11249 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




Digi-Ed is a digital creation agency founded in London in 2018 with a desire to help local businesses and startups get online. We recognise after the Pandemic the importance of getting your business back open and reconnecting with your customers. We want to make this easy and can provide you with a shiny new website in only a couple of weeks. Our approach is straightforward, we partner with each of our clients to develop customised, unique digital solutions that resonate. Our web design solutions are built with "no-code" tools, making it much easier for our clients to take over maintenance themselves and make small changes in an instant. We understand that more people than ever are using mobile devices to connect to local businesses and as such, we design our websites with a mobile-first focus. Every good web agency knows that "build it and they will come" doesn't really work online anymore in such a competitive business environment. For this reason, we offer additional digital marketing services such as Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Management and Digital Marketing Strategies to truly get your business on the map. Grow your business, building customer loyalty and nurturing a community around your business. What really makes us special is our background in education and the reason for our name. We are able to support businesses and educational locations with support and training. This is ever more important following lockdown and we can get your workforce ready to deliver effectively using digital technologies. Are you looking for a digital transformation partner? Perhaps you want to install Google for Education or Enterprise and you want to get the most out of your investment. Digi-Ed has the experience and expertise to support your transition and make sure it sticks.

Achieving For Children Community Interest Company

achieving for children community interest company


Achieving for Children is a community interest company (a not-for-profit social enterprise) created in 2014 by the Royal Borough of Kingston and the London Borough of Richmond to provide their children’s services. In August 2017, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead became a co-owner of AfC, and we now deliver children’s services across all three boroughs. Our services in Kingston are judged ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted, following their inspection in October 2019. Our services in Windsor and Maidenhead are rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted following an inspection in January 2020. If you are a parent, carer or young person and you are looking for information on services provided for you, you will find it on one of these websites: AfCinfo – our website listing our services for children and families Kingston Council website Richmond Council website Windsor and Maidenhead Council website As a social enterprise we are able to provide bespoke children’s social care and education support services to other local authorities, schools and partners in the education, health, social care and criminal justice sectors. We strive to achieve excellence in everything we do by putting children and young people first in the design, delivery and evaluation of every service we provide, to ensure that they are supported to live safe, happy, healthy and successful lives. Our broad service offer is informed by leading practice and a strong evidence-base of what works best. It is guided by our daily work with children and young people and the organisations that work with us to help and support them. Our focus is always on maximising the use of resources by creating economies of scale and reducing management and overhead costs, so that we can ensure high quality frontline services that really deliver results.

APSE - Association for Public Service Excellance

apse - association for public service excellance


The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) is a networking community that assists local authorities who are striving to improve their frontline services. APSE works with more than 250 local authorities across the UK to advise and share information and expertise on a broad range of frontline public services. These councils are supported by a team of experts, who draw upon a wealth of knowledge in areas such as policy and practice, as well as in vital frontline service areas. Members of APSE have access to many excellent benefits that help local authorities to grow. These include regular briefings on the latest policy developments and operational issues, access to groups and forums that allow authorities to come together to share information and collaborate, and the ability to anonymously ask for - and give - advice on a range of service issues. One of the most important benefits APSE membership offers is the opportunity for local authority service providers to have their views voiced and represented at a national level. APSE carefully develops this voice by collaborating with members, and supports it using research, extensive campaigns and consistent media activities. APSE conducts research, publishes reports, and campaigns to create a positive role for local government, helping them to deliver high quality, effective and efficient public services. APSE's targeted training programme, regular briefings and inclusive events strive to keep council officers and elected members constantly updated on the latest public service issues. There is also APSE Solutions, an in-house team that works closely with individual authorities, offering high quality consultancy and interim management support for members and other relevant organisations. APSE has also developed the innovative Performance Networks service, which is the largest national voluntary local government benchmarking service. APSE is here to help local authorities and endeavours to do everything possible to help them achieve excellence in their frontline service

Share and Repair

share and repair


Library of Things and Repair Cafes. We are currently (as of Spring 2021) introducing HOW TO Reduce your Carbon Footprint workshops within the Share and Repair Shop and as a pilot project within primary schools. Another strand of ‘sharing’ is our Library of Things. We started this at the Weston Hub in November 2018 and changed our official name to Share & Repair in line with our expanded vision. We become a charity: In April 2020, Share and Repair gained charitable status as a CIO (charitable incorporated organisation) no 1189015. This is a major milestone for us and means we are accountable and can now raise funds through grant making trusts and from Gift Aid. We opened our first pop-up shop: In June 2020 we hit another major milestone when we opened the doors to the Share and Repair Shop in the centre of Bath. Our first location on Broad Street had an incredible response, raising awareness of sharing and repairing in Bath. In August 2021 we moved to another location at 3 York Buildings, George Street (BA1 2EB), which is now the new home for the Bath Library of Things and a place where we run even more repair sessions. HomeKIT launches: In Spring 2021 we officially launch HomeKIT. This is a new project that will see us taking donations of good-quality but unwanted kettles, irons and toasters and sharing these ‘home kits’ with partner charities who will distribute them to low-income households. If items need repairing, we certainly have the skills and means to do so. We’re really excited about expanding our work in this way and working with other organisations.

Harrow Courses

harrow courses

Services for schools The Government’s expectation is that schools and colleges will work towards the Gatsby benchmarks. There are 8 benchmarks which constitute ‘good practice’ in career guidance for schools and colleges, they are: A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Addressing the needs of each student Linking curriculum learning to careers Encounters with employers and employees Experiences of workplaces Encounters with further and higher education Personal guidance. Harrow College is now offering a range of new services to local schools for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. The College offer can be linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks as well as support the school to meet their commitment to the Technical and Further Education Bill's amendment passed in the House of Lords in February 2017 by Lord Baker. We provide support to learners to progress from schools onto further education and apprenticeships. We encourage awareness of the many career opportunities available to young people and the vocational or academic qualification route they may need to take to succeed in their chosen career. College staff can assist and work with schools to: • Provide vocational advice and guidance • Collaborate during Careers Events and Parents’ Evenings • Arrange visits to college for individual learners and/or groups • Organise workshops at the College or in your school for specific subject areas allowing students to get ‘hands on’ experience. Parents Evening and Careers fair - Our staff can attend Parents Evenings, Careers Fairs and Year 11 options evenings in your school, to offer advice and guidance to learners, their parents and guardians. Tour for learners and teachers - Our staff are on hand to offer bespoke tours of the College to your staff, learners and their parents. This often helps learners to get a feel for how studying in a college might be like and we will help you advise your learners appropriately. Taster days - We hold taster days throughout the year to engage learners. Taster days can be a half or full day depending on your school timetable and requirements, and most subject areas are available. Presentation and talks – Our industry experienced staff can come into your school and deliver informative presentations to teachers, learners and their parents/ guardians. We understand time can be an issue so we can also deliver presentations at a time and place that suits you. CPD for teachers - Throughout the year our staff host a range of events for teachers and careers advisers. These events are a great opportunity to visit the College, view facilities and hear from vocational teaching teams on the options available to young people. Our Senior Leadership Team is also available to deliver sessions on new policy developments in education, such as T Levels, Institute of Technology, SEND etc. If you would like further information on how Harrow College can work with your school, please contact Lee Janaway via email on ljanaway@hcuc.harrow.ac.uk