1538 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Tutor Match London

tutor match london


Tutor Matching Service (TMS) was created to promote student success with the core mission of increasing access to one-on-one education in higher education. Since our founding in 2008, we have expanded our purpose to now be able to curate the best technology options for learning centers, tutors, and students, helping to enhance the tutoring experience, in-person and online. We are established partners in the learning center community, partnering with over 200 colleges and universities, as well as being long-time members of the National College Learning Center Association (NCLCA) and the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). TMS’s Web-Based Tutor List CONNECTING STUDENTS TO TUTORS, OR “THE BEGINNING” TMS was originally piloted and financially sponsored by a handful of university tutoring centers (learning centers), career centers, and student governments including IUPUI (an Indiana University campus), Caltech, and NYU-Polytechnic (now NYU Tandon). At many colleges and universities across the country there are gaps in the free tutoring services available to students. This can be due to limited space or hours and tight budgets. Often there aren’t tutors available for students in upper level courses in departments such as physics, chemistry, engineering, finance, and foreign languages. Tutor Matching Service helps solve these problems by providing a safe, simple environment for connecting students in-person and online with private tutors across a wide variety of subjects. Also, colleges and universities often get frequent phone calls from parents of high school students looking for high quality, inexpensive peer tutors for their children. Parents want to find tutors for a variety of situations, from the student who is having difficulty passing algebra, to the AP student who needs a tutor and role model. Local brick and mortar tutoring companies charge $65-$95/hr, which is not affordable for the majority of families. By using TMS, learning centers can support their local community by allowing their certified tutors to tutor privately in a safe and secure way. Tutor Essentials ENHANCING TUTOR’S SKILLS, OR “NEXT STEPS” After increasing access to tutoring for students across the country, TMS recognized a need for a simple yet effective tutor training program that could be provided to their school partners. TMS partnered with Purdue University to develop Tutor Essentials, which is being used by learning centers across the country to enhance their tutor training program. It is a College Reading and Learning Center endorsed, self-paced, and the only complete online tutor training course that counts for 4 hours of CRLA Level 1 ITTPC Certification. GoBoard ONLINE TUTORING FOR EVERYONE, OR “WHERE WE WENT NEXT” After many years of connecting students and tutors for online tutoring sessions, TMS decided to develop their own online platform that met the growing demand for an exceptional online tutoring experience. GoBoard is a first-in-its-class online tutoring platform that combines video conferencing, an interactive canvas, and educational tools like a graphing calculator to create a highly engaging online tutoring session. It even tracks the hours for reporting purposes and records all sessions in a secure administrative panel. It has been thoroughly tested by over 60+ learning centers and is for higher education learning centers to utilize in their day to day operations. Study Edge WHEN STUDENTS NEED A LITTLE MORE HELP, OR “WHERE WE ARE GOING” While there are hundreds of excellent tutors available on TMS, students often need additional academic support to access on their own outside of the classroom or tutoring session. To fill in this gap in support, Tutor Matching Service is excited to introduce a new resource to learning centers- Study Edge. Study Edge is the best option out there for 24/7 academic support in historically challenging courses. Study Edge provides engaging, to-the-point video content, practice problems, quizzes, and helpful PDF study guides for college courses, all delivered through easy-to-use web and mobile apps. Study Edge resources are highly effective at supporting students with often challenging material. The content is aligned with the most commonly used textbooks, including OpenStax. Study Edge can be used by learning centers as an extra resource for their tutors, in conjunction with, or as a digital substitute, for Supplemental Instruction (SI), or just as an additional support for their students. Study Edge excels in understanding the differences in how professors teach the same course, and customizes their video library for each university partner.

Kingsbury High School

kingsbury high school


Welcome to our school website. Kingsbury High School is a fantastic community with a commitment to learning and achievement but also a mission to develop youngsters to become successful members of society. I hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting things happening at our school and see our students acting in the ‘Kingsbury Way’. We aim to provide clear relevant information for all, please let us know if there is anything missing or contact us if you want to know more. Kingsbury High School has many strengths and a long history of success. There is a keen understanding of the importance of values and a sense of tradition, encapsulated by the School motto, spectemur agendo. It dates back to the founding of our predecessor school, the Kingsbury County, in the 1920s, and it is Latin for, “let us be judged by our actions”. As Headteacher I seek to lead the school with this at the heart and ask students to respect themselves, others and the environment. Our students gain excellent examination results in both GCSE and across the Sixth Form. In our most recent inspection Ofsted again rated the school as “good”. Equally, the school is very proud of the way it has achieved these outcomes and the rounded education it offers to its students. We recognise our place in the community and are a key part of the partnership, Kingsbury Schools Together with our local primary schools and the Village (special) School. A great school is a combination of different things. We are equally proud of the many opportunities we provide for our students beyond the curriculum and how we develop students as individuals ready for adult life. Our aim is to develop in all of our students the love of learning, intellectual curiosity, skills and qualities of character needed to become successful, happy and engaged members of society. Our key values are: Integrity; Respect; Responsibility; Resilience; and Aspiration. Through these, we aim to combine both academic success and the development of the broader aspects of each student’s character. I hope that whatever the reason you have chosen to look at our website, as a member of the school community, a prospective parent, student or member of staff, or are simply taking an interest from afar, you find what you are looking for.



Phoenix Domestic Abuse Services (Phoenix DAS) is a highly successful registered charity that uses a variety of methods to end all forms of domestic abuse. Since its inception in 2002 the service has received over 7000 referrals and currently works with more than 50 partner organisations. The Service is forward thinking and adopts a restorative, person centred approach to all areas of its work. This is unusual within the field but is based on the strong belief that all people are capable of change given the right motivation, support and practical assistance. We consider recruitment critically, only selecting those who truly share in our passion, values and beliefs. We, and others who encounter our service, recognise our people make us distinctive, innovative and ground breaking within the field. Over the years Phoenix DAS has listened to the needs of the clients it supports and constantly fought to create a service which creates real change. As a result the service has gone from strength to strength and currently employs over 20 staff over a variety of skills area. Services currently offered are: Victim Safety Team – support the emotional, practical and safety needs of female and male victims of domestic abuse aged 16+, including support through Criminal justice and civil court systems. Rise & Thrive Programmes – Victim Programmes are available to victims reading within Blaenau Gwent. Youth Respect Team – Healthy Relationship Work and also Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). Youth Respect Officers support young people (aged 11-18) who are concerned about their behaviours and responses within their intimate relationships. For those young people who are displaying negative and abusive behaviours at home towards parents/carers we can provide a programme of support to help challenge this. Parenting support is also available to all parents experiencing this abuse. This support is available across Gwent. Children Support – The Recovery team supports children and their parents affected by Domestic Abuse within Blaenau Gwent. This support is available for children aged 6-18. Voluntary Perpetrator Programme – working in Gwent to deliver life lasting change in attitudes and behaviour with those who are motivated to change. This intervention is available for males, females, LGBTQ+, aged 18 and over. It is delivered either in group settings or on a one to one basis.

Landmarks Specialist College

landmarks specialist college


Landmarks started to offer day services and post-16 education in March 1995, where the curriculum was largely practical and land-based, working in farm buildings in Creswell, Derbyshire. Since that time Landmarks has grown and developed its educational offer so that by the time of writing this welcome, Landmarks supports over 150 post-16 and day service Learners, all of whom learn a variety of essential life skills from our five sites located across the East Midlands and South Yorkshire. We have changed our curriculum from purely land and animal-based to include several vocational subjects such as; hospitality, catering, cookery, retail, administration and labouring. These additional subjects support our learners to make informed choices about the type of vocations they would like to follow. College life at Landmarks involves being taught in practical, real-life situations, whilst being supported by highly trained and experienced staff who are experts in working with learners with additional needs. It is important for me, as it is for my team, that whilst learners are with us, they focus on developing knowledge, skills and behaviour that makes a real difference to their lives. I hope from reading the case studies and outcomes featured within this website, you can see what difference that focus has made to our learners’ lives. I am extremely proud of all our learners’ achievements, either becoming more independent so that they can attend activities they enjoy or securing employment for the first time in their lives. Indeed, we are so keen to support our learners that when you leave Landmarks, should you need support to maintain employment or seek advice you can contact our dedicated ‘After College, Aftercare’ team. I do trust that you will enjoy exploring our website and getting to know us a little better. Of course, it is only by visiting Landmarks that you will truly get a feel for the place. Whilst we run regular open events, please feel free to contact our learner recruitment team, who can organise a visit just for you, so you get a perfect opportunity to ask all the questions you have about learning at Landmarks. Also, we are always keen to hear from like-minded colleagues from other institutions, or from those interested in working with us in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to know more.

Life is Fab Ltd | Sophie Sabbage Lifework

life is fab ltd | sophie sabbage lifework

Sophie is a mindset sage; authority on exploding creativity in crises; Sunday Times bestselling author of three books about responding powerfully to challenging situations; highly experienced facilitator and consultant who has worked with numerous leading brands; world-class speaker who challenges minds, touches hearts and stirs new actions; renowned patient activist who has been to the north and south poles of her creativity to stay alive and revolutionise the cancer world. Sophie-Sabbage-The-Cancer-Whisperer-017.jpg A familiar personality following the stunning success of her first book, The Cancer Whisperer, which placed Sophie on a global stage as an authority on why crisis is the birthplace of creativity and how to find grace in the grit of life. She has made numerous media appearances and has since written two more transformational books: Lifeshocks - and how to love them and Awakenings in the Time of Coronavirus (a powerful workshop in an audiobook released in September 2020). She has powerfully walked her talk by turning a six month ‘terminal’ cancer diagnosis (received in 2014) into the most creative years of her life to date by finding solutions she was told did not exist. She has worked in the field of human psychology and corporate transformation for thirty years. B.C. (before cancer) Sophie ran an award-winning business consultancy while delivering courses to hundreds of thousands of people wanting to create extraordinary lives. She has equipped numerous leading brands to evolve with changing winds and has worked with thousands of leaders on their creativity, purposefulness and authenticity. Sophie has also become a world-class speaker in the corporate and wellness markets. She also delivers masterclasses to these clients and her audiences leave wiser, braver and more effective than when they arrive. Her skills as a mindset sage, corporate consultant, transformational teacher, writer and speaker alchemise into exceptional value for her clients. Sophie is eloquent, discerning and boldly truthful. She is gifted at reading people and business cultures. As a transformation and creativity specialist, she challenges minds, touches hearts and delivers practical take-aways in all aspects of her work. She says what needs saying and does what needs doing to help her clients shift what needs shifting. She has a reputation for seeing the few things that can change many things. And running through all her work is one thing that can radically improve the quality of anything if you know how to activate and apply it.