12973 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Fiveways Play Centre

fiveways play centre


We will be celebrating the Queen's jubilee with some 'garden tea parties', with sandwiches and cake, during our last week of term (23rd to 26th of May). We will keep you posted with the days and will make sure every child can a attend a party if they want to. After the half term break, we will be talking about 'Moving on' generally and very subtly! With the Bluebell children, we will focus on the similarities with preschool and school (similar toys and activities, role play areas, outside play areas, carpet time, own peg for bag etc.) The Bluebell children will be practicing some of the skills that will help them in their transition to school. We will be posting some activity ideas you can practice at home too. As well as all this we will be having lots of Summer fun! talking about places we have visited in Brighton, and other places around the UK and around the world!, We will be playing different activities and games on the field, football, tennis, racing, obstacle courses, parachute games and more! Tapestry: This year we started a new system for monitoring each child's development, as some of you may know. We will be reviewing this system and would appreciate your comments and feedback, how is it from a parent's perspective? Don't forget you can access ideas for things to try at home with your child on the Activity Tab on your child's Tapestry account. Lunch time and end of day return: As you may now be aware, we changed our collection routine after lunch and at the end of the day. Tulip children arriving or going home at 12.15 will be collected from the main front door. Bluebell children arriving or going home at 12.15 will be collected from the Bluebell door as before. At 3.30/3.45 all children will be collected from the first door (to Tulip room) past the tall wooden gate. Important dates: Parent's evening: We will be having telephone Parent's 'evenings' appointments for the Tulip parents, during the days of the 16th, 17th and 18th of May. Time slots can be booked from next week. The Bluebell children's parent's evening will be on the 30th of June. This will be 'face to face' as we will be asking parents to read and sign their child school transfer document. The transfer document will give your child's new teacher a brief summary of their strengths and interests in the different areas of learning and will include any information that will help your child settle in school. This is just part of our process for ensuring a smooth transition to the reception school year. Inset day: Preschool will be closed for an inset day on Friday 27th of May Half term: Monday 30th of May to Friday 3rd of June. Summer fayre Saturday 25th of June: We are excited to announce we will be hosting our popular summer fayre again this year! after a 2 year absence. The fayre is a really popular day and we will rely on lots of volunteers to help it run smoothly. Please let us know if you would be able to help in any way. As you know, Fiveways is a charity and we rely on our fundraising activities to provide the equipment and resources we need for our wonderful setting. End of term photographer: Please note the change in date. Our end of year photograph will be on Thursday 7th of July. If you child does not usually attend on Wednesday but you would like them to be in the photograph, please arrive at 9.50am on the day.

Mindfulness Connected Learning

mindfulness connected learning

Mindfulness Connected Learning delivers mindfulness courses, events and workshops to organisations, schools communities, young offenders, parents and families. Veronica is a qualified teacher with over 25 years’ teaching experience. She has taught a variety of ages and groups of children and young adults both within mainstream and special education, including children with severe learning difficulties and with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Her motivation in teaching mindfulness is to create a space where people feel safe and valued and where they can explore and experience the benefits of mindfulness practices in a relaxed and comfortable setting. She is committed to teaching children and adults how to integrate mindfulness into everyday life. Veronica works with individuals and groups to embed mindfulness into the culture of organisations and the communities that they house, and she is committed to enhancing working and learning environments by exploring the more challenging aspects of life and work in a safe and supported context. She is motivated to teach people how to still their minds and enrich their lives by developing a curiosity and deep appreciation of life. Through the practice of mindfulness, she helps create working environments where people can flourish and where workers, teachers, parents, young people and children can develop more harmonious, meaningful and connected relationships. Click here to discover more on the wide range of workshops, courses and sessions Veronica offers. Personal Qualifications: BED 2:1 (Hons) PQH (Professional Qualification for Headship) RTU Teacher of Classroom Based Mindfulness Techniques (.B course),Mindfulness in Schools Project Teacher of Youth Mindfulness for Kids Programme, Glasgow MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Teacher Training, Bangor University, Wales One Year Mindfulness Programme with Youth Mindfulness, Glasgow Teacher Training Mindfulness for Life (adult course), Youth Mindfulness, Glasgow Facilitation of mindfulness sessions for Mediation NI as part of their ‘Walking Each other Home Programme - 2015 to 2017 Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner (Gabor Maté Compassionate Inquiry One Year Programme 2018 -2019) Blue Health Coach Training ( Going Coastal May 2022)

Carole Douillot

carole douillot

Finishing my Masters degree in Business management and English back in 1990, I was drawn to my initial love for teaching. From then on, my career path veered from teaching to customer coordinator, project manager to being a progress coach in a Sixth Form College. This last step inspired me to become a qualified coach. I decided to leave full time employment in September 2016 and after a very enjoyable 6 month training with Animas I got my Transformational Life Coaching certificate in May 2017 and became ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited in June 2018. As a true multipotentialite, my life also involves many projects, volunteering, mentoring and training. My coaching clients vary from students to corporate, self employed and Academics. Issues we have been addressing range from self confidence, lack of direction and clarity to procrastination. My own learnings through this amazing journey have been patience and looking at others’ perspectives and stay curious. My key skill is presence and intuition. Looking forward to carrying on growing as a professional coach, I seize every opportunity to attend talks, networking events, read blogs, volunteer and reach out to the community. In the long run, my main goals are to keep helping the most in need: the youngsters. I truly believe in the power of pure coaching and will endeavour to keep learning and better my skills to help you obtain the change you crave for. Why chose me? because I will help you move forward, take action by gaining clarity and confidence to do so in a few very powerful life changing coaching sessions.

Daisy First Aid North West London

daisy first aid north west london


Jenni Dunman is the winner of 2020 awards from Most Inspirational Woman In Franchise and Best franchise UK Jenni regularly features on TV, stage and on front pages of business magazines and newspapers. She has a shelf full of business awards and was in the top 100 UK female entrepreneurs list by F:entrepeneur as well as being a best selling author in the book ‘Inspirational Women Of The World’ “My life purpose is to save lives” Prior to creating her business Jenni was a police officer in London and experienced a vast number of real first aid emergencies including treating casualties at Edgware Road tube station during its bombing in 2005. In 2014 Jenni (a mum of 3) was sitting in a coffee shop chatting with a friend when her friend’s daughter choked, being an advanced first aider, Jenni knew just what to do. She quickly stepped in and successfully removed the blockage and the little girl recovered perfectly. It was this moment that she realised then that first aid was not something regularly offered to new parents and that so many parents didn’t have basic first aid skills that could so easily save their child’s life. When researching suitable first aid training classes she found that parents were restricted to longer certified classes aimed at the corporate market who often showed frightening videos and told distressing stories. Jenni felt she wanted to educate parents in a way that made them feel happy, confident and empowered rather than terrified and intimidated. Jenni has grown her business from table top to a being multi-award winning franchise with trainers running their own successful Daisy businesses UK wide. She is considered a paediatric first aid expert. She has featured in numerous publications, has a huge celebrity parents portfolio and volunteers her time at many national charity events. Jenni says “We train thousands of parents every year and when you get that call to say a parent saved their child’s life thanks to our class, that is the most unbelievably emotional feeling. We are all so passionate about the importance of first aid and absolutely love what we do.” Daisy First Aid offers fun and fear-free first aid courses designed specifically for parents and child carers. In a two hour class, which takes place in the attendees own home or local venue, the world of emergency first aid unfolds, as parents, grandparents and care givers interact and learn the skills they need to save a life and to treat the most common accidents and emergencies. Babies and breastfeeding are very welcome too. If you are interested in taking one of our paediatric first aid courses, please contact your local Daisy First Aid trainer. We serve many areas