114 Educators providing Computing courses in Glasgow

Paul Mcfadden Wealth

paul mcfadden wealth



See what our students are saying about the Property Protege Intensive,Paul McFadden is a renowned and respected property and business success coach. As a successful entrepreneur and authority on wealth creation, Paul’s ongoing mission and commitment is in supporting others in developing their own wealth through property and business. After a difficult start in life, growing up in a single parent household with little to no financial resources, Paul discovered that a lack of resources, was less important than an attitude of resourcefulness, coupled with a strong mindset of possibility and good old hard work. From a standing start, with no personal funds, experience or track record, Paul built a multi-million pound portfolio, has bought and flipped millions of pounds worth of Property, and has packaged and traded tens of millions of pounds worth of Property deals to other investors, as well as being responsible for helping many others (including many well-known people in the industry) go full-time in Property. Paul has been recognised for his achievements in being made an honorary member of Robert Kiyosaki’s Wealth Master Panel as his advisor on Real Estate investing, as well as being invited as a keynote speaker in other reputable property and business events across the UK and Europe. He has also been presented with multiple awards for his achievements across Property and Business. Whether through Paul’s free resources online, or by helping you transform your fortunes in property and business through coaching, training or mentoring, Paul hopes to help you live a full expression of yourself, & discover your own power and capabilities..

Soul Food Sisters

soul food sisters


We’re a group of migrant women based in East Glasgow and together we’re creating a vibrant, female-led collective based around our favourite thing: food! By swapping recipes, ideas and skills, we’re making women’s lives brighter. Our not-for-profit organisation brings together women from all over the world, ending social isolation and empowering them to develop their talents- in the kitchen and beyond. 1. WE ARE A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE When we say ‘not-for-profit’, we mean just that! We believe that making a difference to people’s lives is more important than making money. Soul Food Sisters’ role is to empower migrant women in the local community to start their own businesses, encourage their abilities and increase confidence. That’s much more valuable than a fistful of tenners. 2. IT’S A LEARNING CURVE Sharing skills is a big deal for us. We are paid a flat rate and we all work together, which can mean anything from peeling bags of spuds to attending high-flying business meetings. By learning from each other, we can become stronger and more powerful together. 3. WE ARE ALL WOMEN We are built on the idea of sisterhood, so Soul Food Sisters is a women-only workers co-op, open to females from diverse backgrounds who love to cook. (Sorry, guys!). But if you’re female and you’d like to join our collective, get in contact as we would love to hear from you. If you work with us for a while, you could be offered membership to the co-operative. 4. EVERYTHING WE GET, WE PUT BACK IN Soul Food Sisters have an appetite for making great food, but when it comes to business, we’re not greedy. Any surplus cash after paying wages goes straight back into the collective. Also our assets are locked, so in the unlikely event we go bankrupt, nobody will be allowed to go home with the soup urns or chopping boards! 5. WE ARE A DEMOCRACY All the women in the Soul Food Sisters collective get a fair share and a listening ear. We make all our decisions by consensus, which isn’t always the quickest way, or the easiest. But consensus means that everyone is treated with respect and that we genuinely make decisions as a unified group. Every single one of us has equal ownership. 6. WE ARE ETHICAL To us, having a clear conscience is just as important as having a clean kitchen. We source ethical ingredients wherever possible and support other co-ops, making sure to buy our food locally. Of course, sometimes there are ingredients - like rice paper, for example - that we have to go further afield to find! But ethically sourced food is our utmost priority. 7. WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FOOD We believe that food has the power to bring people together. By harnessing the spirit of Glasgow and it’s culturally diverse and fascinating communities, we provide food that celebrates diversity and for people of all cultures to enjoy together. 8. WE ARE SMART LADIES FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE At the moment, Soul Food Sisters is made up of eight women from 5 different continents. From Malaysia and Cuba to Poland and Thailand, we are a culturally mixed group, with many skills to share. And our talents extend further than just the kitchen. Together our cooks can do anything, whether it’s teaching German, making wine, designing buildings or driving trains! 9.THE HIDDEN GARDENS HAVE HELPED US GROW We would not be here without the help of the Hidden Gardens, at Tramway. This is the place where we met and cooked together for the first time, and we are grateful for their continued support. 10. AND FINALLY…WE MAKE GREAT FOOD Our food is what makes us tick. It’s who we all are, what we grew up with, what brings us together. We believe that our food is a reflection of our individual personalities and family traditions. And we’d like to share it with everyone!
