141 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Louise Worthy Artist & Printmaker

louise worthy artist & printmaker

I am an artist and printmaker living in Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands. I am fashion and textiles trained (Bath Spa University and Manchester Polytechnic) which is where my love of printmaking started. I worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years as a designer. When I moved to Sutherland in 2005 I had the chance to be more hands-on creative and re-kindle my love of printmaking that had been simmering on the back burner since the early days of college. I take inspiration from my surroundings in the Scottish Highlands with its abundance of wildlife and vast range of contrasting landscapes, from the moors and mountains, waterfalls and lochs to the turquoise waters and white sands of the beautiful beaches. For a number of years I used a converted ACME mangle for producing my prints but then in 2012 I treated myself to a proper traditional etching press which is fabulous and much easier to use! My work includes various methods of printmaking; monoprint, drypoint etching, collagraph and lino cut and I also love mixed media techniques. I love the process of creating prints using different methods especially monoprints, where part of the fun is not knowing what the end result will be until the last minute. It can take hours of manipulating ink on the printing plate before they go through the press. I love experimenting and each finished piece is unique. I exhibit regularly in the Scottish Highlands including local galleries and my work is included in private collections in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. I also teach workshops for individuals and small groups in various printmaking techniques.

Old Bank Studios

old bank studios



Beverley and Nigel Caleno own, run and are fully immersed in all aspects of Old Bank Studios life. We bought the Old Bank in Harwich in 2011. Having brought up and educated a family in Colchester, we were looking for a change of lifestyle and an opportunity to build on Bev’s Interior and Soft Furnishing business. Falling in love with this magnificent building and the unspoilt, faded charm of Harwich town, where beautiful architecture sits alongside maritime industry and stunning estuary views…….. we took the plunge. Bev very quickly opened her Textile Studio and it soon became clear that demand for her workshops and courses was going from strength to strength. Encouraged by this success, the decision was made to start inviting tutors from outside to deliver workshops; we were going to need more space! And so began a full restoration of the main banking hall; with it’s high ceiling, perfect light and ample space, our new Art Studio was created. As time went on a kitchen was installed in the former bank vault. Since our first Art Workshop in June 2013, we have successfully run hundreds of one day events and longer courses, attracting many of the country’s leading artists and tutors to work with us. Our reputation has spread far and wide and we regularly welcome students from the four corners of the UK, as well as further afield. On a personal level we both continue to explore and develop our own creativity and hold an annual exhibition of our work. Bev is firmly established as a Textile Artist and more recently a painter in Watercolour, whilst Nigel works in in many media, but is gaining a reputation as a Plein Air Oil Painter. We look forward to welcoming you to the Old Bank Studios very soon.