1538 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Redesign Coaching

the redesign coaching


I’VE BEEN IN YOUR SHOES…. ..and ever since I’ve been on a crusade to support successful but unfulfilled mid-life professionals to find a way out of what it is they think they SHOULD be sticking with to finding a new working life chapter that fills them with joy. I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communication corporate roles working with some of the most famous luxury brands in the world. For many years and for the most part I loved it - I got to travel the world, meet interesting people, work on exciting projects and felt like I was ‘lucky’ to work with such companies. I moved into my forties, had my second child and as I moved into a different ‘phase’ of my life the landscape just didn't look the same any more. Don’t get me wrong there were still parts that I loved (which makes it even harder to make a change, I know and understand this…) but the corporate landscape just didn't work for me anymore. I worked long hours and travelled, hardly seeing my children except for weekends. The juggle between family life and a busy career started to take its toll (that feeling of not feeling like you are doing anything well) and of course I never had any time to take care of myself, that was definitely last on the list. Finally deep down I knew I wanted to do something different, which if you are reading this is likely to be where you are now. It was not an easy decision to make, I know that it can also feel like you are leaving a life and part of you behind. However with the help of a coach I knew it was time for a change and a new challenge that gave me the flexibility and autonomy that I craved. I retrained with The Coaching Academy the UK’s leading coaching organisation which is ICF accredited. I now work as a Career and Personal Performance Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I am a graduate in Psychology, a member of the British Psychological Society and a licensed Firework Career Coach.

Wellfield Education

wellfield education


The key to success in education and the workplace is to be surrounded by inspiring and competent people who can give you the tools you need to reach their level, as well as the resources to do so. Our aim is first of all to ensure that the children know and understand what they need from the curriculum to pass their SATS, GCSEs and A-levels in order to satisfy the requirements of the education system. Yet more importantly to we seek to braoden their minds – to get them to want to learn and love learning by putting them in an environment with highly educated, motivated and intelligent teachers who have been successful in education and the workplace. Teaching staff include a mixture of highly qualified teachers, graduate students and other professionals who are keen to encourage children from all, and especially disadvantaged, backgrounds in to their professions such as engineering, the sciences, law and writing. We take those who are not professional teachers intentionally because many children would not otherwise be exposed to such high level professionals in their day to day lives, and these motivated, successful people have a wealth of specialist knowledge not taught in schools. We hope the children will be inspired by these people. Examples of what we have done outside of the curriculum include training children for the Maths Challenge which can eventually lead on to the Maths Olympiad and introducing some very basic ideas from number theory. One of our teachers was a philosophy graduate and tried teaching basic propositional logic and reasoning skills. Just before the last term ended, we started a program of reading classic English literature in the oldest classes and initiated a debating club. We also have an ambitious program in development to organize work experience and internships at big city firms, engineering companies and civil service institutions to show children what they can achieve if they put their minds to it. Finally, we want members of the community involved. They might teach, or act as classroom assistants or offer work experience or supervise behaviour – anything that gets parents involved with their children's education.

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

harris westminster sixth form


Welcome to Harris Westminster Sixth Form. We are one of the highest-performing sixth forms in the UK and it is my enormous privilege to lead it as Head of School. I have worked at Harris Westminster since 2015 and this is truly a special school, with the most fantastic students and the most engaging and inspirational staff. My educational background is a little different to most of our students; I grew up in the United States while attending boarding school in Worcestershire, but I then went on to study Economics at UCL and have been based in London ever since. My own school journey is what drives my desire to work with students like ours. I teach maths and love maths- but didn't read it at university (it wasn't the cool option...!) It is our job as sixth form staff to help make sure our students make the best decisions for themselves around what they love, through sharing as much information we can and being sounding boards for their ambitions. At the heart of our school is the belief that, given the right opportunities, students from any background can succeed at the highest levels, both at university or apprenticeships and in their future careers. Our academic successes are clear, both in terms of outstanding A-Level results and post-18 destinations, and we are particularly proud of the achievement of those students from less advantaged backgrounds. While academics are important and are the key to opening doors to universities or apprenticeships, it is the enormous breadth of other opportunities available to Harris Westminster students that really set them up for success in life, and sets us apart from other sixth forms. We encourage students to explore the hinterland of their subjects by attending academic societies, reading widely, competing in essay competitions, and responding wisely. We encourage students to explore their own personal hinterland by choosing diverse cultural perspectives courses, attending one of our big-6 societies where they can discuss real-life issues and events, joining clubs just because they sound interesting, choosing unusual sport options, taking part in house events, or by taking on one of the many leadership opportunities available.

The Bwrt Institute

the bwrt institute

The Institute is the Training Arm of the BWRT® methodology - If you're searching for therapy, please visit https://bwrt-professionals.com BWRT has already been the subject of a Ph.D. awarded from Lincoln University, UK, and a clinical trial is currently (at May 2022) in progress: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34696777/ The trial is being funded and conducted by the University of Bergen, Norway, after professors there were impressed with its performance. The Terence Watts BWRT Institute was formerly known as The Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy. It was renamed in October 2018 to better show the therapeutic origins of the process. BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® - BWRT® - was created in 2011 by Terence Watts, a therapist, author of many books and training courses and principal of the Essex Institute in Essex, UK. Like many great ideas it was born out of a moment of inspiration while reading about some experiments carried out in 1983 and later which appeared to show that we don't actually have free will in the way we usually think of it. More than that, it showed that decisions were made and acted upon by our mental processes before we become consciously aware of them. Who is Terence Watts? Click here to find out. It was immediately evident that this process accounted for a huge number of the psychological difficulties which so many people have to put up with, and obvious, too, that with some research it could provide the basis for a profound therapeutic intervention, something potentially more powerful and effective than anything that existed to date. Terence had for some time been working on an idea to work with several complicated issues: Why we sometimes can't stop ourselves doing things. Why we sometimes feel that we just cannot do something we would really like to. Why we so often limit ourselves from getting on with life. Why we sometimes give up on something without even trying properly to do it. Why we sometimes fear something when there's no real reason to do so. Why some situations 'trigger' uncomfortable feelings, even though we have no idea why. Why therapy doesn't always work as we want it to.

Government Post Graduate College, Hisar

government post graduate college, hisar

Government College, Hisar is a premier higher education institution of Government of Haryana. It is a prestigious college established in 1950 and has continuously been maintaining its heritage of providing quality education to students since then. It is ‘A’ grade NAAC accredited HEI and is among the Model Colleges of Government of Haryana. It is an affiliated college and recognized by UGC under sections 2(f) and 12(B). Presently, it is affiliated to Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar. It is running from a sprawling campus of about thirty-four acres with a built up area of about 9575.99 square meters. It is situated at the central location of Hisar on Rajgarh Road. It imparts learning to about 5200 students from diverse socio-cultural background in twenty-three courses for eleven undergraduate programmes including four honours and six postgraduate programmes. A dedicated, scholarly and hardworking team of about two hundred teachers assisted by committed and industrious sixty members of non teaching staff is the mainstay of the college. The spacious classrooms with necessary teaching aids and the good network of well equipped laboratories are instrumental in imparting quality education to students. There is a separate block of Library within the main building consisting of well stocked two storied book space, a well equipped E-Resource Center and an extended reading lounge. The large eight acre multipurpose sport ground, the grounds for handball, basketball and badminton, the open gym and the facility of wrestling and boxing mats are the part of college sports infrastructure. The well furnished auditorium with good audio-visual facility provides ready arrangements for organization and rehearsal of different events. Other support facilities in the college include a well equipped Conference-cum-Activity Room, two permanent open stages, a Girls’ Hostel with the facility of mess, gym and recreational room and a modest Canteen. Government College, Hisar works as a strong powerhouse to instill in students profound academic and interpersonal skills and infuse in them intense positive energy so that they will join the bandwagon of progress and prosperity later in their career and prove themselves as real assets for the society.

Shantiniketan Public School (CBSE)

shantiniketan public school (cbse)

/ The Shantiniketan Public School (SPS), has changed the concept of schooling by introducing a learning system truly designed for nurturing young minds of the 21st century through digital and activity based learning method. The school unique curriculum is designed by academic experts by studying today’s schooling, community requirements and diversity in education. SPS always keep student centric view and work together with parents. Our teaching learning model is based on activity learning and self learning method. We educate our students to be enthusiastic, curious learners who know and understand themselves as individuals and productive community members. They are resilient, numerate users of multiple literacy’s and socially competent. A Shantiniketan Public School is your child’s first experience away from you. To ensure, that this transition from home to school is a smooth process, we have trained staff members, your child's Fun Partner at Shantiniketan Public School. As your little bundle of joy takes the first step into a new world, he or she is not alone. Teacher is always there to help your child get comfortable in the nurturing environment of our School. This makes Teacher your child’s best friend at Shantiniketan Public School. Our Philosophy Shantiniketan Public School has been conceived with the sole purpose of providing effective solutions to your child’s school related issues, and with a conviction of making well-accomplished, responsible and all-rounded personalities of the future. Our “Child First’’ philosophy emphasises that your child Plays, Learns and Grows to imbibe essential life skills through exploration and discovery. Integrated use of scientifically designed games, toys and technology in our School curriculum makes learning fun and engaging for children. Learning is a life skill that goes beyond reading and writing. Through constant innovation & years of experience in the child care education, we ensure the right balance of stimulation and age appropriate learning in every child. At Shantiniketan Public School, academics is neatly integrated with other developmental activities – workshops, performing arts, sports to name just a few general ones. Each student is allowed to explore areas of interest and exploit talents to the maximum potential

Oxford EMI

oxford emi

Making Internationalisation a Success Oxford EMI Ltd works with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Governments all over the world making Internationalisation a success. Our Oxford EMI Certificate for University Lecturers courses are available online and face-to-face. Our professional development courses are for universities, colleges, consortia which are internationalising. They are for lecturers, professors, academics and researchers who face the challenge of teaching their academic subject through English Medium Instruction (EMI). The courses are multidisciplinary with participants who teach Business, Finances, Economics, Engineering, Sciences and Humanites. The participants are experts in their fields teaching Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral students. Some are very experienced academics and some are post-docs who are just starting on their teaching career. Our experienced team of teacher trainers, EMI consultants and researchers understand how challenging teaching through a foreign language can be. Lecturing to a full hall of international students is not the same as speaking at a conference or reading an academic paper. Participants benefit from courses which are based on research into Education and EMI and from the exchange of practical ideas for making lectures interactive and motivating for all students in international classes. Online Courses Oxford EMI Certificate for University Lecturers courses are short, intensive, trainer-led courses with live video-conferencing with Oxford EMI trainers. We have had outstanding feedback for our online courses. Please contact us if you would like to speak to participants who have completed a course with us. The Oxford EMI Certificate for University Lecturers self-access course is also available. Please contact us if your university would like to sample this course. Train the Trainer (Cascading Training) In addition to working with lecturers, Oxford EMI also develops bespoke courses for universities which want to cascade EMI support. We work with groups of teachers who will become EMI support or even trainers themselves within their university or region. These are bespoke courses for universities. Please feel free to contact us for more information about this. Oxford and International Courses We host courses here in Oxford and at universities around the world. Our team of trainers travel to your university to teach our EMI Professional Development courses.