1080 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Oxford Diocesan Board Of Education

oxford diocesan board of education


Oxford OX5 1GF

Our Development, Training and Support offer is designed to provide essential advice and guidance to enable your church school to flourish. This includes a range of briefings, network meetings and training courses, all of which are either free or offered at significant discount to schools who are signed up to our Service Level Agreement (S4S). In addition, schools who have signed up for Governance+ are able to access all our governor training for no additional charge. Living Your Vision This is the heart of our training and support offer covering the essentials needed to develop a flourishing church school. This work to support developing your school’s Christian vision and ethos includes training for SIAMS self-evaluation and other aspects of SIAMS readiness. It also covers a series of networks and training events to develop and enhance collective worship and spirituality (including Space Makers). HeadSpace This is where you will find our support and training offer for school leaders including our series of briefings (free to schools signed up to S4S) and conferences for our headteachers across the Diocese. Termly virtual briefing sessions will provide an opportunity to hear the latest news and information from the ODBE team including updates from the Church of England Education Office, up to date learning from ongoing SIAMS and Ofsted inspections and upcoming development opportunities. A virtual mini conference and an in-person summer conference provide additional opportunities for school leaders to consider specific aspects of church school leadership – our Autumn conference will look in depth at SIAMS and its impact on school improvement. RE Central Comprises all our development, training and support for the leadership and delivery of high quality RE in schools. This includes half termly networks for RE leaders (free to schools signed up to S4S), the Developmental Thinking conference and training for Early Career Teachers. Governance This is our governance training offer which covers the key aspects of effective governance including induction, SIAMS, RE and Collective Worship, effective monitoring and evaluation, appraisal, induction and academisation. Schools signed up to S4S, our service level agreement, are also able to buy Governance+ which enables all governors to attend our governor training at no additional cost. Contact In the case of DTS queries, please email Donna Finlay or your school's ODBE adviser. Page last updated: 25th August 2022 3:11 PM

Mr Andrews Online

mr andrews online


In 2012, David Andrews, alongside colleague Chris Williams formed Mr Andrews Online with a vision to deliver better learning experiences for children using mobile technology. The journey began, as Year 6 teachers, sharing ideas and approaches to global audiences on the award wining blog ‘Mr Andrews Online‘. The blog influenced classroom practice both here in the UK and around the world and went on to win an award at the UK Blog Awards 2014 for its ‘Impact in Education’. In 2016 they won an award for a module run in partnership with Hull Children’s University. Since 2012 David and Chris have worked alongside hundreds of schools, teachers and delivered classroom experience days for children (4-11 year olds) up and down the country. They were lucky enough to be invited to present work in the US on two occasions. In 2014 they began working alongside the National Association of Headteachers to deliver courses. Interestingly, David and Chris had articles published in the Guardian and sold the publications ‘Rapid Progress for Boys’ Writing (Girls’ Too) and ‘Programming Made Easy’ to countries across the world whilst writing articles for various education magazines and publications. In 2017, David was contacted by Lee Wilson, the Executive Principal (Outwood Primaries) as their current ICT scheme of work wasn’t working for them, had become stale and didn’t allow the teachers to exploit cross-curricular opportunities. When asked by Lee “To write a scheme to wow the children and be aspirational” the Mr Andrews Online Creative Computing Curriculum was born. Since this time, David Andrews has been working with a leading Multi Academy Trust as Director of Curriculum. This has led to the development of a World Class Creative Curriculum as well as continuing to innovate in the world of Ed Tech and drive Mr Andrews Online forward. Chris Williams continues to consult with Mr Andrews Online alongside driving the world class product – Chatta, which works on the fundamental approach that oracy unlocks literacy. Find out more at https://chattalearning.com/ In 2021, Mr Andrews Online recruited Chris Marshall as Head of Development and Education Consultant. As a former primary school leader, teacher and experienced user and developer of MAO, he is currently responsible managing the MAO team and the continuous improvement of the curriculum.

Premium Driving School

premium driving school


When new drivers are improperly instructed on the fundamentals of driving, and the “rules of the road” it negatively affects everyone’s safety on Missouri roadways. Unfortunately, schools have been eliminating driver education from their curriculum nationwide; including schools in Springfield. In September, 2019, Mercy Hospital phased out their driving education program costing Southwest Missourian’s their most trusted driver training program. A lack of community resources means parents are forced to shoulder the responsibility of driver training. Parents understand introducing their teenager to driving can be a unique challenge. Scheduling time for Parent/Teen driving instruction is difficult and lessons often create stress, conflict and tensions in the family unit. We’re convinced there is a better way to develop better drivers. In September, 2019, Todd Vermillion, a retired Sergeant and Dan Bracker, a retired Lieutenant both from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Partnered and opened Premier Driving Academy. With over 50 years of combined law enforcement experience, they recognize the inherent risks involved in operating motor vehicles, particularly for young, inexperienced drivers. They collaborated with industry leaders and administrators and developed a proven curriculum that makes their student drivers the perfect candidates for success. Premier’s teen driving program includes six, one hour, in-car driving lessons. Every lesson is tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student driver. The curriculum is based on a four step lesson plan; instructor explains, as student performs the task, instructor checks for understanding, student explains, then evaluated. The student will succeed in driving with repetition and practice. The goal at Premier is to develop skilled drivers for a lifetime. Dan Bracker, Lieutenant, retired from the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2018, with more than 26 years of service. During his 10 year tenure as Public Information Officer, Dan presented driver education classes at numerous southwest Missouri high schools. He has presented highway safety and personal safety education programs to many civic, and private industry groups. Most importantly, he passionately instructed both daughters to drive. Todd Vermillion, Sergeant, retired from the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2021, with more than 25 years of service. Todd was a Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) specialist instructor in the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (E.V.O.C.) for over 11 years; training law enforcement officers in the safe operation of police vehicles during high stress, high speed maneuvers while providing in-car instruction. He also taught his three children to drive safely for life.

Love Jars

love jars


Preserving is something I have loved doing ever since I can remember – I have memories as a very small person helping my Mother to make jars of jam ready for the Winter. I could only just see over the kitchen table but loved all the neat rows with their cellophane tops and labels. I made my first chutney alone and unaided when I was about 11 years old - I don't know what my Mother was thinking of - but I was delighted with the result and embarked upon trying out more recipes over the next few years. Preserving has been a lifelong passion and I have enjoyed experimenting with creating my own recipes which is after all, the roots of preserving in the first place. Our ancestors used what they knew with what they had in order to extend the life of food that they farmed or foraged in order to feed their families, and to survive. Nowadays, preserving can be more of an enjoyable hobby but is still an important means of making the most of what we grow or harvest or maybe find as bargains at the market. It makes a significant contribution to the family diet by adding nourishment, variety, and flavour to everyday meals. Nowadays, when we are all trying to make ends meet it is even more important to make sure we make the most of all that we can and prevent waste. about rosie making jam age 5 I now live in rural Rutland with husband Trevor, love good food, chickens and knitting (when I'm not making jam!) With teaching jam and preserve making and Master Classes, talks and demonstrations, writing, running my own Artisan preserves business, LoveJars and being Nanny to four grandsons, life is busy. In addition there are books! 'In a Bit of a Jam' is my personal account of my jam making story which began before I went to school and is supplemented with a series of recipe books on the individual methods of making preserves - and is a work in progress. We also publish a monthly digital magazine 'Simply Preserved' for all of those who love preserving as much as we do, home makers and artisans alike. Free to read in page-turning software it is a ground breaking resource for the preserving world.

Carwarden House Community School

carwarden house community school

Camberley Surrey

We are an amazing special school and 6th Form with up to 150 students aged between 11 to 19 years old. Students are taught in classes of up to 12 individuals, supported by a teacher and normally at least 1 teaching assistant. Most new students join us in September in either Year 7 or Year 12 but we do admit young people into other year groups throughout the year where vacancies exist. Our students all have complex learning & additional needs (LAN) and all are supported by an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) which is reviewed annually. The majority of students join us are operating at least 3 to 4 years below chronological expectations. Our students’ additional needs include global developmental delay, autism, ADHD / ODD/ADD, anxiety, OCD, sleep apnoea, cerebral palsy, visual or hearing impairment, dyspraxia/coordination difficulties, hydrocephalus, epilepsy, chromosomal abnormalities including Down syndrome, speech, language & communication difficulties. It is our explicit aim to facilitate every opportunity to help address our students wider ‘therapeutic’ needs. Whilst some of our students have some mobility difficulties, due to the split-level nature of our site we are unable to cater for young people in wheelchairs. We describe our young people as not disabled but differently abled. We have a highly dedicated, experienced and specially trained staff team committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for every young person. We believe in building a real and lasting sense of community and belonging – we are proud of being an especially welcoming school. Feeling safe and developing positive and trusting relationships are key to our students’ success. Securing our students’ wellbeing and positive mental health is central to our provision. We employ a multi-disciplinary approach in meeting the needs of our students and each individual is following their own personalised programme. We place special emphasis on partnership working (with parents, other professionals, Local Authorities, business / industry and the local community). Everything we do is designed to ensure positive & successful adult life chances for our students (not just ‘next steps’). The school is located in 21 acres of peaceful and beautiful woodland and we are proud of the high quality and well maintained learning environment we have created, including many specialist resources and teaching areas. Carwarden House Community School and Sixth Form grounds are owned by Surrey County Council.

Northern College of Beauty and Holistic Therapies

northern college of beauty and holistic therapies

Penelope Ody BSc MNIMH Penelope Ody is a Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and Fellow of the Herb Society. Hello – and welcome to "Herbs at Walnut", a series of one-day courses on using herbs now in its twentieth year. I have been exploring the fascinating world of herbs for more than 40 years studying initially with the School of Phytotherapy in Kent, UK, and also at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou, China. I practised as a consultant medical herbalist in Buckinghamshire UK, for 11 years while also writing regularly about herbs and editing The Herb Society's various journals from 1988-1994. For the past 20 years I have concentrated on writing books about herbs and lecturing at various courses and summer schools - including Herbs at Walnut which I started in 2002 at my home, Walnut Cottage, in Hampshire. In 2006 these courses were featured in Meridian TV's "Country Lives" series. For most of us, herbs are familiar and readily available plants used for flavouring foods or scenting rooms. Many of them are also potent medicines ideal for using at home as alternatives to over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs for treating a range of health problems. Our great-grandmothers would have been very familiar with home-made medicines but over the decades we have lost the everyday skill of making them. Commercially produced medicines – both orthodox and herbal – have been readily available to meet our needs. Now, thanks to changing legislation and tighter regulatory control, many of these herbal products are no longer available from chemists or health food shops, so we need to re-learn how to make these simple nostrums and to understand which are most suitable and when to use them. Courses at Walnut Cottage cover a range of herbal topics – from using herbs in cooking to making your own creams and ointments to replace those which are no longer quite so easy to find in the shops. Courses are relaxed and informal with small groups – generally no more than six – giving plenty of flexibility to explore your particular interests. I hope you find a course to meet your needs in this year's timetable. If you have suggestions for other herb courses, or would like to arrange an alternative day for a special group, then please let me know: penny@herbcourses.co.uk

2 tonnes

2 tonnes

Fall 2019: Creation of the first version of the workshop by François ✨January 2020: Meeting of François and Pierre-Alix, the 2 future co-founders of 2tonnes Compagnie, during a seminarThe Climate FrescotoCampus of Transition 🖥️ February 2020: Creation of the web platform (which has been continuously improving since then) thanks to the support of Data For Good and training of the dream team of developers! 🧑‍🎓 March 2020: First workshop facilitation training and organization of workshops for the general public 👔 First semester 2020: First events in companies (Essilor, Octo Technology, City Hall of Arceuil) and in universities (HEC, Centrale Supélec...) 🏡 September 2020: François and Pierre-Alix wonder about ways to increase the scope of the project, and, at the end of passionate working sessions, decide tocreate the SAS of the Social and Solidarity Economy 2tonnes Company to carry out the project. This allows them to devote themselves full time to the project to develop it as much as it deserves 🏫 October - November 2020: Deployments in major schools. 300 students from Supaéro in person, Giant animation, online and simultaneously, for the entire promotion of Centrale-Supélec (900 students!) 🌏 January 2021: Launch of the World version of the workshop, allowing to consider the transition at the global level, and including specific data from 31 countries and geographical areas (United States, China, Argentina, Thailand, Egypt, Nigeria....) 🔬 March 2021: Launch of V2 of the workshop, with an even more precise data model, and a complete overhaul of the action cards and a new storytelling, for an even broader vision of the transition, and a better integration of the role of companies and communities! 🛖 May 2021: Creation of the 2tonne association to allow the use, by as many people as possible, of the tool in a voluntary setting ⚙️ Fall 2021: Structuring of the project, improvement of the participant course, training of the first trainers of animators to meet the demand for animation training 🏆 February 2022: More than 10,000 people participated in 2tons! 👪 Spring 2022: the team is growing and goes from 5 to 11 people in 3 months! 🎊 May 2022: second General Assembly of the 2tonnes Association and validation of the main principles of governance 🗳️ July 2022: Election of the first Board of Directors of the Association, composed of 7 members! 🚀 July 2022: a crazy dynamic! More than 2000 participants and 100 new animators are trained every month!



Phoenix Domestic Abuse Services (Phoenix DAS) is a highly successful registered charity that uses a variety of methods to end all forms of domestic abuse. Since its inception in 2002 the service has received over 7000 referrals and currently works with more than 50 partner organisations. The Service is forward thinking and adopts a restorative, person centred approach to all areas of its work. This is unusual within the field but is based on the strong belief that all people are capable of change given the right motivation, support and practical assistance. We consider recruitment critically, only selecting those who truly share in our passion, values and beliefs. We, and others who encounter our service, recognise our people make us distinctive, innovative and ground breaking within the field. Over the years Phoenix DAS has listened to the needs of the clients it supports and constantly fought to create a service which creates real change. As a result the service has gone from strength to strength and currently employs over 20 staff over a variety of skills area. Services currently offered are: Victim Safety Team – support the emotional, practical and safety needs of female and male victims of domestic abuse aged 16+, including support through Criminal justice and civil court systems. Rise & Thrive Programmes – Victim Programmes are available to victims reading within Blaenau Gwent. Youth Respect Team – Healthy Relationship Work and also Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). Youth Respect Officers support young people (aged 11-18) who are concerned about their behaviours and responses within their intimate relationships. For those young people who are displaying negative and abusive behaviours at home towards parents/carers we can provide a programme of support to help challenge this. Parenting support is also available to all parents experiencing this abuse. This support is available across Gwent. Children Support – The Recovery team supports children and their parents affected by Domestic Abuse within Blaenau Gwent. This support is available for children aged 6-18. Voluntary Perpetrator Programme – working in Gwent to deliver life lasting change in attitudes and behaviour with those who are motivated to change. This intervention is available for males, females, LGBTQ+, aged 18 and over. It is delivered either in group settings or on a one to one basis.

Ursuline High School Wimbledon

ursuline high school wimbledon


Ursuline High School, Wimbledon is a voluntary-aided, comprehensive high school for Roman Catholic girls from 11-18. Under the Trusteeship of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. St Angela Merici Feast Day: 27 January. The school has moved through several phases during its history... The Ursulines were founded by St Angela Merici who lived in Italy in the 16th century. St Angela was born around 1475 in Desenzano on the shores of Lake Garda in Northern Italy. She was left an orphan in early life and spent several of her early years at Salo with her uncle. She acted as an advisor to the rich and influential and was known for her ability to reconcile those with differences. She was a ready helper of the poor and needy and she took a foremost place in what was very much a man's world. She moved to Brescia - the scene of her main work and where she eventually founded her company. On the 25th November 1535 St Angela founded the company of St Ursula, putting the company under the patronage of this early English saint, who was popular in the middle ages as the Patroness of learning. This was a particularly appropriate choice, as it reflected her concerns for the development and fulfilment of women. Her companions lived in their own homes but were consecrated to a life of poverty and virginity. After St Angela's death in 1540 her company became involved in evangelisation especially through education. Many branches of St Angela's company flourished and spread. There are many ways in which St Angela had a lasting effect on the company she founded and on the Church. Like St Paul she made herself all things to all people for the sake of the Gospel to bring all people to Christ. In her writings there is a great emphasis on prayer and all through her life St Angela was known as a woman of prayer. She also made a clear stand against the luxury of the world around her. She emphasized true poverty of spirit and trust in God alone. St Angela was also an educator in the widest sense of the word and in particular in the Christian context of leading people to find Christ in the circumstances of their lives.

Zion Bristol Ltd

zion bristol ltd


Zion is a Community Hub in Bedminster Down, where everyone is welcome. We provide a warm safe space for community groups to run, our cafe is open 9-5pm every weekday and we put on an array of affordable events. Although originally a church, Zion was bought in 2011 by Jess Wright, who lovingly crafted Zion into an essential and well loved hub in Bedminster Down. In the Summer of 2022, members of the community, local businesses and grant organisations came together to purchase Zion as a community share offer! Meet The Team Emma Centre Manager Sadie Cafe Manager Bianca Kitchen Manager Natalie Bar Manager Stuart Cafe Assistant Manager Dan Community Outreach Rosa Programme Coordinator Meet The Directors Martin Sereena Hannah Aimee Claire The History of Zion Back in 2011, Bristol resident Jess Wright purchased an empty Methodist chapel with a loan from Triodos Bank. Once a focus for the local community of Bedminster Down, this historic chapel had been left derelict after the congregation could no longer afford to sustain it. Jess wanted to breathe life back into this beautiful building, a real landmark in BS13. She also wanted to create a much-needed community centre in a residential area with few social or cultural venues. She wanted a place where people of all ages and backgrounds (especially those who were isolated or excluded) could meet to improve wellbeing on a personal and community level. Using a small start-up budget of £5,000 (her own money), Jess began renovating the building. Thanks to the support of a small team of volunteers, Zion opened its doors to the community once again; this time as a small-scale café serving coffee and cakes, and offering a few extras such as film nights and kids’ creative sessions. Over the past 11 years, Zion Community Art Space has become ever more popular. It attracts 15,000 people a year and is now open at least five days a week, offering: a daytime community café that serves freshly made food at an affordable price a broad programme of over 200 events and activities a year, ranging from quiz nights and children’s workshops, to live music, theatre, talks and food events regular daytime drop-in groups such as a Memories Café, Creative Writing Group, Local History Group and Breast-Feeding Support an indoor and outdoor private hire venue for weddings, parties and other celebrations