1193 Educators providing Consultant courses delivered Online

Montague Consulting

montague consulting


Montague Consultants is focused on combining governmental experience and expertise with an in-depth and profound appreciation of private sector concerns to offer cutting-edge solutions to today’s business challenges. Montague Consultants combines an array of professional skill-sets at its disposal through its principal and its network of associates to offer an exceptional quality of service covering a range of business-related matters. Keith G.E. Worrell, F.C.C.A P.A. LLB (Hons) Principal Keith G.E. Worrell is a UK-qualified Chartered Accountant (F.C.C.A.) and a licensed member of the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (B.I.C.A.). He is a former lecturer at the London School of Accountancy and has had extensive experience locally in both the public and private sectors. Keith played an integral role in the evolution of the tax administration system in The Bahamas. Keith formerly headed the Department of Inland Revenue’s office in Grand Bahama, having joined the Value-Added Tax Implementation Project as a consultant in April 2014. He served as the Director of Tax Policy with the Department of Inland Revenue in New Providence from September 2017 until November 2021. Considered by many as the premier authority on taxation in The Bahamas in general and Value Added Tax in particular, Keith was instrumental in interpreting and applying tax laws and policy, participating in negotiations with major investors and taxpayers. In addition to his accounting qualifications, Keith holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree and completed a Graduate Diploma in Legal practice (GDLP) from the Australian National University in Canberra.

Curran Coaching

curran coaching

I would not change anything about the sessions. I think it was very helpful that everyone was working on their own presentations throughout the programme, so we could support each other and give valuable feedback. I liked the atmosphere a lot, it was a “safe space” , fun and productive.” — GILEAD SCIENCES “My presentation could not have gone better! I truly enjoyed it and felt like I was ‘a natural’. This was not always like that. I worked with Nicky on various occasions. She is an excellent public speaking coach. She is confident, supportive and professional. She helped me to figure out how to tell the story and gain confidence when presenting. I could not be more grateful!” — NHS CONSULTANT “I attended all sessions and found it to be very helpful. The sessions presented by Nicky were very well laid out and very interactive. She made you feel at ease and provided useful and critical feedback. The recording of our presentations was extremely helpful and eye opening... The tool kit and especially the storyboard layout she provided is something that will be adopted and will steer my future presentations.” — VP ASSET MANAGER “I can’t recommend this course highly enough. As someone who felt fairly confident with presenting and preparing for presentations, I was keen to understand how I could further develop my confidence and deal with my main issues of ‘pausing and pacing’. The storyboard concept is fantastic and really created a ‘lightbulb moment’ for me - again something I will use is many aspects of my job, not just presenting. A definite 10/10!

The Mulberry Dyer

the mulberry dyer

Currently a Post graduate Researcher at the University of Leeds, researching the most efficient methods of mordanting fibres with the environment and sustainability in mind, Debbie is also an Associate of the Society of Dyers and Colourists*. Her brand, The Mulberry Dyer, was established in the early 1990’s following the completion of the City and Guilds Art and Design – Embroidery course, with a view to producing naturally dyed embroidery silks, which at that time were unavailable. Meticulous research into dyes and methods used in the 17th century resulted in the accurate reproduction of these silks. This research was then expanded to cover all periods in history and for other fibres. Examples of work can be found in the V & A Museum, Hampton Court Palace, the Globe Theatre and other Museums and Historic Houses across the UK and Europe. A specialist in the dyestuff madder, she runs courses and masterclasses and is the first dyer for many decades to successfully reproduce the Turkey Red process in Europe. Research and experimentation continue for both historical and Industrial purposes, she is currently a Post Graduate Researcher at the University of Leeds. Environmental impacts of natural dyes and mordants, colourfastness (light, wash and rub) are key to current research. For several years a consultant to Industrial Organisations wishing to add naturally dyed products to their range. A contributor to the Encyclopaedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles c450 – 1450** and with several articles published in The Journal (for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers) a book is the next step.

Dusty Trails

dusty trails


outdoors to run Dusty Trails. Matt WEston Matt WEston Education Consultant / Director Matt began his career working in industry using his attention to detail for quality assurance purposes, during this time he passed several courses on risk assessing and auditing. Matt has been involved in training, since early 2000s where he set up and provided training programs for individuals in industry. Since starting a teaching career Matt has trained, coached and provided CPD for both ITT and experienced teachers. Matt is a STEM Learning Facilitator and frequently works for Southampton University and St George’s SLP providing bespoke Chemistry and Teaching & Learning CPD for schools. More recently Matt has been working internationally, consulting with governments, industries and universities to develop national curriculums and schemes in Science, Technolog, Engineering and Maths (STEAM). Matt still enjoys tutoring students at KS3 and GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics helping students achieve a better understanding of the subjects and an increased confidence to apply themselves. One of the biggest comments from students is “thank you for making me believe I can do Science”. Matt has had a love of the outdoors all of his life and his spare time is spent enjoying bushcraft, hiking, canoeing and cycling. Matt has worked closely with BushcraftUK and Forest Knights and his passion is now to combine his love of teaching with his passion for the outdoors so that new generations can be taught relevant content whilst developing important personal skills including communication, leaderships, problem solving, mental health and resilience.

Lotus Midwife

lotus midwife


I have three beautiful and challenging teenagers! Zaiah was born Vaginally Breech (Bottom first!) Isaac was breech for a while and then I had him turned (by ECV) and subsequently had him at home, and Otto was born premature at 32 weeks, also Breech and by Emergency C-Section. My personal birth experiences and the ways in which I was cared for during my pregnancies and births have shaped me as both woman and midwife. My journey to Midwifery began in 2008 where, as part of my IBCLC training, I attended a 'Womb to World' conference. At the conference, one of the speakers included a wonderfully funny and engaging lady called Ina May Gaskin, the author of 'Spiritual Midwifery'. I was already a Breastfeeding Counsellor with the charity the 'Association of Breastfeeding Mothers', and was working hard towards my International Board Certified Lactation Consultant qualification. My own babies were all approaching school age and I was at a milestone in my life, deciding whether to return to secondary school teaching, or to try something else. Ina May Gaskin opened my eyes to Midwifery, through the way she presented pregnancy, birth and motherhood, and I left the conference having decided that I was not going to return to teaching (which actually I hated!) I was going to be a Midwife! I commenced my training in 2009, qualifying in October 2012. In Aug 2012, I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to The Farm Midwifery Centre in Tennessee, (where Ina May lives and works) and witness the amazing work of Ina May and Pamela Hunt (another original 'Farm Midwife') first hand. At The Farm, I completed the Advanced Midwifery Workshop, and the course included many aspects of how to keep birth as physiological as possible. At the end of the course, there's a ceremony in which the Farm Midwives Bless the participants hands. At each Birth I have attended, as my hands are poised, ready to receive the new life, I am reminded of the ceremony and -I truly believe- my calling to be 'with woman'. For me at the time, travelling to The Farm, symbolised the completion of a circle of events that led me to finding myself as a Midwife. However, I was naiieve- my journey to Tennessee wasn't the end of the journey-it was a new beginning. My passion for a holistic approach to midwifery care has never left me, and I use this to support families through more challenging pregnancies. Women who are known within obstetrics to be 'high risk' deserve to be nurtured, cared for and given evidence based choices so they can make informed decisions regarding their care. I am humbled by the birth process and the families I serve. I am proudly a Registered Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Tongue Tie Specialist. I also volunteer for the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers as Regional Supervisor for the East of England, and as well as being a Trustee for the charity, I run a weekly support group for Breastfeeding Families. My family life finds me as a single parent to my daughter aged 20, and two sons, aged 17 and 15, life is a challenge with teenagers, but they are great fun! Our family time includes eating too many roast dinners and camping in our VW called 'Old Bill', and in my spare time enjoy swimming, walking and running with our crazy rescue puppy 'Blue'.

Cavan Health

cavan health


I am an experienced consultant endocrinologist. I specialise in diabetes and have expertise in all areas of diabetes management. My particular interests are in supporting lifestyle change to manage and reverse type 2 diabetes, and in intensive management of type 1 diabetes including insulin pump therapy. I actively promote self-management and have been closely involved in the development of education programmes for people with diabetes. I am the author of several books on self-management of diabetes. I qualified from Southampton Medical School in 1985 and after a variety of junior hospital posts, I spent three years as a Medical Research Council Training Fellow at the University of Birmingham, undertaking studies to help unravel the complex genetics behind type 1 diabetes. While fascinating, the truth was that I was not particularly suited to laboratory research, and I concluded that I wanted to devote my energies to helping solve the problems faced by people living with diabetes now, rather than research the underlying genetics that might take some years to yield real results. After working at St Thomas’ Hospital in London for three years, I moved to Bournemouth in 1996 to work as a Consultant Endocrinologist at the Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine Centre. I stayed there for 17 years, working with an incredible team. During that time I developed my interest and expertise in self-management for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and oversaw the development of education programmes for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. I also helped develop a structured educational approach to the management of people starting insulin pump therapy, as well as the first (and I think still the only) open access online programme for people with type 1 diabetes, recently relaunched as BertieOnline. Around 2010, I began to explore the potential of low carbohydrate diets in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and this forms the basis or much of my current work. By 2013, I was ready for a new challenge and left the UK to work for three years as the Director of Policy and Programmes at the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in Brussels. The IDF is a global federation that represents over 230 national diabetes associations. In my role, I was responsible for overseeing a range of projects and programmes that addressed the various needs of people with diabetes at a global level. In 2014 I published my first book, ‘Reverse your diabetes: the step by step plan to take control of type 2 diabetes’, aimed at providing people with type 2 diabetes with the information they need to make lifestyle changes to achieve better control of their condition, and possibly to reverse it. This was followed in 2016 by ‘Reverse your diabetes diet’, providing 60 recipes to help people better manage type 2 diabetes. In 2018 I published 'Take control of type 1 diabetes' and, together with Emma Porter, 'The low carb diabetes cookbook'. In 2022, I published my latest book, 'Busting the diabetes myth' that provides practical advice on reversing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, backed up by the latest evidence from around the world. I am based in Dorset (southern England) and divide my time between clinical work (at the private London Medical clinic and the University Hospitals Dorset NHS Diabetes Clinics), international project work (currently in Bermuda and Kenya), professional training and writing. My aim is to reduce the impact of diabetes for individuals who have, or are risk of developing diabetes, as well as on communities by supporting projects that help improve diabetes services.

Wilbe | Home for Scientist Leaders

wilbe | home for scientist leaders


We are operators, scientists and founders with a shared mission. WhatsApp Image 2022-02-11 at 12.52.54.jpeg Ale CEO at Wilbe. Former corporate solicitor in London focused on tech, medical devices and spinouts. Ale left practice in 2015 to advise founders of early stage tech companies. Supported over 40 founders, and in 2017 set up Wilbe Ventures, acting as interim COO to AI and Blockchain ventures on an equitable basis. He built an investor-backed portfolio and a stellar team and in 2019 together with Dee started building a new model for commercialising science at scale with Wilbe.com. Guest lecturer within the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London. Academically specialised in environmental law, drafting policy including for COP15 in Copenhagen. He completed his LLB (Hons) from the University of Kent. A bowman when sailing, once injured his neck head-banging at a RATM tribute gig. Grey LinkedIn Icon Grey Twitter Icon IMG-20210830-WA0008_2_edited.jpg Thejas Talent & Ventures Associate, Thejas received his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in cancer biology and carried out his post-doctoral studies at the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology at the Vienna Biocenter. Over the course of his scientific career, he has published in prestigious journals such as PNAS and Nature. He recently pivoted from making discoveries to talking discoveries with scientists. Before joining Wilbe, he worked with CEBINA, a biotech accelerator. Enjoys reading books on restructuring democracies and cooking fusion dishes. Hakan Bagci Hakan Academic Partner helping the team visualise the impact of the life sciences research that we wish to commercialise. Hakan brings his expertise as a life sciences and healthcare consultant and inside the lab as a senior molecular and cellular biologist at Imperial College London. He is also Founder of the Imperial Postdocs and Fellows Enterprise Network. Hakan’s research. Alec Thomas_edited.jpg Alec Originally from Colorado, Alec completed his PhD in the development of a bio-mimetic material to package therapeutics for targeted delivery. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, he led a clinical project within the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. He has recently stepped into the entrepreneurial world at a London-based start-up in stealth. WhatsApp Image 2022-10-05 at 4.51.34 PM.jpeg Nithin Course Director at Wilbe Skills, Nithin is currently laser-focused on the upcoming launch of a new course, to bridge the gap between non-science investors and world class founders. As an early stage deeptech angel, Nithin curates a portfolio of impactful investments in science-based founders tackling the world's largest, most complex problems. A seasoned operator in the Investment Banking, Energy and Medtech sectors, when Nithin is not with his family, he is a supporter of Charlton Athletic and hip-hop aficionado. Devika Thapar Devika COO at Wilbe. Former head of new product development at IBM Watson in New York. Dee spent five years commercialising artificial intelligence solutions for large enterprises across USA and Europe in product, sales and chief of staff roles. Her interest in frontier technologies began whilst working with Yale's Tech Transfer Office on spinout evaluations during her MBA. She started her career as a management consultant with Accenture India. An angel investor in early stage ventures. Devika serves on the Board of Collette, a world leading travel company. Professionally trained dancer now keeping up, she is on the Board of STEM from Dance aimed at empowering girls of colour to pursue STEM education through dance. A BA in economics from St. Stephen's College India.

Paths To Learning

paths to learning


Paths to Learning was established as an EDUCATION CONSULTANCY, by Felicity Gunn, in 2018. ITS PRIMARY PURPOSE WAS TO SUPPORT PARENTS IN FINDING THE BEST EDUCATION FOR THEIR CHILDREN IN THE UK. Parents may have been: British and returning home after working abroad, or international and seeking a boarding school in the UK or looking for a Special School for a child with Learning Needs. Felicity placed a significant number of children successfully, in a wide range of schools, both maintained and independent. UNDERSTANDING CULTURES emerged as a key theme for: advising schools in the UK receiving children from other countries, and parents and their children who were coming to the UK. To that end she ran a Virtual Summit entitled KNOWING CULTURE FOR BETTER EDUCATION 2020 at which 20 eminent speakers including head teachers, school managers, pastoral leaders and cultural consultants, contributed insights in how to manage the complexities and nuances of cross-cultural relations, thereby ensuring a fruitful educational experience for children unfamiliar with “the way we do things here.” All talks have been transcribed and are still available at no cost. As Covid 19 sped around the globe it was clear that few parents would be moving, or wanting their children to travel to the UK, for their education. Then early in 2021, Felicity married and moved to Derbyshire. While the consultancy company no longer exists, FELICITY OFFERS EDUCATION CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO PARENTS and can be contacted through this email address: felicity@newhorizons21.com or postal address Felicity Hough, Education Consultant trading as Paths to Learning Curzon House Curzon Street Burton-on Trent DE14 2DH



I meet many subtle revolutionaries. One thing most have in common is that they struggle to describe what it is they do. They are doing something unique and it does not have a name yet. They may work with individuals, families or organisations. They may call themselves a consultant, founder, coach, designer, therapist, trainer, teacher, facilitator, researcher or leader. Often, they are all of these things and more. What they have in common is they are making lives better in new and unexpected ways. This is not a straightforward path. Few workplaces welcome any of the three qualities. I have yet to find one that wants all three. Working on the big picture is seen as a distraction from the urgent business of the day. It is easy to pick up the message that the approach - perhaps your greatest strength - has no value. That leads to unfulfilling work and the exhaustion of trying to be someone you are not. When you try to use these qualities, you will meet another challenge. Most of the existing advice will not work for you effectively. It is either outdated or just plain wrong. Some of it will even make things worse. This leads to anxiety and frustration. Perhaps even the sense of being a failure when things just don’t work out as intended time after time. I provide space as you reclaim the qualities that make you unique. I offer guidance as we explore ways to turn that uniqueness into a valuable enterprise. In doing so, we create a situation where it is no longer necessary to struggle for success. Where you do not have to trade energy for money.