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The Key - Unlock Potential

the key - unlock potential


The Key Unlock Potential is a Bristol-based charity founded by volunteers who were recruited by The Restore Trust. The charity was registered in July 2019, registration number 1184633. Our team is made up of board members including representatives from the Restore Trust and HMP Bristol and volunteers. Find out more on our team page → The story so far The charity was registered by Suzanne Thompson of the Restore Trust Bristol in response to a need to reduce reoffending by providing access to work. Prisoners reported that on release from prison, they face huge challenges in obtaining paid employment. The charity name was chosen by a focus group in the prison, and the board continue to value the importance of the voice of those with lived experience. The Key facts Many people with convictions struggle to obtain work. According to gov.uk, just 17% of ex-offenders secure a job within a year of release. A YouGov survey commissioned by the DWP found that 50% of employers would choose not to employ ex-offenders, deeming them unskilled and untrustworthy. This is despite 86% of companies that employ ex-offenders rating them as “good at their job”, and 81% of consumers stating that companies who employ ex-offenders are positively contributing to society. The lack of stability and lack of security due to unemployment creates a cycle of reoffending and makes successful rehabilitation much more challenging. This must change, and as the statistics above illustrate, tackling this problem can be beneficial for all parties involved. Food with conviction Our vision is to create a safe, welcoming café and retail hub on Bristol’s Gloucester Road that will provide a steppingstone for people transitioning into permanent employment, a destination for the local community, and a mechanism for fundraising. The food for the café will be prepared in the prison’s commercial kitchen, by prisoners. The cafe will operate 5 days a week and will be open between 8:30am and 5:30pm serving “food with conviction”. Interspersed within the café area will be art and handmade items for sale. This will include garden furniture made from pallets, including tables and planters as well as products such as keep cups and cotton bags designed and printed in the prison. We will provide paid employment placements for people released on temporary licence (RoTL) or who have recently left prison. This will help address the most pressing issues facing the prison population, by providing access to work experience and employment, training and rehabilitation support; as a result, beneficiaries will develop transferable skills that will enable them to move on to permanents jobs. Our vision is Key We are on a mission to help people rebuild their lives after they leave prison. We want to give people the tools they need to unlock confidence, pride, and positivity. We want to create a safe space for personal growth and practical experience that will enable people to secure future employment, financial stability, and break the cycle of reoffending.




WQHair extends the deep passion of Waqqas, who stepped into the industry at the young age of 20. Starting his career in 2002 as a hairdresser, he knew this would only be the beginning of a unique career path in the hairdressing industry. What started as a part-time job as a hairstylist in a local salon grew into a lifelong dream to bring a higher level of service to clients. As his skills grew, so did his passion to enhance his training and education in across many areas of the hairdressing industry. That’s where Waqqas was introduced to the Flagship Toni and Guy Academy, where he completed a six-week advanced cutting course. The in-depth training, and his apparently innate talent, lead to the next step in his career path as he took a job with the Academy. Through his work for the Toni and Guy Academy, Waqqas continued to build his skill set, working in the Midlands and London. As he continued to advance his career, his next undertaking would lead him to become an Art Director who offered exclusive services to clients. That’s where he stepped into a new level of success- adding celebrities to his expanding list of clientele. Screenshot 2021-10-11 at 16.10.47 ezgif.com-gif-maker (20) Working on clients opened the door for his entrance into the fashion industry. It was here that Waqqas began his working relationship with L’Oreal Professional. He collaborated with the company to offer hairdressing services for photoshoots and fashion shows. This lead to one of the most memorable moments in his career thus far- working at the London Fashion Week for several years. In 2007, Waqqas returned to the Midlands where he would even further his training and education. As he put his skills to work in a salon setting, he began to teach and manage a range of courses required for hairdressers working in the UK and Denmark. In 2013, his training and education would lead him to his current position in the industry. Waqqas trained as a wig maker. This expansion of his expertise would lead him closer to his career goals-bringing a higher level of service to the clients he was so passionate to serve. With a personal experience in the journey of hair loss, Waqqas wanted to help bring his clients a regained confidence through his new skill set. Through his advanced training in Hair Specialties and Make-up, Waqqas also works with professionals in the TV, Film, and Theatre industries who require wigs. Additionally, he currently lectures at the Higher Education level for topics including fashion work, wig styling, and wig making. The business is built from a passion and combined with the years of hands-on training, experience, and education in the industry WQHair can offer services from wig-making to education

Starry Rose Education Company

starry rose education company


The Rose Education Foundation was set-up by Margaret and Maurice Dimmock following the tragic and sudden loss of their youngest daughter Emma. Emma was dedicated to uplifting and empowering, getting alongside young people and helping them to reach their full potential. This passion, shared by Margaret and Maurice, who have both been involved in youth-work and education for many years, led them to set up a charitable trust. The Rose Education Foundation continues to build on the example that Emma had set for many, by supporting the work of projects in the North-East of England and Thailand which build up and empower young people. Margaret and Maurice tell their story here, in their own words… Watch the ‘Our Story’ video Video Player 00:00 00:00 The story so far… had been a very happy one, for us, as a family, although we experienced the usual ups and downs of life nothing too devastating had happened. All of this changed in June 2007. For nearly 3 years, Emma our youngest daughter had been battling with a severe form of ME and although her life was very difficult and painful she was expected at some point in the future to make a full recovery. Sadly on June 17th of 2007 Emma died suddenly of a burst ulcer and acute peritonitis. Our world was shattered, our hearts broken and life would never be the same again. There are no words to adequately describe to you the pain or the extent of our loss as we travel a path we would never have chosen. It is only the continuing help and support of our family & friends combined with the outpouring of the love of God which sustains us on this journey. We cannot change what has happened but we can control our reactions and responses to this overwhelming tragedy. We are confident that Emma is now living in heaven and is happy and content and we feel that to honour the person she was whilst she lived here with us we must in some way work to bring some good from such sadness. Emma was a very caring person who above all else loved God, her family and friends and sought to help others wherever and whenever she could. Following her example and approach to life we have founded the Rose Education Foundation which seeks to improve, enrich and enhance the quality of life for children and young people both in the UK and abroad. At the foundation we believe that education is one of the keys which will help alleviate many of the problems facing children and young people of this and future generations. The need is different in each country and area but as Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and the Rose Education Foundation endeavours to prove this truth by demonstrating Love in Action.

Alison Burchert.

alison burchert.


Encouraged as a small child by an artistic mother, I always sketched family members and pets, being able to capture a good likeness. From school through to college, my ability to draw became apparent and was recognised throughout my home town of Colchester in Essex. I had taken to pastels after years of painting in watercolour. The transition happened when working on a portrait….. "With watercolours I couldn't keep the smooth texture of the skin and the more I worked at it, the rougher the 'skin' got. Frustrated, I picked up a box of pastels that I'd had from college and almost closed my eyes as I chalked over the face I'd been working on for hours, cringing with the fear of having to throw the whole picture in the bin…. I smudged it over with my finger. The result was amazingly smooth and definitely 'skin' like. I put away the watercolours and invested in many shades of quality pastels". In 1997 and keen to enter into the art world, I offered my services to organisations to produce promotional portraits which came with good media coverage and helped my business catapult within its first year. I was introduced to various artists and teachers and was offered a place to work alongside Royal portrait artist Richard Stone who had admired my work through the local press. In 2003 I took up teaching art within local clubs and private classes, holding exhibitions and encouraging 11 to 16 year olds to develop their artistic talents with workshops using different mediums. From 2008, I had the immense pleasure of working with Colchester Zoo in Essex when I became their Artist in Residence. From holding art classes in the Zoo and working with children during the school holidays to portray their favourite animals, one of my greatest adventures was to work closely with the Zoo's great managerial team on their 'Stand Tall' project for their 50th anniversary. This saw many local artists give up their time to design and create personal works of art on 2.5m giraffe sculptures. These were then displayed around Colchester and even took a tour to London's South Bank before they came back to the Zoo for auction. It was with much excitement to see one of my giraffes (Big Catrina) sell to the highest bidder at £6800. Developing very unique drawing skills, I have helped students from all over the world with many varying art abilities to accomplish their artistic dreams. With a limited palette of chalks, and a vast experience in pastel application, my teaching took me to places I hadn't even dreamed of. Constantly moving forward and learning new ways to pass on my skills, I would say that teaching students of all ages is in my blood now. It has become a passion to show others the beauty of this versatile medium.