning paths page for some ideas. What about accommodation and meals? Accommodation, meals, and social events are included in the fee. The venue is St Edmund Hall, one of the most historic sites at the University of Oxford, dating back to the 12th century. All the faculty and delegates stay in college and take part in the social events, so there’s lots of opportunity to discuss questions that arise after the classes. The XML Summer School Flickr group has photos of the college as well as sessions and events. Or you can search for the hashtags we’ve used in the past (#xmlssxx, where #xmlsummerschoolxx, where xx is the two-digit year).

Tissue Viability Society (TVS)

tissue viability society (tvs)

Formerly known as the Tissue Viability Society or TVS. We've now changed our name to the Society of Tissue Viability to reflect our future strategy We're a member-led charity that uses the power of collaborative thinking and action to solve wound and skin challenges Our work is focused around three key areas: building community; sharing expertise; and creating change-makers. All our activities are designed to encourage the collaborative thinking and action needed to solve wound and skin challenges We create spaces where professional connections are made, ideas are shared and collaborative action happens. We’re stronger when we work together. That’s why creating on and offline spaces for people working within skin health and wound care to connect is a big part of what we do. Our flagship annual conference is a key event in the tissue viability calendar. It brings together people from across the UK and internationally to share the latest thinking on skin and wound challenges, and connect with peers. It’s a must-attend for anyone interested or working in skin health and wound care. We also helped establish and support the Wounds Research Network (WReN). WReN links research-active individuals and communities with each other and research-active NHS centres in order to increase collaboration within wounds research. Our lively social media channels are also a great way of connecting with peers and sharing ideas. We share expertise We platform the best new thinking and practices in skin health and wound healing and make sure it reaches the people it needs to. Our official publication the Journal of Tissue Viability is the leading publication in the sector. It covers all aspects of skin health and wound healing, and includes systematic reviews, reports of randomised controlled trials, laboratory studies, case series and individual patient histories. Members receive the Journal free as part of their annual subscription. We also host numerous virtual / online educational sessions – including Fundamentals in… Advanced days and Service specific / specialist – where speakers share their extensive experience and knowledge. These educational sessions are free to attend and offer an invaluable opportunity to share your own expertise and learn from others. Our webinars also offer a lively and ultra-accessible way of learning about a diverse range of topics within skin health and wound healing.