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Fire Protection Ltd

fire protection ltd


WELCOME TO FIRE PROTECTION LTD. Manufacturers and Installers of Fire Resisting Ductwork, HV Cable and Service Enclosures. We offer the well-known range of Flamebar fire resisting ductwork systems, successfully tested to the current EN 1366 Part 1, 8 and 9 standards. Our tried and trusted BW11 systems offer up to E120 and the BW18 systems up to El120 to Parts 1 and 8. Our uninsulated BW11 ducts offer insulation at 400°C for 120 minutes. In addition, we are able to offer EN1366-9 unsprayed solutions for exposure to E120 at 600°C. Following our successful series of tests, we are pleased to also offer our NEW FPLHV High Voltage cable enclosure, offering unparalleled insulation performance and tested to meet the standards of both EN 1366-5:2021 and the revised, and more onerous, BS 8519:2020 requiring T3 thermocouples midway inside the furnace. Also available is our FPL05 fire resisting service enclosure, tested to protect against both external fire exposure and fire inside the enclosure for 120 minutes. Our qualified and experienced team provide extensive technical advice as well as practical solutions on the specification and installation of fire resisting ductwork and HV cable and service enclosures. We share our experience and knowledge with bodies such as the ASFP and BESA to prioritise life safety and to raise the bar across the industry, in line with Dame Judith Hackitt's recommendations. We are third-party accredited under the FIRAS, LPS1531 and new Warringtonfire EWCL5 schemes, and our extensive third-party accredited manufacturing facilities ensure that our clients are guaranteed quality products as tested and on time. Our in-house R&D department, which includes a test furnace, enables us to carry out indicative testing, developing new ideas before full UKAS-accredited testing and product offering. We are proud to offer an extensive technical and support service, underpinned by the vast experience of our highly trained and competent staff. We also offer a CPD service, presented by our knowledgeable and experienced team.

Rochdale Connections Trust

rochdale connections trust

Rochdale Connections Trust are the leading independent provider of Domestic Abuse services, family support services and targeted youth support interventions throughout the Borough of Rochdale. We were founded in 1997 by a group of local Youth Court Magistrates concerned by the number of young people coming before them who were disengaged from education with little or no family support. They soon realised that in order to impact effectively the offer of support needed to be extended to incorporate a whole family approach and employed key workers to offer supportive mentoring and bespoke interventions based on identified needs. Volunteer Mentors were recruited and utilised to provide sustained support to clients, most notably troubled adolescents and their families. 25 years after our inception the Charity is deeply embedded in the diverse local communities of Rochdale, Heywood, Middleton and The Pennines townships, particularly those with greatest need. We are trusted by residents, with a good word of mouth reputation. By knowing our community, understanding the complexity of the issues faced and evolving as an organisation to meet changing social, health and wellbeing needs. We remain wholly committed to our core work with vulnerable, disadvantaged children, young people and their families, delivering intense, supportive interventions designed to prevent disengagement including a package of bespoke mentoring support, group work and 1:1 sessions; in addition to dedicated work with the family.