11030 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Plus Size Pregnancy

plus size pregnancy

I’m Laura. Plus Size Mother of two. Advocate for plus size pregnant people and the marginalised. Let’s face it, from your very first midwife appointment, where they ask you what feels like a million questions and then they utter the words “just slip your shoes off and step on the scales for me please” and that’s it. They calculate your BMI and your path of care is decided. You may hear things such as: “You’re going to be put under consultant led care” “I’ll book you in for a GTT now” “You’ll have to have additional growth scans because it’s likely you’re going to have a big baby” “We’ll need to induce you at 40 weeks because of your BMI” All of this is absolute rubbish! After navigating my way through the maternity system as a plus size person twice, I realised that there is not enough support out there for us. There is not enough evidence based information and the information that is out there is hard to find and all over the place! So I created Plus Size Pregnancy so that I can not only teach you a fully comprehensive antenatal hypnobirthing course, but also teach you your rights, how to self-advocate with confidence and how to give birth however and wherever you want on your terms. My aim is for you to finish my course feeling informed, powerful, supported and ready for a positive birth experience. If you are looking for a hypnobirthing instructor who is: Going to be honest with you and tell you the truth about birth Going to teach you about your rights as a plus size pregnant person, how to self-advocate with confidence and how to navigate your way through a complicated and fatphobic maternity health care system Going to be your cheerleader There for you until your baby is born and beyond Teach you how incredible birth can be when you emotionally and physically prepare for it Teach you that being plus size doesn’t mean that you can’t have a straightforward pregnancy and birth and even if you are facing complications, that you still have rights and options Then I’m the instructor for you! I'm not the sort of instructor who is going to be all airy fairy, hippie dippie and wishy washy with you. I'm honest. I'm open. I'll answer every one of your questions even if you think that it might be a silly one. I'll give you all of the information and help you to build your confidence in yourself and your body without any bull.

Vg Training & Consultancy

vg training & consultancy


VG Training was created and is led by Director, Vicki Gwynne, who lives locally with her partner (Nick) daughter (Jess) and their slightly unsociable rabbit (Speedy). She has worked across Stoke on Trent in a variety of roles over the years, has a vocational background in education, psychology, support for adults and young people with multiple needs, and is a qualified teacher and trainer. Vicki is passionate about Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire – the area, the people, and the skills and experience within it. VG Training was created after she realised how many local companies paid for out of area ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ to train their staff and provide advice… paying high travel and accommodation costs, big city prices, and having to explain local history and requirements as the ‘experts’ didn’t understand the local dynamics. Vicki knew colleagues and other local trainers who had similar qualifications and experience and the ability to deliver good quality learning or advice, so built up a fantastic, local team of specialist trainers and consultants to deliver a variety of training courses, learning experiences and consultations at affordable prices! Vicki is proud of the quality of training delivered through the company, “All trainers have dual specialism – experts in the subject matter (either through qualifications or experience) and have a training or teaching qualification which helps to plan learning objectives, create appropriate resources and keep learning active. Because we are local, understand the different sectors, and can relate to the attendees, our training and consultancy services remain current, of interest and with practical examples provided.” When she’s not working, researching new theories or checking legislation and good practice is current for VG Training, Vicki is either ‘playing taxi’ to her daughter and friends, reading an excessive amount of books (she’s on her 3rd full kindle!) or carrying out one of her many voluntary roles. She further shows her commitment to the local area and residents by being a Trustee of a local young person’s charity, Member of Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership (Prevention & Engagement), Panel Member of Stoke North Safer Neighbourhood Panel (PCC), and active as representative of her local residents’ association. Vicki leads a busy life! “I love the work I do as well as the voluntary roles I perform… it feels like I’m part of something bigger, and it’s great meeting new people and hearing their life stories. At VG Training, we put 100% into everything we do, and look forward to continuing our work across the area!”

Oak House Kitchen Consultancy

oak house kitchen consultancy


Here at Oak House Kitchen, you can learn all about specialised diets and how to integrate them into your lives, whether at home or at work. With a love of food and drink, and well over 25 years of experience in hospitality, healthcare catering and care service provision, we invite you to look at medical diets in a new way. Working with clinical, governance, and patient service experts we have developed proven practical solutions from whole site and organisational implementation to technical know-how that works. Oak House Kitchen is the best place to find the most up to date and innovative, practical information around. Dysphagia Management and Foodservice Delivery We have supported health and social care organisations striving to develop robust and quality dysphagia foodservice teams over many years. Our understanding of what is needed has led us to collaborate with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to develop clinically supported training in EDS dysphagia management and foodservice delivery. Anita Smith and Laura Jones and the team at the trust continue to support the training package to ensure it is always up to date and changes in guidance can be integrated for all our learners as they happen. Dysphagia Management Solutions – We have developed eLearning courses that are aligned to the EDS at levels 1 to 3, covering the needs of all staff involved in dysphagia management across health and social care services. Advocated by clinical services across the UK at NHS Trusts and private care providers. With 1000’s of learners nationally, this training is proven to be accessible to staff and provides the outcomes heath and social care providers’ demand. Dysphagia Foodservice Solutions – Providing food and drink for dysphagia diets, suitable for the IDDSI Framework, is an integral and important part of EDS implementation. A robust management strategy is ineffective if the food and drink provision does not consistently meet clinical recommendations. Our ORAL approach to catering for dysphagia diets makes it easy to understand how to provide a varied and high-quality service that meets the IDDSI Framework, covering cultural requirements, allergen requirements and plant-based choices. Implement with the Site EDS Training bundle – We understand the needs of care providers when trying to ensure a well-trained team is always available to provide the best quality care possible. This is why we have developed the Site EDS Training Bundle allowing all team members requiring EDS training access to ALL our courses, while allowing the integration of new starters too, with no extra cost. Be in control of your team’s training needs in one validated solution.

Doncaster Book Awards

doncaster book awards

The Doncaster Book Award strives to promote reading for pleasure among our young people, in order to create a positive attitude towards books and reading and to extend reading choices. This will, in turn, lead to improved literacy levels, better educational outcomes and thus improve future economic prospects for Doncaster’s children. We also strive to provide children with opportunities for new and exciting experiences based around books and reading, to encourage positive social interaction between young people from all parts of the Borough and thus help make Doncaster a thriving reading community. All About Us The Doncaster Book Award (DBA) is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise Company Limited by Guarantee. It is run by a committee of five volunteers who give their time free of charge. We are fully inclusive and all our events and activities are open to everyone and free to attend. ALL of the funding generated goes to cover running costs and provide our young people with fun and exciting reading-based activities. We are now into our 14th year of operation and have gone from 13 schools in our first year to over 75 in 2018. The DBA is unique in that it is entirely child-led; the website, logo and slogan have all been originally designed by the young people of Doncaster; they also choose the books on our lists, and they vote for the shortlist and winner each year. No adult gets a say! Our website is designed to give children a voice about what they are reading via our Reviews page and to showcase their activities. We are developing this idea further by providing slots for our young people on our monthly radio show and podcast on Sine FM. We provide an exciting and varied programme of events, activities and competitions that keep the profile of reading high, generate enthusiasm and the idea that reading is fun. These have been extremely varied and have included: visits from hugely popular authors such as Cressida Cowell, Andy Cope, Darren Shan, Simon Mayo, Cathy Cassidy and many more illustrator talks and workshops from artists including Chris Riddell, Viviane Schwarz, Liz Million, Chris Mould and Martin Brown Drama and Dance workshops working with a local theatre company, Talegate Theatre Vlogging workshops Poetry slams Ceramics workshops Sports-themed events ... the list goes on! Check out our Events page to see pictures and reports of our activities over the years. None of this would be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and we’d like to thank you all for helping to make it possible.

IVE Studio

ive studio


We are IVE (formerly CapeUK) was established as an incorporated company in April 1997 and registered as a charity in April 1999. Inspired by radical new models of creative education, the company was originally set up as a research and development organisation. CapeUK looked to drill down into the creative process and explore how it might be used to drive improvements in teaching and learning. We became influential in relation to policy development and established a national and international reach in relation to championing creativity and professional learning. We also acted as advisors to Government on the importance of creativity and how it might be developed as a transferable skill. By 2014 we realised there was an opportunity to diversify our work and utilise the learning that 17 years of research and development had provided us. It was clear there was significant appetite beyond the education and cultural sectors for programmes that were aimed at developing the creative capacity and competencies of the workforce, and particularly in leadership. We have therefore spent the last 5 years designing and delivering training that aims to teach creativity as a transferable skill and how to create the right environment for creativity to flourish within the workplace, driving innovation, in a consistent and structured way. We also draw out the leadership and team behaviours that are needed to support this. IVE today Rosi Lister, CEO, explains: Rosi Lister CEO We are IVE “In 2016 we began delivering creative leadership training in sectors that are highly regulated and where staff are not traditionally encouraged or empowered to think outside the box, but where there is a growing need for this skill set. “Then, in 2017, our umbrella identity became We Are IVE Ltd, establishing InnovatIVE as our trading company which gifts all profits to our charitable programme. This programme seeks to inspire young, diverse & talented people from some of our most disadvantaged communities through a range of opportunities designed to develop their own creative potential as future leaders.” We believe that the workplace of the future depends on having individuals that are creative, that are able to adapt, that are resilient and have the range of skills and aptitudes employers are looking for. That’s why, when we deliver our training on an earned income basis, the profit goes back into supporting our charitable programmes for disadvantaged young people. It is therefore a ‘pay it forward’ scheme where all our customers and beneficiaries win.

School of Law (Trinity College Dublin)

school of law (trinity college dublin)

Our Faculty members are thought-leaders in their fields, all grappling with contemporary legal challenges. Through a number of research groups, staff and postgraduate research students collaborate in research projects, the organisation of conferences and the publication of academic papers. Staff are currently engaged in many national and international collaborations and research projects funded by the European Research Council, the Irish Research Council and Horizons 2020. Each year, we welcome a number of visiting academics to conduct research in Trinity. The School publishes one of Ireland's leading peer-reviewed journals, the Dublin University Law Journal, and engages in interdisciplinary scholarship through its membership of the Trinity Long Room Hub and Trinity Research in Social Sciences. The School is home to the Irish Centre for European Law and the Irish Jurisprudence Society. Our undergraduate degree programmes are distinguished by research-based and research-led curricula, in which all subjects are taught by leading academics expert in those fields. Over four years, students become self-directed learners, mastering both the discipline of legal thought and the skills of critical analysis necessary for a reasoned appraisal of law's role in society. 175 students in each year study for degrees in law, law and business, law and French, law and German, and law and political science. Our vibrant taught masters programmes - with a majority of students from outside Ireland drawn from over 30 countries around the world - provide an opportunity for advanced legal study. In particular, they reflect Dublin's unique position as a centre of global trade and a technology hub. The Law School offers dynamic programmes of postgraduate legal research to over 50 Irish and international students. Many doctoral students provide teaching support to undergraduate students as they commence their own academic and professional legal careers. In all of our activities, we respond to the rapidly changing technological environment for legal education and scholarship, while striving to meet our responsibilities to ensure equal access to law and to justice. YOU ARE HERESCHOOL OF LAW Follow us on social media Russian Society TCD Instagram Twitter Our SponsorsAthena Swan Bronze Award 2020 European Patent Office and European Intellectual Property Office Site Footer Navigation Home Sitemap Contact Updated 2 April 2019 Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin College Green Dublin 2, Ireland T: +353 1 896 1000 TrinityAccessibility TrinityPrivacy TrinityDisclaimer TrinityCookie Policy Cookies Settings TrinityContact Follow Trinity on social mediaTrinity iTunes U Trinity YouTube Trinity Facebook Trinity Twitter Trinity LinkedIn Trinity Instagram OUR ASSOCIATIONS AND CHARTERS Athena SWAN Coimbra Group LERU (League of European Research Universities)

Claire Cotterill Mosaics

claire cotterill mosaics


I’m an artist based in Birmingham with a great love for all things creative. From a young age, creating has been therapeutic for me, giving an outlet and response to the changing world around me. In my late teens I took a traditional route studying Fine Art, going on to use my skills to support communities and people of all ages. This included working with play schemes and youth groups, bringing as many creative experiences as I could – despite incredibly low budgets! Over the years I developed a passion for mosaic and began to specialise in creating large scale mosaic installations, initially within educational and community environments. What I love about mosaic is its accessibility for all, and the collaboration and teamwork it brings. As a process I enjoy watching people’s confidence grow, the relationships built along the way and the pride shared in the finished product of a permanent installation on a wall or in the ground that the whole community can enjoy & share. I love that my work becomes part of a shared history for those that have worked on it, been part of the commissioning process and have inspired it. I consider myself a visual storyteller and enjoy helping others to share their stories in a unique and engaging way. I love exploring new places, meeting new people and creating bespoke and site-specific artworks. I relish the challenge of meeting a client’s brief, whatever that may be and have vast experience working with a wide range of clients over the years, working creatively in many differing environments. Throughout my career I have explored other media and methods within my commissions, moving from a purely handmade traditional approach, to incorporating digital media and new technologies. This fresh approach has expanded my vision of what can be achieved in my public artworks allowing me to widen my practice and include other mediums. It has also equipped me with new skills that I enjoy sharing through public participation and my ability to offer a wider scope of media in my response to the needs of commissioners. I’m excited to further this innovative approach and as a member of the Crafts Council and STEAMhouse Birmingham, I look forward to continuing to explore my digital and technological skills in the future. Each commission excites me and is a new adventure and I pride myself in delivering high quality permanent artworks, delivered on time and within budget. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any projects you may have in mind!

New Life Horse Care Sanctuary

new life horse care sanctuary


Hope is a belief that something will change for the better. This remains a solid mandate, and many people over the years can testify that their lives have changed when having the opportunity to be with horses. We look after horses, who through no fault of their own, require specialist care and attention. These include foals fostered from the Friends of the Dartmoor Hill Ponies Society. People who attend NLHCS with a range of mental and physical health issues, find comfort in the presence of these foals, who in turn benefit from being handled and loved. We provide art on prescription schemes at the sanctuary where people are welcome to participate in weekly workshops. Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.These schemes enable those experiencing declining physical ability, chronic pain, carer stress, anxiety, depression and bereavement the opportunity to be involved in the arts. (see Art for Health and Wellbeing). New Life Horse Care Sanctuary achieved charity status in 2014 (Reg no. 1165384), and all donations are gratefully received. You can donate using the Paypal button, or alternatively you can donate by cheque or BACS, please contact us for details. 2021 Year in Review ART2HEART has kept going through 3 lockdowns providing funded Covid safe art tuition and therapy, support and friendship. We have a new group ART2HEART Stronger Together for people who for whatever reason cannot attend the Sanctuary, those who are shielding, self isolating etc who can post their art work and receive tuition by phone, messenger and WhatsApp. We are also providing tuition for those who want to send artwork in the post. It took a long time for the herd to settle after the death of Patriarch Obe, however Fleur stepped into his shoes and is now the lead mare. Surprisingly Mattie and Fleur have become friends and Mattie has got used to being without his sparring partner. So much so, that Elsa was very much on her own and therefore we have recently adopted another small pony from Cornwall. Tinkerbell arrived a couple of weeks ago, she is a 3 year old Dartmoor Hilly and has quickly found her place A number of people have attended the Way of The Horse sessions with trainer Heather Seems and have been able to observe first hand how an ex racehorse is rehabilitated. Fleur is changing week by week as she overcomes her anxiety and coping habits. She is very quiet and loving. All on all its been a very positive year and we take this opportunity to wish all our followers a very Happy New Year. Jackie Tye Manager

Carly Ann

carly ann

What makes me a stand out Coach is my own lived experience with an anxious-avoidant attachment style. I have lived & breathed the attraction to unavailable partners, fantasy relationships, obsessing, and losing myself in love. Behind my agonising relationship struggles is a story of multiple childhood traumas and heartache. From my first memory I was surrounded by violence, substance abuse, chaos, and unpredictability. Up until the age of 30, I was in an unconscious mission to fulfil my longing for attention, love, and to be chosen. I chased, crushed, settled, lost myself, drank myself to oblivion, embarrassed myself, lacked boundaries, and abandoned myself time and time again. Immediate pain would show up in my anxious attachment when I experienced any kind of rejection. I would become convinced I needed that person to survive. Deep abandonment wounds would be wide open and as a result, I would be left with a version of me that I couldn’t recognise. My avoidant attachment could be seen in the way I went into myself, got stuck in moods, had an underlying feeling of numbness and sadness, and avoided the inner work for many years. WAKE UP CALL My wake up call came at 29. The end of a relationship (that I had outstayed due to a deep fear of being alone), followed by the agony of dating unavailable guy after unavailable guy. Relationships fuelled by jealousy and a fear of this person realising who I truly am and leaving me. My own recovery has been a bumpy road. Self-help, coaching, therapy, relapses, and then getting up and going again. Through sharing my own journey it’s my hope that your recovery can be a bit smoother. My healing has seen me meet and sustain a healthy relationship. I see myself in this relationship sometimes like it is not me… those moments I’m no longer triggered, my ability to respond over react, the way I consider my things logically, and how I see myself almost choose the old path from time to time. It is my life’s work to pass on, teach, & guide what I know to be true, the methods I use, and give my support to people who are where I was then. So that in this lifetime, we can experience the love we deserved from the beginning. Because it was and is our birth given right to have our needs met, to be loved, and to live a full & safe life.

Total Growth Ownership

total growth ownership

We help consultancies. We work with founders and marketing leaders with existing businesses, who generate at least £50,000 in revenue per month. These businesses have all the raw materials necessary to build a pipeline certainty engine, but they lack the structures, systems, teams, tools, and guidance on how to get there. What we do We help founders 6x the pipeline of 1 product, get happy clients, align staff, and live an easier lifestyle. We achieve this through our two training programmes: Differentiate in a Day and UPgrade. Our programmes aim to maximise profits, results, scalability and happiness, whilst minimising complexity, costs, headcount and stress. How we came to be The beginning It started in 2010 when Matt Hodkinson quit his job as an IT consultant. He had an itch to learn more about marketing, which coincided with the emergence of social media - where brands had just started using it to promote themselves. With that, Influence Agents was born. The growth As we scaled, and became a Platinum HubSpot Partner, Matt had become an expert of all sorts. This led to international clients, speaking gigs, and a healthy bottom line. The transition Over a decade went by and the agency was successful. Then, within a 3-week period, Matt was approached by 3 different agencies who wanted to acquire Influence Agents. It came at a time when Matt was already considering transitioning the agency into a high-level advisory one. The focus was on empowering clients to take ownership of their own growth, rather than being the done-for-you solution. At the opportune time, Matt sold the agency. Enter: Total Growth Ownership. The lesson Eager to get our hands dirty, and share what we do best, we dove head first into a group consultancy model. We onboarded our first few clients, and we were excited about the results they were getting. But as we scaled, client results took longer and longer to achieve. We soon realised that the only person group coaching serves... is the coach. The rebirth After a year of experimentation, we've now found what we believe is the perfect model, for both our clients, and us. Differentiate in a Day does exactly as it says on the tin - it's a programme that completely differentiates consultancies, in one day - a time frame our clients are more than able to commit to. We put a heavy focus on one-to-one support, because it gets our clients results, in the time frames needed. We believe so much in our solution, that we guarantee it.