123 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

By Our Hands We Make Our Way

by our hands we make our way


Freckingham Street

Making anything right now is a radical act in defiance of fear: making something however simple seeming – baking bread, making the bed; making art or a garden; a stiff drink or your mind up. It’s time to get creative and figure out how to keep our fingers busy, hearts full and souls satisfied. Time to roll sleeves up and get those hands dirty (as long as you wash ’em before and afterwards!) Finding ways to continue connections and sustain friendship feels so important, we’re glad that you’re a part of our community. Whatever comes next we have to make it together. Even if we can’t be with you here there are things that we’d like to share. There are tools at the workshop waiting for hands to use them. We’ll be glad to see shavehorses, benchhooks, chopping blocks, mallets and whittling tools loaned out to good homes, keeping folk crafting. We were so lucky to recieve a lot of wood before the doors closed, we’d love to see it go out to people who can use it. Let us know if you’d like a delivery of fresh green cherry, birch, whitebeam or oak. There are books in the library that could keep you busy learning something new over the next weeks and months. We’re working online too, hosting a shared space to chip away at whatever you feel like. Making a place to talk, weep, dance, laugh while we carve something beautiful together. Fridays are a good time to try, if someone is in the studio then you are virtually welcome to sit and have a cuppa, what’s on your mind?

The Orry Mill

the orry mill


The name ‘The Orry Mill’ refers to the open space in Eaglesham known as ‘The Orry’ (Old Scots for 'area') in which there are the remains of a cotton mill. The mill and the village were designed by Lord Alexander Eglinton, but built by his brother Archibald. The Eglinton family were responsible for a series of cotton mills and key agricultural developments throughout the late 18th and early 19th Century. The area of Busby, Eaglesham, Clarkston and Newton Mearns as small villages all had water powered cotton mills, and this drove the development of these villages, the buildings, geography and layout as we see it now. The Orry Mill was started simply to be a lovely wee shop that sought to share our love of crafting and colour with the local community. The shop was to be more than a retail outlet, a place to visit and spend time in, to leave having learnt something new, or to have found something that inspired you just a little bit. We wanted to have a shop that was full of colour, where you would be surrounded by quality vibrant yarn, yet also be a calming, inspiring and tactile place where we curate a range of lovely things for people to craft with, and to provide support and advice to create something at a pace that suits you. The wider benefits of crafting are a given to all those that are already passionate about it, and there is real-world evidence that taking time to craft and develop your practice, is beneficial to your health. It creates ‘head-space’ to reflect, focus and quiet the busy mind in our unsettled times. These deliberate pauses we carve out for ourselves can be nurturing for body and mind and if we can help to encourage and support creating the time, space, and tools to do that, then that would make us very happy indeed.

Bespoke Educational Services

bespoke educational services


Firstly, let me welcome you to Bespoke Educational Services. As a teacher with almost twenty years of classroom experience, I am well placed to assist you in fulfilling your potential. I taught, for extensive periods, in all areas of the primary sector before moving into secondary education and middle-management. At each stage, I was placed in key areas of the school, to aid transition, from EYFS all the way up to A-level - particularly looking at entrance to Russell Group universities and Oxbridge. For me, the importance of teaching is to ensure that the teacher is responsive to the needs of the pupil; you cannot fit square pegs into round holes! Too often, teachers rely on text books or expecting the pupils to adhere to their methods - I believe that this is wrong. An outstanding practitioner will flip this mentality and become the one who reacts and responds to their learners' needs. Online tuition can achieve this much more successfully, building a rapport that allows the teacher to understand each individual for exactly that - an individual. With so much experience, it is likely that I can work with you to ensure that you get what you need. Perhaps this is homework help or consolidation of your learning; perhaps it is the need to approach texts in a different way; perhaps it is simply to ensure that you are crafting your written work in the best possible way. Whatever you need, please get in touch and I will be happy to help you to achieve your goals, as your online tutor.