1360 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Amber Rose Wellbeing

amber rose wellbeing


Through personal experience, I know how vital self-care is. I have designed some classes to allow people to take the much needed time away to relax, which in turn will reduce their stress and anxiety. I feel it is even more crucial now as we are dealing with so much uncertainty around us! What is hypnosis? Well, before you say it, no it isn't turning people into chickens! Hypnosis allows you to go into a deep relaxation. Once in a relaxed state, guided imagery is often used alongside positive suggestions such as "you will have a calmer and more positive week". It is important for me to point out that you remain in complete control throughout the whole experience. Many people have said that they have left feeling totally calm after the experience and it is often seen as a way of escaping from reality for a little while! In my practice I use a combination of techniques and tools to tailor make the experience for your individual and specific needs. I work in an integrative approach and deal with many issues at once as I believe they are all interlinked. I am bound by an ethical framework and I am part of the National Hypnotherapy Society and National Counselling Society. I offer training and 1:1 sessions. Even if you do not decide to go with me, please ask the therapist what qualifications they have, this is something I feel strongly about as when working with you we need to be open and competent in our ability to help you to feel the best you can. Feel free to click the link below to find out more about what I can offer you and please do feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

International Society Of Performance Analysis Of Sport

international society of performance analysis of sport


The International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport ( ISPAS ), and its predecessor the International Society of Notational Analysis (ISNAS - 1991), was founded to improve the international cooperation in the field of Analysis of Sport. Obviously, the internationalization of this discipline is of great importance for the exchange of views, the discussion and presentation of current research results as well as the realization of joint research projects. Until now the Society has existed quite informally – its main purpose was to ensure the continuing excellence in its World Conferences in Liverpool (1991), Cardiff (1993), Turkey (1995), Porto (1998), Cardiff (2001), Belfast (2004) and Szombathely, Hungary (2006). But now with the rapid growth of Performance Analysis as a discipline and career, there is a need for the Society to assume more formal responsibilities. The Society now has the following purposes/objectives: dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning performance analysis of sport providing a forum for the exchange of ideas bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners gather and disseminating information, scientific knowledge and materials on performance analysis of sport counselling other organisations in questions of performance analysis of sport Representation of computer science in sport in other scientific associations It's tasks are: Editing the e-journal, the International Journal of Performance Analysis of Sport (eIJPAS) Organization of 2 – 3 workshops each year, preferably rotating the venues internationally. Maintaining the web-site as a forum of communication for performance analysts and/or any other interested parties. Manage the organisation of the World Conference at different venues around the world, bi-annually when possible. Monitor the scientific content of the papers and presentations at the Conference, and produce the Proceedings Organise and manage accreditation and registration of Academic Performance Analysts and Consultant Performance Analysts of sport

Aspirations Education Uk Centre

aspirations education uk centre

Aspirations Education(AE) is one of Sri Lanka’s premier career guidance and student placement service establishments. AE was born of a resolute commitment to be a fountain of inspiration to the Sri Lankan youth to realize their aspirations. Today it is reputed for being the leading and trusted partner for guiding scores of students in their chosen academic paths. We work with over 100 prestigious universities and institutes in Australia, UK, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Malaysia & Singapore. Our services are unique, since there is no charge for our wide-ranging professional services. While we provide expert career guidance and professional counselling services to students who wish to pursue their education overseas, our focus is to help you to make the right decision and use all available opportunities to achieve your ambitions. The Aspirations Education Foundation (AEF) is the community and social development wing of Aspirations Education, focused on the ideal of ‘Village and School – the nation’s prosperity’. AEF strongly believes that it is the quiet and tireless effort of the less fortunate in our community that is the driving force of our nation’s success. Regrettably their struggle is often forgotten and undervalued. AEF focuses on investing in primary education, the heart of a country’s success. Concerted efforts in this sphere, along with developing the surrounding community are vital for the long term development of our country. We have also been a pioneer in developing a raft of innovating and exciting programmes designed to stimulate the development of the personality and skills of our country’s youth. Some of these innovative programmes are Pathbreaker,(first education based reality programme in the country) Learn, Earn & Serve Our Nation, Inter-school Dance Contest, Aspirations Youth Club and Stage You. All these programmes have given an impetus for the intellectual and personality enhancement of the young.

Ipswich And Suffolk Bangladeshi Muslim Community Centre And Mosque

ipswich and suffolk bangladeshi muslim community centre and mosque

Welcome to the Ipswich Mosque Ipswich & Suffolk Bangladeshi Muslim Community Centre and Mosque. The Ipswich Mosque offers a wide range of services; in addition to the Daily Prayers. We also offer counselling; education for children and adults; services related to birth, marriage and death and more. It is with great sadness that Ipswich Mosque has learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our deepest condolences to Her Majesty’s children and their families on this sad occasion. Her Majesty was a great example of devotion to civic duty and public life. She is not only the longest reigning monarch in British history she has also been the background to the lives of most of us alive today. She was the monarch who earned the widest possible respect here in the UK and throughout the world. Her Majesty always put duty first and brought dignity and decency to the highest office in the land. She embodied the best of qualities and was a focus for national unity and identity. Her Majesty has been the still calm centre of stability and reassurance to this nation and the other nations of which has been head of state for more than seventy years. While so much around her has changed she has been a distillation of our national identity, she has been a constant in an ever shifting world, steadfast, dependable dutiful. Her Majesty’s life was one of finely judged service true to the principles of constitutional monarchy driven by duty. Her Majesty’s life has been a huge inspiration and she will be sadly missed by all. Her Majesty’s passing is great loss to the nation. She was a remarkable human being who leaves a remarkable legacy to our country and beyond.

Dame Allans Schools

dame allans schools

Newcastle upon Tyne

Choosing the right school for a child is something that I know parents spend much time and thought on - and rightly so. If you were to ask our parents why they chose Dame Allan’s they would tell you that the children here are positive and outgoing, at ease with themselves and each other, yet excited and enthused by the opportunities ahead of them. By the time they leave school, you will want your child to have grown into a confident young adult with an awareness of their potential and the drive to turn their ambitions into reality. So the question is: what kind of school will help them along that path? It should be a school which introduces them to inspiring thoughts and experiences; a school where they feel known and valued; one which challenges them to risk new ideas and helps them when they need it. If they leave school having learned to break through self-imposed limits, to value the experiences of others, to persevere when the going gets tough, then we all have done our job, as parents and teachers. Dame Allan’s succeeds in combining academic excellence with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, all underpinned by a deep commitment to the individual needs and interests of each child. You’ll find lots on our website about what we do. You can read about our diamond structure, our ethos and heritage, and see the activities and successes our pupils enjoy. And if you want to know whether Dame Allan’s is the right school for your child then the best way to find out is to make a visit and see for yourself.