1193 Educators providing Consultant courses delivered Online

Negotiation Workshop Ltd.

negotiation workshop ltd.


Based in Oxford, Negotiation Workshop has been delivering highly impactful negotiation skills training and consulting to blue chip organisations in U.K. and Europe since 2001. We stay close to the latest research and academic development in the field and incorporate what impresses us from this arena with methodology that we recognise is effective in our own negotiations. It is not possible to deliver this sort of skills-development and consulting effectively by reading a script. Issues arise, questions are asked and genuine examples and anecdotes are required. Trainers need to be negotiators who have had relevant and significant commercial experience and this is what you will get from Negotiation Workshop. Many other training companies simply don’t have this sort of person on their books. Lead consultant for many workshops is David Bryson who has negotiated hundreds of high-value and often complex deals in many different countries. In addition to his wealth of commercial experience, he is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, has been extensively trained in the widely-used Harvard method at The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and holds a BSc.(Hons) in Economics. He has delivered negotiation skills training for the executive education programs of Warwick Business School and Cass Business School and regularly contributes to conferences on negotiation around the globe. Negotiation Workshop comprises a small team of senior, well-respected professionals, all of whom have had deep commercial experience and who excel at communication in the training context. Precisely who delivers your training program is important and will be discussed with you and confirmed at an early stage.

Chambers Consulting Training And Publishing

chambers consulting training and publishing


The managing partner, Steven Chambers, has over 30 years strategic and operational experience as a manager and Business Consultant. He was one of the first managers in Northern Ireland to receive the daunting accreditation of Chartered Manager in 2005. This was achieved through a demanding process of independent feedback on his performance. In 2000, he was awarded the BT National Investors in People Key Champion Award for the quality of his advisory services and, in 2001, he then steered a public body of 4000+ people to Cabinet Office Beacon status, one of only twenty such bodies across the UK. Amongst his professional qualifications, he is a Fellow of both the Chartered Management Institute and Institute of Leadership & Management, Member of the Institute of Consultants and Institute of Learning, an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development and a trained, PRINCE2, project manager. He is approved to deliver adult training at a Further Education level across his specialist services and act as an Assessor (A1). Steven has over 25 years operational history in security risk management and has attended the highly acclaimed Security Risk Management course at Cranfield University. These professional qualifications are backed by lengthy experience in delivering operational and resource management, corporate and emergency planning, employment practice, performance management, learning/development and security risk management. He has a track record of designing and implementing multi-million pound efficiency programmes in the public sector and providing innovative business development solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He works with the Department for Employment and Learning to improve the business performance and the Leadership & Management skills of Owners, Directors and managers of SMEs.

Alistair Smith Learning

alistair smith learning

Old Amersham

UK’s leading trainer in modern learning methods. I am an independent learning consultant. My expertise is in the design and delivery of learning and development experiences for high-performing individuals, teams and organisations. Popularity, Purpose, Preparation. I have been described as the ‘UK’s leading trainer in modern learning methods.’ I’ve delivered well over 1,800 training and development events in a twenty-five-year career. I would place myself amongst the more experienced developers in the UK. Any popularity I may have earned has been as a consequence of lots and lots of preparation and treating each piece of work as unique. I’ve never done the same presentation twice. Now I’ve adapted as more and more of my deliveries are on-line. I’ve delivered to large audiences – 3,000 medics from around the world in the Congress Hall in Prague – and small. I became good at speaking to groups when, as a young man, I had to take museum tours for visitors day after day. Many had come just to get out of the rain. I had to understand their motivation in order to connect with them. Presenting I became very skilled at presenting. Along the way I built successes in facilitating groups and helping manage the learning process. I enjoy taking a project through to a conclusion. I’m very thorough and always practical. I bring an understanding of the ‘science’ of learning to the ‘art’ of teaching. I take pride in modelling the methods I promote. I do presentations to different audiences and on different topics. Here’s one I did for the Do Lectures in a steamy tent in West Wales!

Rachel Burnham

rachel burnham


I help individuals and organisations use drawing & Sketchnoting to think, learn and work better. My work is grounded in L&D and OD practice gained over 30 years working in and with organisations as a consultant. Here are five ways I can work with you: Commission a Sketchnote - you could commission me to create a Sketchnote for you. Sketchnotes make use of a combination of words & simple pictures to make memorable notes. A number of clients have commissioned Sketchnotes of one-off special events and also for regular sessions to provide a visual record of the session - participants get to see the Sketchnote developing. Or you could get me to create a Sketchnote to communicate a particular message - in the past year I have created Sketchnotes to commemorate an organisational anniversary and to communicate a change in approach to wellbeing. You could learn to Sketchnote - I offer regular virtual workshops providing an introduction to Sketchnoting. I also offer these sessions in-house and have a version aimed particularly for students with a Sketchnoting for Studying focus. The sessions are practical and friendly. Thirdly, I have developed over the last year the concept of 'Reflect & Sketch' sessions in which drawing is used as a tool to help participants to slow down and as a prompt to reflection. I have tailored these sessions to integrate with wider leadership development programmes, sessions focusing on innovation & creativity and sessions on inclusion & diversity. Fourthly, I offer 'Relax & Draw' sessions which are short sessions based around drawing to encourage relaxation - each session has a theme which is often based around nature. Many clients have booked these sessions as part of a wider wellbeing offer.




Totalinfo is a multi-skilled intellectual property and contracts consultancy company operating to support innovators and creators. Adding value is our core focus. Totalinfo started in Northern Ireland in 2000, and is a registered company (NI038266). We work for clients across the globe. What can we provide? Contracts drafting and negotiation IP management, commercialisation, strategy advice, education and training. We also provide IP search services such as prior art and patentability searching. Through our selected partners we can also provide you with national phase entry, renewal and technical translation services. Furthermore we would be happy to refer you to quality Technology and/or partner sourcing and UK partner introductions Market research Brazilian Portuguese/English interpretation service What do we achieve for our clients? New market preparation and entry. Assistance with market entry in UK, China and Brazil. Licence agreement negotiation and agreement in the UK and overseas. R&D agreement drafting, negotiation and agreement We help clients discover the best commercialisation pathway for their innovation or creation. Do we have a specific technology focus? Historically our work has been in the agri-tech, ICT and product design sectors, however recent work has been delivered in the industrial machinery and pharma sectors. If we do not believe that we are suited to assist you we will refer you to our international network of expert consultants with whom we collaborate. Our lead consultant has considerable international experience and has negotiated agreements with parties in over 45 countries. Our work spans the complete innovation ecospace from proprietary know-how, patents, trademarks, copyright assets, designs, and even plant variety rights.

Accord Consult

accord consult


WHAT WE DO! We are not a franchisor who demands you to deposit thousands before training you to run a location of their business. It is important to remember that not every business should be franchised. Not every business is successful, nor is every business person. We empower you to own your company, trademarks, and products. We train you to evaluate and understand the role and responsibilities that you will be undertaking as a business owner. As a consultant and trainer we will be taking what works and what has worked in care business and formalizing these systems and procedures so that they may be taught to and implemented by your own business. As such, our services will include: Start Up of New Business or Reinvigorate Exisiting Business: Our start up service is designed for organisations or individuals looking for a new start up for domicilliary care or supported accomodation. Our primary responsibilities to reinvigorate exisiting business will relate to establishing a marketing foundation focused on promoting your brand, legally protecting your trademarks and establishing quality standards for your products and/or services. You will be required to establish and maintain performance standards respecting the guidance and standards set by regulatory body to deliver quality of care. Leadership: Don't ever forget that you can be your own boss. It's up to you to set examples of the type of working environment and mentality you want in your staff and business. How it gets steered is up to you. Brand Building: Your brand is what makes you stand out. Employee Training: We have training sessions for management to take back ownership. Our full package courses, can be an invaluable help. Providing On-going Support: Support includes technical and day-to-day operating advice. Part of our responsibility helps to oversee the entire operations of your network.

Art Experiences

art experiences


When an established and acclaimed artist of this calibre launches a new business you just know that the concept will be creative and excitingly different’. Although launched in 2018 Art Experiences is formed with an exceptionally solid base, a wealth of experience and a unique knowledge of the art world. Artist Minna George is the brainchild behind the new and innovative experience website ‘Art Experiences’, the first professional organisation within the arts to showcase some of the finest artists currently practising internationally and offering an exclusive opportunity for enthusiastic individuals to select from a range of bespoke experience packages. Art Experiences has come to the attention of some significant names in the industry with the headquarters of Phillips Fine Art Auctioneers in Mayfair the location for the highly anticipated launch with a spectacular guest list of notable artists and industry professionals. The mission? A sole vision to provide and make accessible the very best and most unique art experiences across the globe, for the discerning art lover or enthusiastic novice. To quote another well known member of the arts press ‘Art Experiences looks well set to transform the gift experience industry with an enviable offering of exclusive and previously ‘money can’t buy’ art based experiences from many of the most active artists of today” As a former gallery owner, notable artist and consultant to the art market, Minna plays an active role in the running of the business with the support of her marketing professional husband Stephen and their enthusiastic team. So whether you are making a purchase for yourself or selecting a unique gift for a special someone, you can have the confidence in knowing that every artist has been hand selected; no generic content and no group workshops.

Learning Solutions

learning solutions


Learning Solutions is an organisation established in 1996 to help individuals to reach their true potential through the use of developmental movement, sound stimulation and perceptual motor programmes. We are proud to be the International Representative for Advanced Brain Technologies, creators of The Listening Program® and other neuroscience-based music programmes. We offer professional accredited training programmes in The Listening Program, inTime®, The Movement Program®, TAVS (Test of Auditory and Visual Skills) and Brain Gym®. Working with many health and education professionals, Learning Solutions offers continued support to our network of trained Providers. Learning Solutions offers both training for professionals and schools, as well as assessment and consultation services for individuals with learning challenges and sensory processing difficulties. Over many years, Primary and Secondary Schools in the UK and internationally have benefited from our INSET and training packages as well as workshops for children. Alan Heath is our consultant and trainer. With a background in psychology and NLP, he has spent many years training extensively in the areas of sensory integration, bi-lateral integration, primitive reflexes and sound therapies with a particular interest in the integration and processing of sensory information at a neurodevelopmental level. Alan presents at most of the major Educational Conferences in the UK and works extensively in schools in the UK and internationally, training teachers in Auditory and Sensory Processing, The Movement Program and The Listening Program. He is the co-developer of The Movement Program and TAVS (Test of Auditory and Visual Skills and is the author of "Beating Dyslexia A Natural Way" published in 1997. Learn more about The Movement Program, The Listening Program, our consultancy work with families or training for professionals.

Eithne Leming Associates

eithne leming associates


Eithne Leming has worked as a Teacher, Head Teacher, Education Consultant, Trainer and Writer. She has worked within mainstream education, special schools, and professional associations and for the Department of Education in a career that spans over 30 years. She is a member of the European register of NROLE (those Nationally Recognised as Outstanding Leaders in Education). OFSTED describe her as “A very effective and inspirational Leader who provides clear vision and direction.” She has project managed Additional Language Services, established a Parent Partnership Service in Suffolk that provided school improvement and parent support services as well as setting up PRU and Behavioural Support services. She has worked internationally as well as nationally and regularly speaks at Education Conferences. In addition for the last 10 years Eithne has written for magazines and publications such as the Heads Legal Guide, The Secondary Heads Association, Home-School Practice issues. During her years as a Head Teacher at First Base (a Pupil Referral Unit and Behaviour Support Service for 111 schools in Suffolk) she attracted national recognition for her innovative work with the main client group of 3 – 8 year olds and also for cross age tutoring of Key Stage 3 and 4 students (13 – 16 year olds) at risk of exclusion and disaffection. In recent years Eithne has gained experience in the National Strategies working in interim Regional Adviser roles for Early Years and also for School Improvement, providing advice and guidance to Local Authorities in Northamptonshire and more recently in Hounslow. Eithne's consultancy work in recent years has involved: training for teachers and headteachers in developing effective school improvement, schools and working in these areas at a more strategic level with Local Authorities. Eithne also provides parent and child coaching services and mentoring and coaching for headteachers and aspiring headteachers.

Amplify Training And Consultancy

amplify training and consultancy


Amplify is a training and development consultancy led by Tom Burke. Founded in 2003, amplify provides services primarily to the voluntary sector with a focus on children and youth issues both in the UK and in the Global South. Tom has an extensive history of personal, professional and voluntary work with children and young people and the wider voluntary sector. From a child involved in youth work and global child rights advocacy, he developed skills and experience as a practitioner and advocate. He can bring this mix of experiences into work as a trainer, writer and consultant. Most recently, Tom was Deputy Chief Executive at Y Care International, the international development agency of the YMCA movement. He led their International Citizen Service youth volunteering programme, safeguarding & security, global youth work, policy & advocacy and financial management. Working part-time this was balanced with a range of freelance projects. Previously, Tom grew up in the youth and child rights movement. As a young activist, he was a member of the steering group of the Child Rights Caucus at the UN Special Session on Children and director of social enterprise ‘Young People Change the World’. He was engaged in local youth participation initiatives creating platforms for young people to be heard or to access services, including in sexual health and children in care. Tom was Chair of Trustees of youth-focussed international development charity Peace Child International. He was previously Senior Policy and Change Officer at the Children’s Rights Alliance for England, where he specialised in children’s participation rights, undertaking policy analysis, Parliamentary lobbying and campaigning for change. Over the past 15 years, he has undertaken consultancy for a range of clients on projects ranging from safeguarding, inclusion, evaluation and research projects, training and direct delivery.