11963 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Minerva Consulting Services

minerva consulting services


The VUCA environment demands that dispersed organizations are agile – able to focus, organize and engage people efficiently and effectively as the operating context changes. Covid-19, resilience and business continuity demands the same. Beyond the C-19 pandemic; employees will expect more choice in how they work; regular remote working will become the norm, and Artificial Intelligence will soon make many current jobs redundant. Agility requires collective leadership capability – an adaptable, durable enterprise approach to leading and leadership which develops, executes and evolves strategy in the face of changing context and unexpected progress while pursuing change, transformation, innovation and business performance improvement. Agility requires the creation of 'directional clarity' and 'emotional engagement' on a dynamic basis; this is harder to do in dispersed and remote working conditions. Yet remote working can enable greater participation and collaboration as perceived hierarchical power is eliminated when everyone is a '2 inch box on a screen', and leaders are forced to trust their people more than they have done. This increases people's feelings of 'psychological safety' which is an essential pre-condition for learning and changes to ways of working. Distributed leaders in a team of teams make strategy meaningful to align thinking and priorities; shared leadership, facilitated de-centralised decision making and collaborative planning harnesses peoples’ expertise and commitment, and releases energy and creative thinking and ideas. Doing this remotely requires 'meeting leaders' to develop their basic coaching and facilitation skills while keeping calls focused and minimising 'repetition and deviation''. Structural agility influences how quickly decisions are made, and how co-ordination and collaboration are enabled. Rapid reconfiguration is facilitated by a common approach to defining role-relationships and aligning accountability and authority (both vertically and laterally). Influence, not 'telling' is essential in human relationships, and roles lacking accountability-authority alignment, are ultimately untenable. Our approach to decision-making practice , informed by and combined with digital exploitation, builds cognitive and competitive advantage. VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity; a term first used in the US Army War College, 1987. Practical, Scalable, Adaptable Initiatives Embedded with Speed and Accuracy We are a network of experienced senior consulting, business, public sector and academic professionals. Our mission is to provide clients with cost-effective, scalable, coherent and sustainable leadership, transformational change and organization design solutions; in order to address and exploit the strategy, digital, resilience and people challenges and opportunities facing enterprises. The speed, accuracy, economy and effectiveness with which we deliver results set us apart from process-driven and high cost alternatives. With a track record of innovative, pragmatic and effective delivery, the difference we bring is in our depth of understanding, speed of response and cost-effectiveness. We operate without ‘administrative drag’, but with the experience and wisdom to understand our client sectors and the understanding of leadership, strategy execution and culture change gained from personal experience of ‘doing it’ rather than ‘advising about it’. Our ethos stems from our backgrounds of service and motivation to 'add value'. We harness ICT and our network to disrupt large consultancies. We ‘horizon scan’, think strategically and personally lead tactical delivery with speed, accuracy, agility and practical fit to the client requirement. We deploy 'clever creatives' and 'disruptors' who are committed to their work, not to career advancement, to challenge and question the unquestionable. We exploit our combined business, public sector and research experience and insights to anticipate needs and to propose simple, practical solutions to improve the moral, conceptual and physical components of business competitive advantage and organizational effectiveness. Our services deliver real value. We collaborate, research, question and challenge to co-create and embed scalable, durable and adaptable consultancy and applied learning solutions. We fuse live challenges —transformation and change, business continuity, innovation, market disruption— with leadership and strategy execution capability development. We don’t do the transformation to you; we help you to make the transformation yourself and develop your internal expertise to ensure that initiatives are holistic, embedded and sustainable. We support participants and their line leaders in making 'new ways', the 'new norm' by exploiting 'exposure and experience' and not by relying on programmes of 'education and training'. Where are we based? We are based in the Reading, UK area; with associates around the UK, Australasia, Asia, USA and Europe. We have delivered large scale initiatives ultimately reaching 2,500 participating leaders with teams delivering services concurrently in Asia, USA and UK. These teams have comprised mobile subject matter experts, local associate consultants, coaches and actors, and trained client internal consulting and L&D personnel.

British Society For Middle Eastern Studies

british society for middle eastern studies


Our Aims To encourage and promote interest and study of the Middle Eastern cultural region from the end of classical antiquity to the present day in particular but not exclusively through the dissemination of information and by the encouragement of co-operation amongst persons concerned with the scholarly study of the region. Statement of Purpose Founded in 1973, BRISMES provides a forum for educators and researchers in Middle East Studies. Membership is open to all regardless of nationality or country of residence. We work to promote interest in Middle East Studies and to raise awareness of the region and how it is connected to other parts of the world, including the UK. Middle East Studies is a diverse field, which encompasses all the humanities and social sciences and reaches from the present back to classical antiquity. The long history of our field of study has made us particularly aware of the connections between knowledge and power. We see connections between research, education, teaching and fundamental questions of social change. We do not believe that research and education should be divorced from the wider social and political context nor that it should exist to serve elites. We believe that a commitment to promote research and education in Middle East Studies involves a duty to consider the conditions under which knowledge is produced and disseminated, and if necessary, to speak out against power structures and interests that prevent the flourishing of research and education in our field.

Dance Movement Psychotherapy, Goldsmiths, University of London

dance movement psychotherapy, goldsmiths, university of london

Your learning will be underpinned by the principles and practices of psychodynamic psychotherapy within the social, political and multicultural context of mental health care and educational settings. Study is informed by contemporary dance practice, Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) and somatic bodywork. Through theoretical studies, movement observation studies, dance practice workshops, clinical work and experiential learning, you integrate cognitive understanding and practical experience with a developing awareness of self and other. The nature of the therapeutic relationship is explored in depth through movement and dance and you have the opportunity to put your learning into practice through at least 90 days of supervised placements. This gives you the opportunity to relate your practical experience to your theoretical studies. You'll be encouraged to develop your own dance/movement practice and to situate your work in relation to your development as a therapist, to contemporary dance and movement practice. You're required to be in personal therapy throughout the programme (please note that this is at your own cost). On graduation you are eligible to become a registered professional member of the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy (ADMP UK). Follow us on Facebook for more about the MA, including photos of our graduate show. Short courses We offer a Dance Movement Psychotherapy short course, along with other therapeutic short courses. Visit our short course pages to find out more. Contact the department If you have specific questions about the degree, contact the Department of Social, Therapeutic, and Community Studies.




Aksantys is an independent, multi-disciplinary non-profit organization aimed at supporting and creating innovative IT solutions and educational programmes to boost the digital transformation in Europe and abroad. By possessing and developing unique abilities to collaborate jointly at the entrepreneurial, as well as policy making level, Aksantys’ mission is to strengthen the potential of the digital transformation to improve the economic welfare of societies Established in the UK and rebranded in France, Aksantys today provides innovative IT tools and programmes to the private and public sector, as well as policy advices and education in the field of digitalization in vocational education and training. Drawing on an experienced in-house team, a network of experts and partners, Aksantys’ activities are territorially focused at the EU and African level. Our activities are addressed to diverse type of stakeholders. Therefore, they are divided into two types of specific activities: Activities provided at the policy framework level. As well as activities proposed at the company level. At the policy framework level: The diagnosis of the skills needs and skills forecasting at the national, sectoral and local level. The diagnosis of the skills supply and skills shortages at the national, sectoral and local level. Innovative tools for the work-based learning. Measures aimed at identifying digital competence gaps. Rich set of tailored-made courses on digital competences: information and data literacy, digital technologies for communication and collaboration, netiquette, cyber security and others. At the company level:

AZ Eng Ltd

az eng ltd

AZ Eng Ltd. is a UK based company that provides professional consultancy and training services to a number of industries in the field of Mechanical Engineering. We have expertise in the design and analysis of: Piping Systems, Pressure Vessels, Marine Engineering, HVAC, Technical Risk Management and Industrial Engineering. Training Courses AZ Eng Ltd. provide a variety of CPD courses, specifically developed for engineers. We expect attendees to have good understanding of engineering theory from their university degree, our training supplements this with practical knowledge and techniques that are needed to produce good designs. Our aim is to provide top quality training for engineers. We believe in using the real life knowledge of engineers with industrial experience to create practical training course. When putting our courses together we always strive to strike the right balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application to provide an in depth understanding of the subject and equip students with skills that they will use in their real life jobs. All our trainers are Chartered Engineers with wealth of experience. At the end of each course attendees recieve printed certificates with details of the course. Below is the list of training courses currently available. Click on the course for details. Piping Design Courses Design of piping systems Flow analysis with Fluid Flow Sizing of components: pumps, fans, pipework, control valves, relief valves Piping Design to ASME B31.3 Piping Design to EN 13480

Art Sea Craft Sea

art sea craft sea


About After studying illustration, Stacey Chapman worked as a designer of interiors for events and corporate launches. She began Freehand Machine Embroidery after viewing the process on Kirstie Allsopp’s Channel 4 show. In November 2013 she founded her business, Art Sea Craft Sea, creating pet portraits in thread, to commission. Her unique application of the freehand machine embroidery process and background as an illustrator, enables her to create strikingly life like thread paintings. Since then she has exhibited around the UK at events ranging from Crufts to Countryfile Live and Kirstie Allsopp's Handmade Fair. Stacey was proud to be taken under the wing of Janome in 2016 and has taught workshops at their custom built sewing school at their HQ in Stockport. Chapman has gone on to teach creative sewing workshops around the country from regular sessions at John Lewis in Oxford Street to her hometown of Margate, Kent. For these sessions at the luxe Sands Hotel, Stacey was nominated for a Tourism and Hospitality Award in 2019 as well as being shortlisted for the National Needlecraft Awards in the same year. In 2020 started teaching online for the prestigious teaching college for the W.I., Denman at Home. As well as writing her monthly column for the UK's best selling sewing magazine, Love Sewing, Stacey still creates and exhibits in local galleries with her vintage style portraiture and fashion Illustrations featuring up cycled retro fabrics, revisiting a technique she began at school.

Council Of Validating Universities

council of validating universities


About CVU The Council of Validating Universities is the only body in the UK specialising exclusively in good practice and standards for that aspect of higher education which concerns the validation of programmes of study by universities and colleges (‘awarding institutions’) for delivery by other colleges or organisations (‘partner institutions’). The term ‘collaborative provision’ is often used to describe this form of partnership. Foundation and Remit The CVU was formed in 1982 and registered as a charity in 1996. It became incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee on 28th October 2004 (Company Number: 05272761). It is a non-statutory body comprising representatives from higher education institutions and other related organisations in the United Kingdom. Objectives: To advance education, including training and research, in particular by: keeping under review the concerns of degree-awarding institutions within the United Kingdom in relation to collaborative activity identifying and promoting good practice in collaborative validation. The CVU defines ‘collaborative provision’ as the process whereby a degree-awarding body judges one or more programmes of study, courses, or modules offered by another body to be appropriate to lead to a qualification and/or credit of that degree awarding body. The programmes of study may be designed and developed by either the degree-awarding body or the the other body or a partnership of the two. Collaborative validation therefore embraces the accreditation of institutions, the franchising of courses and other forms of academic association.

Evolve Integral Ltd

evolve integral ltd


Why change when you can evolve? Evolution happens when we transcend and include what went before. To achieve this requires clarity of purpose, values and the deployment of our unique capabilities. Evolution is not about becoming something different, rather it's the process of becoming a deeper and fuller expression of who and what we essentially are. About Me I am Steve Creffield, a workshop facilitator, designer and coach. I am at my best hosting dynamic and innovative workshops in which people can discover, evolve and safely practice new approaches. I also enjoy the richness of working 1-1 with clients in a coaching capacity and as a designer. For over two decades, I have hosted workshops in Universities, the Health Sector, and NGO's in UK and worked globally with clients like the United Nations, The Palladium Group, WaterAid, and many more. The projects we work on are aligned to developing shared meaning and purpose, improving collaboration, and focus on innovative ways to move forward. My approach integrates research and insights from multiple fields and weaves them into creative workshops, coaching and bespoke solutions. Solution-focused techniques, Living Systems approaches and storytelling underpin much of what I do. My aim always is to adapt and refine this approach so that it aligns with your hopes and aspirations. If you would like to talk through ideas, needs, or the way I work then you can message me directly here and I would be delighted to hear from you.