1084 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




GovEd Communications is an interdisciplinary media, education, communications & technology company, with three distinct areas of operation: GovEd Digital Media Productions Digital media production for science, education, business & policy Film & Video Production • HE, School & Local Authority Films Educational Drama • Interactive Websites • Digital Archives Broadcast Projects • Web Video Projects • Corporate Films GovEd Consulting Education, media, design, marcoms & management consultancy Project Faraday & School Building Design Services • Research Curriculum Development • Science Communication • ICT Project Management • Strategic Comms • Policy Development GovEd Ventures Stand-alone technology, digital media & sustainability ventures What we do Our principal aim is to support improvements and effective communications in education and science engagement. But we also work extensively in a range of other areas, including wider public services, sustainability, social policy, the third sector, the creative arts and media, and in corporate communications. We do this through diverse and varied projects, including: digital media and marcoms solutions; outreach and curriculum projects; strategy, process design and project management; research and stakeholder engagement; social marketing; policy development; and the development of interactive technology products. We also have expertise in school building design, and through our work leading one of the three Project Faraday consortia, we have been recognised as leading specialists in school science labs and equipment. Through the Ventures part of our business, we pursue our own and co-devised projects from concept to delivery, and in a way which is deisgned to maximise their value and lasting impact. Although we are a for-profit company, the social value of our work is at the heart of all of our our projects and decision-making. We only pursue work which we believe to be of lasting social value. Education-specific and policy work In the field of education, all of our work is informed by extensive experience and detailed understanding of the education policy landscape and the day to day realities of front-line delivery of education services. We are committed to helping to strengthen the bridge between policy and practice in education through innovation, technology, targeted communications and awareness of research. Our team has an extensive track record in delivering innovative, effective and practical solutions for policy development, frontline delivery and promoting new thinking, for organisations ranging from government departments and key agencies to science institutions and individual schools. Our understanding of policy and public sector workforce development means that we can get under the skin of the challenges facing both organisations and frontline practitioners. GovEd can support all strategic development, communications, public affairs and project management needs, whatever their scale and budget. Our additional capabilities in video production mean that we can help provide a communications package that lifts ideas off the page and embeds them in hearts and minds. Our innovative approach to promotional and training films has won acclaim in Whitehall and the education sector and has provided new ways to turn original thinking into real impact. A dedicated area of our business, GovEd Technologies, is focussed on enabling teachers and learners to harness new technologies in practical and intuitive ways, through the research, design and manufacture of new products. To find out more about our services click here, or please contact us. GovEd Communications was formed in early 2006, and is registered in the UK. We provide services to clients throughout the UK and internationally.




Welcome to Cognivity Coaching CIC, I hope you find all the information you require in the following pages, Please contact me directly for an informal chat or for any additional information, thank you, Eileen. Cognition offers us the ability to think, learn, respond and recall. A healthy cognition enables us to efficiently receive, understand, store, retrieve and use information, ensuring a more fulfilled, productive and independent life. Creativity is the use of ones imagination to create something new, original, different from before. Creativity is within all of us, so too is Cognition which can be trained to function effectively at any stage of a persons life. It is never too late to start over, look at things differently, achieve the goals set. Cognivity was formed in 2009 as a practice facilitating self development for individuals and groups. Creative thinking and implementation has always been a catalyst for change and Cognivity continues to use creative applications as a means of supporting people to develop skills which positively impact health, business and education. In March 2015 Cognivity became a Community Interest Company and is now a slightly bigger organisation welcoming a range of people who assist in delivering workshops, teaching, creating and coaching, all of whom share in the values of promoting Creativity and Wellness. Facilitating and coaching creatively is at the heart of what Cognivity does: facilitating business success and coaching individuals to embrace their strengths and the challenges ahead of them* With 23 years of technical, managerial and teaching experience gained whilst in industry, manufacturing, business, educational and training establishments; Cognivity has successfully: • Enabled individuals and groups to achieve specific, measurable goals • Delivered training and teaching programs in industry and education • Supported teams in their development including conflict resolution • Developed and implemented improved cost effective systems • Increased productivity • Reduced return rates and claim costs • Improved quality on a wide range of merchandise world wide • Defined and made transparent departmental roles • Improved manufacturing methods • Implemented cost effective quality systems • Reduced transport costs and identified problematic infrastructures • Addressed and acted upon environmental issues improving sustainability So, whether you are A student or potential student wishing to improve, prioritise or focus with one to one coaching or mentoring Someone who is presently lacking direction and would like some time to consider ways forward In a place or position at work that you wish to move on from and would like help clarifying a direct route Have an important challenge to face and would like support A team or organisation that is stuck and or wants to inject new creative ideas for growth Read through the sections on Coaching, Mentoring and Training or give me a call on 07742312828 and I will be pleased to chat about options. As a qualified business coach, mentor and teacher my experience combines industrial, managerial and educational expertise to deliver a range of coaching and training programs, workshops and courses. I use Action Learning and Occupational Psychometric Testing amongst other learning, business and development tools to help clients achieve their aims. “As Quality Control manager for a large buying office in Hong Kong / China Eileen strived hard demonstrating resilience and tenacity in her pursuit to create transparency not only within the quality department, but even more so with the hundreds of suppliers. The end result was much better relationships with those suppliers and a substantially higher level of satisfaction with customers” Koert Tulleners Chief Executive officer Freemans & Grattan Formerly, Managing Director Otto International Asia




Welcome fellow luminous beings, sisters, brothers, co-creators, and light-workers, I'm Nadia-Anne, but you can call me Nadia. I'm a Sound Visionary Artist, Healer and Coach. This means, I create and heal from sound then help facilitate space for others do the same through my immersive sound journey’s and coaching. Whilst I travelled the world as a professional dancer during my 20’s, I was lucky enough to absorb the variations of sounds, patterns, colours, textures, and cultures not only from local people, hill-tribes, remote craftsmen, Buddhist monks, and spiritual leaders, but also from the colourful souls I met along the way. I learnt that sound is the universal language, and that it is the thread that weaves humanity together. I have been deeply connected to music, sound and vision my entire life, which came to light, as a mature student at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (CSM), London, which I started immediately after returning from living and performing in Ibiza (2006-07). During my studies, I accidentally invented BeatWoven; A transmission, weaving invisible geometric sonic soundscapes, into our artistic visual landscapes through coded woven threads and innovative technologies. The idea came to me as an epiphany on the dance-floor, at Space Ibiza in 2006. I was lost in the frequency of the music listening to the iconic DJ Carl Cox, immersed in lights and tuned-in to a moment of higher consciousness. Above our heads, I could see the laser beams weaving patterns in and out of each other in sync with the sounds, similar to threads weaving upon a loom. I instantly became excited about the concept of expanding our universal language into our decorative visual reality, through the medium of patterned fabric, bringing deeper and more meaningful connections to the world in which we live in. I learnt during my research that I had a form of syntheses, a sensory response I had shut down form a young age, where I can sense colour and pattern through sound. Working as a professional performer eventually led me to burn out in 2013. Throughout my life, I had unfortunately been exposed to external trauma’s and was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). I found myself immersed in the epicentre of psychotherapy’s and holistic remedies desperate to heal myself so I could full-fill my commitment to BeatWoven. My turning point came when I took a break, and escaped to one of my favourite Island’s called Koh Phangan, Thailand for an Intensive 200 RYT Yoga Teaching Training Course. We meditated everyday at 6.30am in the middle of a jungle with buddhist monk teachers, ate an Ayurvedic diet, participated in 4 hours of yoga a day, and studied the philosophy of yoga. It was upon my return in 2019, I began training with the lineage of Don Conreaux gong masters. As a certified sound healer, yoga & meditation instructor (RYT), I am passionate about helping other people manifest their ideas into reality, using the ancient technology of ‘Frequency Medicine’ to cleanse our emotional and physical bodies so we can live a life of being in high-frequency. The rise of the new tech age in this ever-changing world increases our need to be anchored in our human ‘truth’. Tuning - In to ignite positive vibrations, will help us navigate through, and dissolve any seeds to illnesses such as mental health, depression, anxiety, stress and trauma, as well as help us authentically co-create an incredible world for humanity.

Paradigm Human Performance

paradigm human performance



Since our formation in 2017 we have rapidly become one of the World's leading Human and Organisational Performance (HOP) training and consultancy companies with a global reach and operating in many industry sectors If you talk to our clients, they will tell you that they love our straight talking, no nonsense approach, they will tell you how well they are supported by us and how we never let them down. They will tell you that we not only go the extra mile but we often run the whole marathon for them; they will also tell you about our passion and commitment to spreading the word about the transformational benefits of HOP. We want you, our client, to know that you can absolutely achieve your safety and operational goals and to feel that you are truly a part of a bigger mission to enhance work for millions of people, globally. Our Mission and Values Our Mission We want to make organisations all over the world more profitable, more efficient and more reliable by 2030. Helping our clients to provide amazing, inspiring workplaces which are not just dependable, safer and healthier for their people but have a culture of psychological safety where everyone can speak up without fear of blame, punishment or retribution - where everyone is respected for their contribution and where people are proud to go to work. Paradigm Human Performance is built on three core concepts: Organisational Excellence, Quality Relationships and Global Contribution. These shape our business, our goals and how we support you to achieve operational excellence. Our Values Courage We work smart, stay relevant and have the courage to shape a better future. Integrity We are honest, open, ethical, and fair; people can trust us to stick to our word. People We recognise that engaged and motivated people are a power for good and we build strong relationships based on this passion. Collaboration We seek opportunities to use our skills and talents to help others along the way and to share our good fortune with others less fortunate than ourselves by supporting good causes. Respect We respect all of our relationships whether with our team, clients or competitors as we strive to build a feeling of trust, safety, and wellbeing with the work we do. Diversity We remember that it takes different ideas, strengths, interests and cultural backgrounds to make a company succeed. Encourage healthy debate and differences of opinion. Our Expertise Paradigm HP has world-class expertise in Human and Organisational Performance improvement, safety, security and non-technical skills development. We've successfully supported 1000s of organisations; we can support you to achieve your performance improvement goals. Our Why We believe that the most successful organisations are those that listen to and seek to understand their people and the detailed knowledge and expertise they have amassed; We know that these organisations kill or injure less people because they have aligned goals and objectives and their strategy is clearly and consistently communicated. We provide our customers with the knowledge, tools and techniques necessary to ensure that the organisation and its people are set up for success. There are huge benefits to be gained by creating laser focus on clear objectives and priorities at the intersection of corporate vision and worker engagement and so we have aligned ourselves with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals numbers 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth and 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Paradigm is creating a future where authentic and courageous leaders transform companies to be more profitable while providing, healthy and psychologically safe workplaces where ALL people are valued, heard and respected.

Solutions for the Mind, Body & Soul

solutions for the mind, body & soul

Thanks for looking at my site. On here, you will be able to see that I offer a range of transformational solutions in the form of training courses, workshops, 1-2-1 sessions, talks and also products for Hypnosis, Regression and other Life Enhancing Modalities. As well as having long-term expertise in Hypnosis and Regression, I am also a Sound Healer (running regular sound baths), a Crystal Healer, a Reiki Master/Teacher in a few different traditions and have taught Reiki for 11 years, a Fully Accredited Spiritual Healer (trained at the College of Psychic Studies way back when), Aura Soma Practitioner, a coach and I work with a wide variety of energy management techniques for the Mind, Body & Soul. In short, I’d call myself a Transformational Energy Worker, and my goal with all that I do is to help people improve the quality of their lives by using simple and effective transformational techniques in a grounded, helpful and beneficial way. I have a private practice in a wonderful location in the Lee in South Bucks. This is most easily accessible by road, and also by rail (Great Missenden 8 minutes by car or Wendover 11 minutes by car) or by Metropolitan line tube via Chesham (14 minutes by car). I have clients coming mainly from London, and also the Home Counties and nation-wide. I also been working online for 4/5 years with clients both in the UK and overseas. In the past I have taught groups in South Africa, Mexico, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Lithuania, Sardinia and the UK, as well as individuals from a wide range of countries and cultures. I am always interested in new opportunities in any country, or part of the UK for talks, workshops or more. Just email me to ask if you have good ideas or questions in that respect. As well as the therapy techniques that I teach, I also offer a range of expertise and workshops in many aspects of life-style improvement, such as relaxation, stress management, increasing productivity, improving your relationship with money, changing the energy of your home and many more. I haven’t always been in the holistic arena. I spent many years working behind a desk in shipping before the call of my intuition uprooted me and led me to quit my job, sell my house and car, and put all my possessions into storage and travel the world for a few years. When I came back to the UK, I had the notion that I had to get my chakras sorted out, and found my way to a place called the College of Psychic Studies in London where I did a 2 year degree as a Spiritual Healer. Around the same time I trained to be a Reiki Master, Theta healer, Aura Soma practitioner, and I also made a truly life-changing decision when I found my way to hypnotherapist to Stop Smoking. That 2.5 hour session saw me swapping one addiction for another as I undertook extensive training in hypnosis, then regression therapy and found my passion in helping people to understand and trance-form their subconscious patterns to liberate themselves from old patterns that have been holding them back for years, decades and often lifetimes. And that’s what I do now – my passion – which is helping people like you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, by clearing and releasing the past in whichever way is most beneficial and helpful for you.

Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies

graduate school for interdisciplinary studies


Discover your subject from a truly interdisciplinary perspective with the Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies. Interdisciplinary study Graduate School degrees use ideas from different disciplines to give students a more rounded understanding of their subject. Learning across subject boundaries Interdisciplinary learning is at the heart of the Graduate School. Core modules on Graduate School degrees use themed seminars led by subject experts from across the University. Students consider their subject from different disciplinary perspectives, developing an interdisciplinary understanding. This approach also enables students to show skills such as flexibility and creativity. Optional modules allow students to further develop the interdisciplinary character of their studies. In the end of degree project students explore a topic in depth. The project can also be interdisciplinary in scope and may have an applied character. On most degrees, students have a choice in how to present the project. This might be as a dissertation or in more applied format - such as a policy report or multi-media portfolio. Academic and personal skills Graduate School Masters degrees help students develop advanced subject knowledge and research skills. Students also develop skills in: critical thinking and creativity analysis and appraisal problem solving and decision making personal leadership and project management interpersonal communication and team working Core modules have an integrated skills development programme. The skills development programme connects academic learning with the development of professional skills. The skills development programme has three parts. Study support sessions prepare students for postgraduate study. Career support sessions help students look beyond their degree. Experiential sessions address real social justice problems faced by partner organisations. Community The Graduate School is a vibrant, stimulating postgraduate community. Graduate School events bring students together and help foster interdisciplinary identity. Students make social and intellectual connections within and across their Masters degree groups. St Leonard's Postgraduate College The University postgraduate community, St Leonard’s Postgraduate College, welcomes Graduate School students. St Leonard's Postgraduate College hosts networking and training events for all postgraduates. Through these Graduate School students can make connections with postgraduates from other schools. Postgraduate Society St Leonard’s Postgraduate College works closely with the Postgraduate Society. The Postgraduate Society is one of the Students’ Association's most active societies. All Masters students are welcome into the Postgraduate Society. The Postgraduate Society organises events for postgraduates. These include beach bonfires, day trips around Scotland, pub nights, and graduation balls. History and location The Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies welcomed its first students in 2018. The Graduate School now welcomes students from around the world. In 2020 more than 90 students joined Graduate School MSc and MLitt degrees. Since 2021, the Graduate School has been based in the Old Burgh School. The Old Burgh School has office, teaching, and study space for the Graduate School. It is also home to the University’s postgraduate study centre. Graduate School Meeting Room The Graduate School Meeting Room situated at the Old Burgh School is available to be booked by staff and postgraduate students Monday-Friday between 9am-6pm. The room has a capacity of 6 (current covid occupancy) and is equipped with a projector and screen. There is kitchen facilities directly adjacent. Staff can book directly via our online room booking system. For student room bookings, please email gradschool@st-andrews.ac.uk. Priority will be given to bookings related to Graduate School or Postgraduate St Leonards College activities. Please note, this room should not be booked by students as an additional study space.

KCA Knowledge Change Action

kca knowledge change action

We provide the Knowledge base that can Change thinking and perspective so that our communities can take Action to transform the lives of others. 'Achieving breakthrough outcomes for children experiencing significant adversity requires that we support the adults who care for them to transform their own lives.' From report 'Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts', Harvard 2016 KCA (previously known as Kate Cairns Associates) was established in 2011 to bring together the work of Kate Cairns and a group of experienced practitioners and trainers across the UK. We are now registered as Knowledge Change Action Ltd, and as of October 2021 we have become an Employee Owned Trust. As an employee-owned organisation KCA aspires to be a beacon to those who want to lead sustainable organisations, rooted in their local communities, where employees are active decision makers shaping their future together. Our small, experienced team, managed from our Head Office in Gloucestershire, has an excellent track record in running effective training programmes, rooted in the science-based theory of attachment, trauma and resilience, that are responsive to the changing needs and priorities of our Commissioners. KCA office 98.8% of the 12,478 participants who completed KCA evaluation forms between March 2020 and March 2021 said that they would recommend the training to their colleagues At KCA, relationships are key to everything we do – whether that is the relationships between our colleagues that ensure that we feel supported, enthused and committed to our work, the relationships with our commissioners that allow us to understand and respond effectively to their needs, or supporting practitioners, through our training and consultancy, to develop effective connected relationships with the children, families and teams with whom they work. Since 2011 we have delivered training to over 140,000 practitioners across the UK, to promote resilience in the individuals and networks supporting the most vulnerable people in our society. Our quality assurance processes are robust, and we take feedback and evaluation seriously, promoting our own learning and working with our associates to develop their skills. We work with commissioners to build-in effective evaluation systems that enable us to demonstrate impact on learning, confidence and practice and we seek structured feedback from our consultancy customers as each contract is completed. Our Values Knowledge. Change. Action is: Driven by evidence. Drawing on the latest research, we seek to be at the forefront of change and apply new knowledge to real life experiences. Curious. Through offering new perspectives, we ask unique questions that lead to the co-creation of new approaches and partnership. Strengths-based. We seek to unearth the value and contribution that everyone makes, through encouraging people to notice and appreciate their feelings and actions and those of others. Connected. Through intentionally nurturing relationships we seek to grow a culture of mutual trust and respect, creating a sense of safety that encourages innovation and inspires trust in each other’s judgements. Agile and flexible. We work with organisations big or small in creative ways to find new ways of working that meet their changing needs. Congruent. There is consistency between what we say and what we do. This means that nurturing authentic relationships is central to the way our team works, both with colleagues and partners. How we work with others KCA works with others and the community by: Listening to commissioning partners and co-creating with them in equal partnership. Learning with partners and using that new knowledge to proliferate ideas and actions. Building connected relationships through open and honest communication. Acknowledging that vulnerability is part of being human. It affects everyone, but it can disproportionately impact those experiencing inequalities. ● Being gently revolutionary. Acknowledging where power might need to be redistributed to advance inclusion and participation.

The University of Huddersfield

the university of huddersfield


Whatever you aim to do in life, it pays to get a good education. And with high standards of teaching and learning and excellent facilities that's exactly what our students can expect from the University of Huddersfield. Based right in the town centre and at the heart of the local community, we help thousands of people, from school leavers to those returning to education after a gap, achieve their goals each year. Why do nearly 20,000 students choose to study at Huddersfield? Excellence The University of Huddersfield is a growing centre of research and excellence and we always push the boundaries of knowledge. The University of Huddersfield achieved a Gold Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) award in June 2017. This award expired in June 2021 and the scheme is currently being revised. We look forward to being reassessed when the awards are re-opened in 2023. We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award recognising the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017). Triple proof of teaching excellence; our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2022). So, you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best. We are joint first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 20 since 2008 (2022 data). We've world-leading applied research groups in biomedical sciences, engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. The University of Huddersfield became the Times Higher Education University of the Year in November 2013. Judges highlighted the University’s outstanding record for student satisfaction and employability with the University placed in the top ten in the country in both categories. We asked our staff and students why they thought the University of Huddersfield won the University of the Year award. Here's what they said. Employment We have an impressive record for graduate employment, with 96.5% of our undergraduate and 96.6% of postgraduate students in work or further study within fifteen months after graduating (HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20, UK domiciled, other activities excluded). The University places a great deal of importance on industry experience and therefore 100% of our undergraduate students have the opportunity to undertake professional work experience during their studies. Enjoyable Since 2008, £156 million has been spent on campus development making sure our students have access to some of the best facilities in the country. Our campus also has a vibrant social scene and we have a very active Students’ Union with more than 110 clubs and societies. Enterprising The University is growing its reputation as a leader in the field of enterprise. In 2012 the University was awarded the prestigious Times Higher Education Entrepreneurial University of the Year and followed this up in 2013 and 2022 when it was awarded a Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: International Trade. Professor Liz Towns-Andrews, 3M Professor of Innovation, also received an individual Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. Then in 2019 our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bob Cryan, won the Examiner Business Person of the Year award. We have helped a number of graduates to set up their own successful businesses and have a fantastic Enterprise Team who are here to help students get their business ideas off the ground. The Enterprise Hub, housed in the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, is a great hub for students who wish to set up their own business and provides a great opportunity to network with other students and local businesses.

Angel Of Education

angel of education


We create innovative web-based applications to help all levels of the education sector, from pupils, teachers and school leaders right through to local authorities and large academy chains. Our tools are used nationwide, as well as internationally. We Believe… Everyone deserves a quality education; Freedom & creativity breed innovation; Excellence should be noticed & rewarded; Life is better with some fun & personality; Greatness comes from always knowing that you can be better; Angel is not its employees, but our beliefs. Those will live forever. The Angel Circus At the beginning of 2012, we converted our offices into a Circus so that our surroundings could reflect the personality and innovation that takes place within the company. Why a circus? Because the circus is a place where talented performers train hard and work to entertain and thrill their audience. In the same way, we want to wow people with our software, customer service and support. We love seeing visitors’ faces when they come to meet Team Angel at our circus. There’s a Big Top and gypsy caravan for creative meetings, a grandstand (complete with ball pool) for presentations, a full-wall blackboard for ideas and inspiration, plus fairground mirrors, a popcorn machine and plenty of other circus curiosities for fun. Most of our staff have even learnt to juggle! And really, it’s our staff who reflect the Angel Solutions DNA more than any props ever could. How We Encourage Creativity… Beyond the circus, creativity and innovation is central to how we work. We give staff plenty of opportunities to promote and showcase their talents, whether work-related or not, and place a high value on ongoing learning. Most importantly, we always strive to celebrate effort and creative thinking in our team, just as much as we celebrate their successes. For example, our staff might… Introduce a new work process to try to save time Trial a new technology inside one of our products Teach a skill or share an idea at a lunchtime smorgasbord session Work with a totally different team on an innovation day Run a staff training session to share their knowledge Do an online course to learn something new No matter how busy we are, it’s important to us to carve out precious time like this. We hold Innovation Days every month and encourage as many people as possible to pause what they’re working on to take part. During that time, teams can mix up and people have an opportunity to work on whatever they want! At the show and tell sessions at the end of these days, presentations are always met with the sound of applause and cheering, whether or not they worked out! Our Performers More than anything else, our company culture is genuinely reflected in the wonderful people who make up our staff team. Lots of our staff have been with us a long time now — some since graduating from university — and their hard work, dedication, expertise and creativity is rewarded. Take a look at our jobs page for more on the benefits we give our team, or see our Flickr photo gallery for a flavour of what it’s like to work at Angel. Want to Visit the Circus? We love it when schools, authorities and other current or potential stakeholders come to visit us here, and are always welcoming to the office groups of students or people from other sectors who want to come and meet our team. Only here at our circus can you get a true feel for who we are and what makes our products and services so special. Simply get in touch if you’d like to pay us a visit. We are hiring! Join Team Angel If you think you’d fit in well in our team and have skills to offer, head over to our jobs page to find out more! WORK WITH US About us Our Team The Board Our Charity Work Awards Recruitment How to find us

IOA Central Branch

ioa central branch


The Institute of Acoustics is the UK's professional body for those working in acoustics, noise and vibration. It was formed in 1974 from the amalgamation of the Acoustics Group of the Institute of Physics and the British Acoustical Society (a daughter society of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers). The Institute of Acoustics is a nominated body of the Engineering Council, offering registration at Chartered and Incorporated Engineer levels. The Institute has some 3000 members from a rich diversity of backgrounds, with engineers, scientists, educators, lawyers, occupational hygienists, architects and environmental health officers among their number. This multidisciplinary culture provides a productive environment for cross-fertilisation of ideas and initiatives. The range of interests of members within the world of acoustics is equally wide, embracing such aspects as aerodynamics, architectural acoustics, building acoustics, electroacoustics, engineering dynamics, noise and vibration, hearing, speech, underwater acoustics, together with a variety of environmental aspects. The lively nature of the Institute is demonstrated by the breadth of its learned society programmes. There are three corporate grades of membership, namely Honorary Fellow, Fellow, and Member, and four non-corporate grades of Associate Member, Technician Member, Affiliate, and Student. The Institute is well supported by organisations which have become Sponsor Members and by its Key Sponsors. A recent employment survey shows that of our 3000 members, some 900 are employed in industry, commerce and consultancies, 400 in education and research, and nearly 500 in public authorities. Among the more specialist areas in which acousticians are employed are the audio and hi-fi industry, auditorium and concert hall design, broadcasting, telecommunications, quiet vehicle and product design, sonar system design, human-computer interaction, environmental noise control and health and safety management. The Institute works closely with other professional bodies in related fields, including CIEH, REHIS and IOSH and the Association of Noise Consultants. As one of the smaller professional institutions, the Institute of Acoustics has particular strengths in its learned society programmes and its cohesive role for the subject. There is a club atmosphere in its activities and it is possible for members to maintain personal contacts with colleagues engaged in other related areas of acoustics. There is a high participation rate by members in the conference, subject specialist meetings and regional branch activities of the Institute. The Institute offers members a Continuous Professional Development support scheme, a feature which is becoming increasingly recognised as an essential element in ensuring that professionals can keep up-to-date with rapidly changing technological and regulatory issues. Specialist interests are catered for through specialist groups, and regional activities are promoted by a number of regional branches. The work of the Institute relies heavily, of course, on the voluntary efforts of many members of Council, of its Standing Committees and of the Group and Branch Committees. The Institute publishes a bi-monthly Acoustics Bulletin, containing articles of professional, academic and technical interest and the Institute's Proceedings record the two hundred or more papers presented at our formal meetings each year. An education programme, comprising a Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control and several Certificate of Competence courses is offered at a number of Centres throughout the UK. The Diploma is also available by tutored distance learning. Through specialist Institute of Acoustics working groups, support is given to the development of legislation in these areas, and there is considerable activity by Institute members in UK, European and International Standards development. The Institute is a founding member of the European Acoustics Association (EAA), a member society of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and a member of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA)