13398 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The People Speak

the people speak


The People Speak CIC inspires communities to be creative and provides training and opportunities to people in East London. The company’s activities will provide benefit to all of the various community groups in East London and beyond, by creating an inclusive, non-judgemental, non-hierarchical space for inter and intra community dialogue. We seek to promote creative dialogue between people of all ages, classes, genders, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.  The company’s activities primarily benefit local community groups in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. We work with people of all ages, classes, genders, cultural and religious backgrounds that live side-by-side in these boroughs. Through formats like Talkaoke – a pop-up talkshow – we promote speaking, listening and exchange of ideas and perspectives between these groups, helping to strengthen community cohesion and dialogue and supporting creative and collaborative initiatives, which positively impact their neighbourhoods. We work with a wide range of organisations and charities to deliver our activities nationally, including facilitating community consultation to inform local cultural, community and placemaking strategies. What we do: Provide creative and interactive group activities for the communities in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham and the wider UK by using a multi-arts approach, technology and creative facilitation; including online events Facilitate regular discussion forums such as Talkaoke – the pop-up talk show; Facilitate community consultation to inform local, cultural, community and placemaking strategies; Provide open-door creative support for people who come to our premises in Aberfeldy Street, Poplar Provide training and opportunities to local young people and emerging creatives. Benefits to the community: Supporting local participants to learn new skills creatively explore their interest and meet people outside of their usual lived experience, Providing activities and events that are free for all communities to access, Strengthening community cohesion through running events and activities that bring all sections of the community together, Empowering people from across communities by ensuring their voices and ideas are listened to and reflected in plans that directly impact where they live, Developing diverse and disadvantaged young people and emerging creatives’ skills, particularly around facilitation and listening, digital and live production and delivery.

The Bwrt Institute

the bwrt institute

The Institute is the Training Arm of the BWRT® methodology - If you're searching for therapy, please visit https://bwrt-professionals.com BWRT has already been the subject of a Ph.D. awarded from Lincoln University, UK, and a clinical trial is currently (at May 2022) in progress: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34696777/ The trial is being funded and conducted by the University of Bergen, Norway, after professors there were impressed with its performance. The Terence Watts BWRT Institute was formerly known as The Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy. It was renamed in October 2018 to better show the therapeutic origins of the process. BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® - BWRT® - was created in 2011 by Terence Watts, a therapist, author of many books and training courses and principal of the Essex Institute in Essex, UK. Like many great ideas it was born out of a moment of inspiration while reading about some experiments carried out in 1983 and later which appeared to show that we don't actually have free will in the way we usually think of it. More than that, it showed that decisions were made and acted upon by our mental processes before we become consciously aware of them. Who is Terence Watts? Click here to find out. It was immediately evident that this process accounted for a huge number of the psychological difficulties which so many people have to put up with, and obvious, too, that with some research it could provide the basis for a profound therapeutic intervention, something potentially more powerful and effective than anything that existed to date. Terence had for some time been working on an idea to work with several complicated issues: Why we sometimes can't stop ourselves doing things. Why we sometimes feel that we just cannot do something we would really like to. Why we so often limit ourselves from getting on with life. Why we sometimes give up on something without even trying properly to do it. Why we sometimes fear something when there's no real reason to do so. Why some situations 'trigger' uncomfortable feelings, even though we have no idea why. Why therapy doesn't always work as we want it to.

Hitchin Boys' School

hitchin boys' school


Hitchin Boys’ School operates as an Academy Trust, providing a comprehensive and traditional single-sex school education which is both highly academic and rooted strongly in its community. Students consistently achieve at the very highest level and each year the percentage of students gaining five or more A*- C grade passes at GCSE including English and Maths is significantly above the national average. Most students go on to higher education including some of the most prestigious universities in the country. Our belief is that all students can achieve excellence with the right support and challenge. The School prides itself on helping young people to achieve whatever their ability, and we celebrate the successes of students in a great variety of activities - sport, music, drama, community and charity work, as well as in the classroom. Fergal Moane, Head Teacher Hitchin Boys' School was inspected by OFSTED in January 2016 and was graded as an outstanding school, retaining this accreditation in the subsequent 2021 inspection. The most recent report notes that “The headteacher and his team have maintained an outstanding school. Their vision for the school is shared widely among all staff. There is a passion to develop pupils both academically and as well-rounded British citizens.” Inspectors also said “Pupils enjoy their time at school. They care about each other and get on well with staff and with their peers. Pupils are polite and respectful. They bring to life the Hitchin Boys’ School values of respect, teamwork and kindness. We are delighted with the outcome of the latest inspection and very happy that the OFSTED inspectors recognised our vision for a well-rounded education which strikes a balance between personal development and academic excellence. We believe that it is effort and hard work which makes success and high achievement.We are committed to a broad-based academic curriculum ensuring that all will have the chance to study the core subjects including English, Maths, Science, Languages, Humanities and the wider subjects including Art, Music, Sport and Technology. We also provide vocational options to meet the needs of our boys.

Marshall Creative.

marshall creative.


“Hope has been brilliant for my business and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.   She has helped me with content and SEO but she’s also a great sounding board for ideas.  She’s creative, strategic and exceptionally hard working.  I can always rely on Hope to resolve any issues I have and don’t know what I would do without her!  “ — Carole Dowling Lead Personal Trainer & Managing Director, The Enjoy Movement “Great creative design of website and overhaul/fixing of SEO. Hope gave excellent advice on all things social media, in particular Instagram and Facebook. Highly recommend.” - Sian Negal, Managing Director, The Wellness Retreat “Hope was amazing working through my design needs. I wasn't 100% sure what I needed and she helped me to pin this down and get some amazing graphics that will save me time and stress in the future. I wouldn't hesitate recommending Marshall Creative to anyone who likes to work with people who really understand their needs and produce amazing products.” - Susanna Heale Managing Director, Heale Solutions “We used Marshall creative to manage our 3 social media platforms and email marketing campaigns and with her content strategy and recommendations we saw a huge uplift in our engagements, reach and followers. Her insightful take on understanding who our audiences were, the type of content they needed and her quick responses to questions elevated nurtureuk social media in such a short time. We found Hope to be professional, helpful and strategic and would highly recommend her. She was a pleasure to work with and we wouldn’t hesitate in working with her consultancy again!” -Arti Sharma, CEO Nurture UK “Hope has really helped us grow our social media presence and gain new business. We have been able to widen our reach and also engage with new businesses online.” — Oliver Trailor Managing Director Runway Training “Marshall Creative helped me hugely when I needed some support for my Squarespace website. They were super friendly, very quick, and had really great, implementable advice on what to fix and how to do it. The advice they gave me was professional and really improved the website overall. Massive recommendation - I'll definitely be coming back!” -Maria Aberg, Managing Director

Nicola at Company of Nature

nicola at company of nature

Welcome! Company of Nature supports wellbeing and sustainability through nature connection. It offers forest bathing walks and nature-based activities in the beautiful woodlands and natural areas of Bedfordshire. Company of Nature also offers events, advice, training and packages to support organisations’ work in wellbeing and environmental engagement through nature. It was set up by Nicola Scholfield who has a background in ecology and sustainability and is a qualified forest therapy guide. my story I’ve felt a deep connection with the natural world for as long as I remember. I grew up in rural Bedfordshire and have fond childhood memories of roaming the countryside and visiting beautiful natural places. My love of the wilds led to a degree in ecology and later a masters degree in leadership & sustainability. I’ve enjoyed sharing my love and understanding of nature in many ways since then. I spent many years in the business and charity sectors delivering projects and campaigns to engage people in environmental issues. During this time I experienced first hand the crucial role that nature can play in supporting our mental health and wellbeing. I also developed an understanding of how connecting with nature not only helps our wellbeing but also encourages us to value and care more for nature. I have trained as a Forest Therapy Guide through Nature & Therapy UK, and guide shinrin yoku (forest bathing) and natural mindfulness walks. I also deliver nature-based activities for groups and families in Bedfordshire for The Wildlife Trust. I’m excited by the potential of nature connectedness to support not only our wellbeing, but to encourage the positive actions we need to restore the natural world. I set up Company of Nature to help us restore our relationship with the natural world – to benefit both people and planet. I believe that at the heart of our own wellbeing is a thriving and nourishing planet. We live in the company of nature; we are part of nature and it is part of us. Today I live and work in and around the beautiful Greensand Country of Bedfordshire, and feel very much at home among its heaths and woodlands.

Social Psychology Research Lab, at Middlesex University Dubai

social psychology research lab, at middlesex university dubai


Middlesex University Dubai is a truly global university committed to meeting the needs and ambitions of a culturally and internationally diverse range of students by providing challenging academic programmes underpinned by innovative research, scholarship and professional practice. We prepare our students to be professional, skilled individuals prepared for the modern world, committed to lifelong learning and able to contribute to the communities in which they live and work. Our academic and administrative staff are fundamental to our success, coming to us from all over the globe to influence the lives of our students. We employ more than 200 staff, including many recognised leaders in their academic field, as well as active practitioners and committed researchers. Driven by honesty, integrity, ambition and mutual support, our Middlesex University staff community forms the foundation of our world-class institution. They work on a global scale to harness the creative, innovative and enterprising spirit that has guided our university since its inception. We are searching for exceptional people to join us. We offer staff an excellent, collegial, and supportive working environment and competitive pay and benefits packages. Recruitment Fraud Awareness Please note that Middlesex University Dubai has an internal recruitment process and we do not use recruitment agencies to hire staff, neither do we charge any fees to join Middlesex University Dubai as an employee, and to do so would be contrary to our business conduct guidelines and ethical practices. If you are approached by individuals or organisations whom you suspect may not be appropriately representing Middlesex University Dubai for example, by telephone or from an unofficial mdx.ac.ae email address offering employment opportunities, please notify the relevant UAE authorities and info@mdx.ac.ae. Please do not respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers of employment from people with whom you are unfamiliar or provide any personal or financial information, and do not send any money to anyone you suspect of recruitment fraud. If you wish to apply for a job at Middlesex University Dubai, please submit your application for an open position advertised on our website to hr@mdx.ac.ae stating the position you are applying for in the subject line. Apologies only shortlisted candidates will be contacted due to the number of applications received.

Birmingham Egyptology

birmingham egyptology


The idea for Birmingham Egyptology arose in 2003 following the graduation of a class of MA Egyptology students eager to maintain their social network. In the following years members met socially and, on occasions, joined together for field trips and enjoyed involvement in research projects and, as a result, several of the original members of the group are still in regular contact. The group newsletter was first published in 2006 and circulation was extended to other interested groups and societies within the discipline. With the addition of new members through the various postgraduate programmes at Birmingham numbers have gradually increased until, by 2011 it was felt that we had sufficient strength in depth to host the CRE conference. That event took place in March 2012, its apparent success inspiring our most recent development: the formation of the Birmingham Egyptology Forum. The Forum brings current postgraduates together with alumni, other students and academics associated with University of Birmingham, and members of the public to work on a variety of projects. Regular seminars are held within the University to discuss matters of mutual interest. Other activities continue the work relating to the Eton Myers collection of objects currently on loan to the University following on from the initial catalogue of essays published on the University web site in June 2012. A summary of Birmingham Egyptology activities are presented on this web site to engage the interest of all persons interested in the topics raised, and updates will be made from time to time as opportunity allows. Items of the type formally published in the newsletter will now appear on the blog section whereas those of a more academic nature will appear in the journal section. The Birmingham Egyptology Journal, ISSN 2053-3586, is a peer-reviewed publication, available free of charge, which provides a platform for the presentation of scholarly articles relating to the culture, history, and archaeology of ancient Egypt and to which Birmingham Egyptology invite contributions from outside sources. Those interested in submitting articles may wish to consult the guidelines for contributors outlined in the ‘Journal’ section. The Birmingham Egyptology website is published by the Birmingham Egyptology Group, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Inspiring Skills

inspiring skills


Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales prides itself for supporting young people across Wales to achieve excellence. We do this by supporting vocational learning through Skills Competitions and the Have a Go initiative, to help encourage young people to excel in the world of work. The project, secured by the Skills Ambassador Network (SAN) in 2014, is a Welsh Government funded initiative led by Coleg Sir Gar. The SAN, was established in 2011, and consists of a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations. Its primary focus, in 2014, was to develop vocational excellence, and encourage and enable greater participation in Skills Competitions by widening the knowledge and expertise across the education and training sector. We recognise that Skills competitions specifically enable young people to achieve their full potential whilst raising their skills levels to meet employer needs. They can drive productivity and prosperity in our economy and create more resilient communities. Investment in skills is an investment in the future of our country, our businesses and our people. The success of the ISEiW project saw the initiative expand in 2016 to delivering what it is today. The project spans across three platforms; Have a Go, Skills Competition Wales and WorldSkills UK Wales, and inspires and elevates young people to achieve excellence. The project provides young people in Wales with improved employability skills and life changing opportunities, with employers benefiting from an additional competitive edge – through the employment of highly skilled individuals bringing proficiency, added value to their businesses and contributing to the prosperity for Wales as a whole. The project establishes a culture across colleges and training providers that delivers more than simply qualifications – it develops world class skills, with experiences that build the confidence and life skills of individuals. A joined up approach to sharing of good practices and expertise is a priority, contributing to raising the standards of teaching and learning across Wales and embedding Skills Competitions as a method of assessing the quality of provision. Through capitalising on the creation of a Team Wales ethos we drive to raise standards and support the creation of a larger pool of highly talented individuals.

Hello Europe

hello europe


The language we use when we talk about refugees and migration is so often tragic. Newspapers publish heartbreaking pictures, we read statistics which boggle the mind in their numbers, learn stories which appall in their tales of suffering. At the same time running through the difficult realities are threads of potential, of optimism, resilience and of capacity for hope. It is here that Ashoka strives to work. For more than thirty years, Ashoka has identified and supported the world’s best social entrepreneurs – leaders with innovative new ideas which can transform broken systems for the better, in fields from health to human rights, education to civic engagement, economic development to environment. In this time we’ve elected nearly 4000 Ashoka Fellows in 90 countries across the world. In a collaboration between Ashoka Germany and Zalando, Hello Europe was created in 2016 to identify the most powerful and proven solutions to challenges surrounding migration, integration and refugee movements with the aim of bringing them to scale in regions most in need. Over time a European, cross-border network of solutions began to emerge, and we began to identify a new paradigm around migration and integration. Now 3 years on, Hello Europe aims to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them. There is a lot at stake: by providing the refugees with only enforced isolation, a lost education, and half-hearted integration, nobody wins. Political will or citizen will are not enough to solve this ever-shifting, accelerating problem – we need the nimble speed of new ideas, the passion of social entrepreneurs, the weight of government and the influence of business combined to transform the landscape for refugees and migrants. “In early 2016 – a critical time in Germany – the Hello Festival in Berlin was so many things at once: a very moving experience, a vivid demonstration of the transformative power of citizen solutions for migration, and a place where unusual partnerships began: between social entrepreneurs, ministries, companies, foundation, and welfare organisations. I am excited this is now happening across Europe!” — RAINER HOELL, ASHOKA GERMANY

Trinity Catholic College

trinity catholic college


It is an honour and a privilege to lead Trinity Catholic College. As a headteacher it is my responsibility to ensure that your children get the very best education and that is why I lead our school through the eyes of a parent. My philosophy is clear; if it is not good enough for my own daughter then it is not good enough for yours. Therefore, I ensure that the high expectations I have for my own child are realised in every decision I make here at Trinity Catholic College. At Trinity we are unashamedly ambitious for our pupils, staff and whole community. Our unique 11-18 school is vibrant and forward thinking, meeting the changing needs of the young people and their families in the modern age. We are proud of our rich heritage and the tradition of academic excellence combined with outstanding pastoral care. Trinity Catholic College is the only 11-18 Catholic provision in Middlesbrough and we are privileged and committed to educating your son or daughter for seven years. Trinity Catholic College provides the best start in life, enabling students to confidently meet the challenges of the wider world. Here, academic excellence is achieved in surroundings where relationships are based on care, trust and respect. We welcome students from across Middlesbrough building a Catholic community that has, at its heart, prayer and service to others. Our Catholic foundation and ethos is central to all that we do, supported by the work of our lively Chaplaincy Team. Our mission is simple yet powerful; we follow Jesus, build our family and, in turn, fulfil our potential. At Trinity, a special value is placed on love and forgiveness, which encourages relationships based on trust, kindness, self-respect and care for those in need. At Trinity we are relentlessly ambitious for our pupils. That is why we offer a rich curriculum both in and outside the classroom. We ensure that our staff are highly qualified, driven and experts in their field with a passion for bringing the curriculum alive each and every lesson so that both pupils and staff can craft extraordinary work.