13403 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

London Churchill College

london churchill college


Excellent teaching staff Many of our staff at LCC are practitioners and have direct work experience in the subjects they teach and research in their areas of specialism. This application of real world issues and challenges combined with strong theoretical underpinning is an ideal mix for our students. We offer a programme of staff development and encourage membership of AdvancedHE alongside the opportunity for research and publications in the College Journal. LCC is committed to the employability of their students. London Churchill College (LCC) is committed to student employability with a curriculum that gives them the opportunity to find the job they want and, as they progress, to succeed through the impact they make in the organisations they join. We bring companies and other organisations into and around the curriculum to work with our students. We also work with our alumni and students around their professional development as practitioners. Students are fully engaged in the College processes and procedures There are student representatives across the courses who receive feedback from their colleagues with formal and informal processes available for informing staff. We ensure that students are represented on all committees in the College to listen to the student voice at all levels. This essential part of LCC practice across the curriculum gives students the opportunity to engage as part of their personal and professional development. Strong management and support teams The College has made key management appointments to strengthen the team, particularly in the areas of Quality, Employability and Governance. We have a customer focused support staff from reception to recruitment and administration to help students with enquiries and support their time at the College. The excellent service LCC provides is a feature of the student experience at the College. Open door policy and support Our staff are accessible to students at all times and there is constant dialogue with teaching and support staff. This is a friendly College where the focus of the staff is on the student experience at LCC and graduate success in the future workforce. As an access College, we aim to grow the capacity of our communities in support of the local economy through the personal and professional development of our students. An exciting and rewarding experience The multicultural environment and cosmopolitan character of the College make student life a challenging, exciting and rewarding experience.

Pass Move Grin Academy

pass move grin academy


Pass Move Grin was founded with one coach and one player and has grown to run different centres with some excellent coaches joining our staff. PMG is an award winning company that works with over 150 players per week. We currently run three sessions a week, working with players from 4-18years old, some of which have previously travelled from Leicester, Derby, and Lincoln due to our values, reputation, and quality training. PMG’s philosophy focuses on building better people first and foremost as this is the foundation of success, in life or sport. We use football as a method to teach life skills, such as the value of persistence, building resilience, communication skills, leadership skills and having a positive attitude. Our sessions are run for players to ‘Learn, Enjoy, Improve’, a motto of PMG that all coaches buy into. We at PMG have created a challenging but caring environment, where players are pushed to be better, more respectful, work hard as individuals and collectives, and are given the support network to ensure they achieve their own potential. Our coaches, some of which are the highest qualified in Nottingham, buy into our philosophy of developing people first and foremost, are all DBS certified, first aid trained and up to date with safeguarding procedures. PMG understand that to be a good footballer you must be respectful, disciplined, hard working with a positive mentality, as well as technically proficient, tactically aware, and socially good. We work across all these areas in a holistic manner. We consider football to be a journey, where parents, players and coaches must work together. Players that show the right attitude and determination are offered trials at professional and semi-professional clubs, representing team PMG who travel to opposition academies to play games. From here players can be scouted which can be the start of their academy journey, as it has been for over 54 PMG players so far. Further to this what makes PMG stand out is the quality we deliver when coaching. PMGs training is based around game understanding and intelligence, which help speed up development by putting the players in game realistic situations. We ensure that all players feel included in the sessions and differentiate objectives to ensure appropriate learning for all.

Wing Training

wing training


Wing Training delivers unique and bespoke course interventions for; Adult customers furthest from the workplace, adult clients with clear, identified and entrenched barriers, adult clients with a range of profound mental health and wellbeing issues, adult clients requiring support, both moving into, and in work. Wing Training adopts a highly specialised delivery approach utilising professional actor-teachers and 'Forum Theatre' techniques. It's mission is to ENABLE and INSPIRE client groups by facilitating a process of high level self-assessment and self-realisation, allowing those with a range of issues, barriers and health conditions move out of crisis and into meaningful recovery and progression. Alongside, Wing Training uses the highly acclaimed WEMWBS tool to measure improvement in mental health and improvement, and currently we can prove an average 16% increase per participant per programme. Since 2011, Wing Training has assisted over 6000 clients with wellbeing issues move successfully forward - partners including; People Plus, Ingeus, The Shaw Trust. Maximus, Acorn Training and two large FE colleges. Clients have regularly included; homeless people, ex-offenders, lone parents and those recovering from a variety of crisese. Of these, over 70 percent have moved into relevant and meaningful progression, and we can boast a 90 percent client improvement rate in a wide range of mental health related outcomes – notably; confidence, self-esteem, emotional well-being, social skills/interaction, motivation, focus, and positivity - proving levels of profound recovery. Similarly, when delivering the same resource to, specifically, harder to reach unemployed clients, we have assisted, globally, over 27 percent - of 3000 referrals - move into paid, full time work and 70 percent into other progressions (ie further training). Nearly all of these have been ‘Work and Health programme’ participants. Since April 2020, Wing Training has delivered completely digitally, but our business ambition is to move back to 'face to face' as soon as is possible to assist vulnerable clients struggling post-Covid. Funding allowing, all of our courses can be accredited to Level One and our learners achieve, either an Award, a Certificate or a Diploma in Personal and Social Development, with specialised IAG and Digital skills embedded. Wing Training is now operating all training on-line. Take a look at this video explanation of how Forum Theatre works, why it's successful with our clients, and some strong testimonies to our success.

The Beacon School

the beacon school


I am delighted to welcome you to The Beacon School. Every child has the right to an exceptional education. I consider it a privilege to work alongside the staff at The Beacon School, each of whom share this view. We are a school that is proud to sit at the heart of the community of Banstead, and our aim is to serve that community through the provision of an exceptional education alongside a wide breadth of enriching experiences. We are an inclusive community - staff at The Beacon School are committed to ensuring that all students are supported to excel academically. However, our community strives for more than that. It is essential that each of our students recognise that academic success, whilst important in securing opportunities for the future, will not be enough to truly thrive. It is just as important that our students recognise and embrace the values that our school community hold to be important. For these values are what will ultimately define our students in the future. By becoming values driven individuals, our students will be best equipped to shape for the better the communities that they will build for themselves. Academic excellence underpinned by strong values will allow each student to fulfil their true potential. We trust that the ambitions that we hold for our students are shared by all within our community. I and my colleagues at The Beacon School will maintain the highest expectations of all our students in every respect. This is especially true when it comes to our values. We are fortunate to draw upon the support of our Multi Academy Trust, GLF Schools, whose own core values of Respect, Inclusivity, Integrity and Kindness align with our own philosophy. Our most important partners however are our parents and carers. We are determined to work in genuine partnership with families to ensure the success of all our students. I recognise that few decisions are more important than where to apply for the next step in your child’s education. For those families that place their trust in us, each colleague at The Beacon School will work relentlessly to honour the faith that you put in us. I am confident that by the time your child moves on to the next step in their educational journey, you will reflect that this choice was undoubtedly the right decision for your child.

Bounce Back Foundation

bounce back foundation


Where we started Need often finds a way to drive an idea, sometimes further than we all expect, and Bounce Back was just such an idea. In 2011 we started a small painting and decorating social enterprise, with the sole purpose of employing people who were coming out of prison. Recruitment was done through interviews in the prison and the first team of 5 people were commissioned to start off by re-building and decorating our offices. They did a very creative job despite the rather erratic grouting and a few hitches with the quality of electrical fitting and we were all delighted. When other people asked if they could use the decorators we would point out that the team had just left prison and clients would say ‘if its ok with you its ok with us’ and that was when we realised we could change perception by endorsing people, giving people trust and putting our belief in them. As the work grew, clients wanted decorating but also wanted to make a difference and we quickly realised that there was an opportunity to do more including training people to be ready for work. Anyone who starts a charity tends to believe in serendipity and the passion for what we choose to do enables us to circumnavigate barriers and overlook obstacles. ‘Outcomes’ were not something we’d ever heard of and simply delivering success for the guys leaving prison was all we wanted to achieve. Fate and amazing people along the way stepped in. HMP Wandsworth supported our recruitment, The London Probation Trust helped us, we were given guidance to set up training and then we were lucky enough to be given a building for a year in which to flourish. Finally, through the support of our decorating clients we were working all the time and thanks to some amazing organisations, the first of which was Axis, we started to grow. We always knew that through the power of skills training and a job, we could make a difference and see change in our participants. However, we also realised early on that change could only come with support for the individuals, which led to our case management team working with individuals for as long as they need it when they leave prison and are go into work.

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

School Inclusion Support

school inclusion support

Inclusion Support Service Our Inclusion Support Service delivers specialist advice and practical solutions that will support you in the teaching of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We work collaboratively with you to design a bespoke package specific to your needs, providing strategies that help to ensure your children thrive. Our support will leave your school with capacity and capability to have a long lasting impact, and our professional challenge will enable your school staff to develop outstanding SEN and inclusive practices. Our service is comprised of a team of teachers who bring an extensive local and national perspective of SEND best practice. They have substantial specialist knowledge, skills and advanced qualifications in SEN and are experienced classroom practitioners and leaders/managers of SEN provision in schools. We use evidence based approaches from sources such as the Education Endowment Foundation, Whole School SEND, PDNet and the Autism Education Trust and support you to implement these in your context. The team also have well established links to a wide range of other services, professionals and health agencies, as well as a strong professional relationship with NASEN (National Association of SEN) and Bath Spa University. Core services Our service can be accessed on a consultancy basis, or at different levels of subscription with a number of days spread over three terms. We can work with you as an individual school or work with groups of schools to support collaboration and meet your local priorities. Our service can provide: Strategic support for SEND leadership and whole school capacity building to ensure your school can meet SEND needs Specialist advice around the SEND areas of need of cognition and learning communication and interaction physical development and medical social, emotional and mental health Support with identifying and analysing need and making appropriate provision, along with individual casework to support complex needs Liaison with other professionals, families and schools to successfully manage the transfer of pupils at transition points Support for SENCOs in meeting the needs of the SEND Code of Practice and improving provision, including drop in sessions High quality training for leaders, teachers, governors, parents and support staff Hub and cluster packages that promote collaborative working, sharing good practice and maximising impact. Specialist advice in urgent situations delivered via our telephone/email helpline.

SJ Coaching

sj coaching

Sarita Johan brings more than 30 years of Business experience. After spending her career climbing the corporate ladder, running her own businesses and juggling family and relationships – she doesn’t just talk the talk she’s walked the walk. SJ Coaching was born out of the desire to be more. A snapped femur, financial hardship, and a broken marriage led Sarita to completely redesign her life. She walked away from her high-profile career, invested in self-development and became a NLP Master Practitioner and ADVanced Innermetrix consultant which has allowed her to deeply understand how people think and make decisions. Because of that Sarita is able to deliver a holistic solution for those in business, teaching people to become more conscious of that we are not our business and the need to consider all areas of life. Her unique blend of business and mindset coaching empowers her clients to identify their business blind spots and success blocks so they can prosper in both business and life. Sarita specialises in coaching for People in Business with: Dynamic duos in Business and Life: You love your partner and your family - so why don’t you love working with them? Managing and consulting within many Dynamic Duo businesses, Sarita understands the intricacies and unique tensions faced by those doing business and life. Partnerships: A business partnership is a great way to start a business. Combining ideas, capital, skills and support can fast track your business growth. Like any other relationship it requires constant review and work. What happens though when you evolve? Sarita knows how to work with you to ensure this relationship doesn’t end up sour. SME's with teams: You started your business with a vision and as your growing you want your team to grow with you, you are looking at ways to improve, deliver the X factor to your clients. But sometimes it feels like you are still doing it all..... After years of consulting with businesses large and small, Sarita shares all her learnings on how your business can grow without you having to be involved at each touch point. Executives: As executives you are expected to lead, you’re expected to not only run a team but often outside of work we have other roles we are required to play. After juggling these two demanding worlds, I understand the challenges faced by executives who want (and can have!) it all. Let me show you how.

The Manor Academy

the manor academy


May I, on behalf of the Governing Body, extend a warm welcome to you. The Governing Body at Manor exists to offer support to the Headteacher in the strategic decisions made at the academy, as well as hold the academy to account to ensure that we offer the best educational experience for all of our students. We are a Governing Body of thirteen members who all bring a wealth of skills and experience together to help shape Manor for the future. Our work involves all stakeholders to ensure everyone has a voice in the development of the academy. We meet formally throughout the academic year as a whole Governing Body and perform a number of monitoring visits to ensure our strategic plans have the desired impact on the improvement of our academy. We are all very proud of Manor Academy, both in the academic success our students achieve, and in our work with the local community. We are a wholly inclusive academy and will do everything we can to support students in developing their academic and vocational skills. Chris Richards – Vice Chair I became a parent governor in 2002 and my four sons attended the School. I continued on the Governing body as a co-opted governor when all my sons had left the school. I am retired now but enjoyed a career as a qualified mechanical engineer in both the mining industry and power generation, where I have developed a good understanding of the requirements of health and safety legislation. I have an interest in the sciences and my linked role is as health and safety governor. I am keen to ensure that Manor Academy provides the best educational opportunities for our students as they progress through their formative years. Colin Sawers I was co-opted onto the Governing Body of The Manor Academy in November 2020. I work in the Complaints and Information Team at Nottinghamshire County Council leading a business support team. Since graduating from Loughborough University with a degree in Information and Library Studies I have worked in a variety of library and information services. I am a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals. My career has included experience in both public and further education libraries. Since 2012 I have also served on the Governing Body of Peafield Lane Academy in Mansfield Woodhouse.