1404 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Sheffield Jazz Workshop

sheffield jazz workshop


Sheffield Jazz runs a Saturday Morning Workshop providing an opportunity for people who play an instrument or sing to learn about and explore the theory and practice of jazz improvisation in a supportive group environment. The Workshop is now in its 40th year! There are currently five groups running each Saturday morning which are loosely graded from beginners to more experienced, each under the guidance of a tutor who is a jazz musician with wide experience of playing and teaching. Twice a year a concert will be arranged where each group will perform material that has been worked on during the preceding sessions. Who’s it for? Sheffield Jazz Workshop is intended for adults but is open to under-18s with parental consent, provided they are able to participate and behave appropriately in the group. Individual instrument tuition is not provided – some basic ability on your chosen instrument is required. Some familiarity with music theory would be helpful but is not a requirement. Anyone interested in exploring jazz improvisation is welcome to join in. The best way to find out if it’s right for you is to give it a try, including just listening and observing without an instrument at first if you so wish. The Workshop does not own or provide any equipment so you need to bring your own gear. Keyboard players need to bring an electric keyboard as the rooms we use don’t have pianos. Guitarists and bass players will need to bring an amp. Vocalists will need a mic and an amp unless you have a very strong voice! Bear in mind you’ll probably be in a room with 6 – 10 saxophones or brass instruments and need enough amplification to be heard in that context. Everyone else bring your instrument (and a music stand plus pencil and paper). Where, when and how much? Location: King Edward’s Upper School, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW (near to the Hallamshire Hospital and King Edward’s Swimming Pool – car park access from Glossop Rd or Newbould Lane) Time: 10.00 am –12.30 pm on Saturdays, most Saturdays during school term time. If you are new to the workshop, please come along on a Saturday at 9.40 and someone will help you find a suitable group. If you have any questions, please contact Hannah at hanzieb@hotmail.com Cost per session; waged: £15.00, unwaged: £7.00 Please do not attend if you have tested positive for Covid-19, if you have Covid-type symptoms or have recently been in contact with someone who has or has subsequently tested positive for Covid. Who are the tutors? Workshop groups are mostly run by Chris Walker, Hannah Taylor, Graham Jones, Nadim Teimoori and Johnny Hunter. Occasionally some sessions will be run by other musicians, including Jude Sacker, Dave Burgoyne and Paul Baxter.