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Everyone one of us has the potential to reach our goals. It’s just a matter of discovering what our goals are and bringing that side of ourselves to light, making it a significant part of who we are. How do you do that? You could do self-study and muddle your way through it, or you could take on the services of a personal coach to work with you on your development. Personal coaches can help you with a range of concerns. The most skilled of them will take your personality into account, understand what you want to achieve and tailor their guidance to suit your growth style. Finding a coach who gets you is already half the battle in your quest to live more meaningfully. A coach could be an invaluable asset to you in the following instances: Showcasing yourself as the best candidate for a position at work Learning to cope with and gradually move on from a loss Effectively marketing yourself and your business to expand your network Projecting yourself as a confident public speaker Finding a purpose in life, and more! Three people having a discussion outdor THE COACH Nahal Motahari NAHAL MOTAHARI My coaching method involves fostering an accurate and empathic understanding of your life journey as an individual who is willing to explore the meaning behind and the answers to questions like Who am I? What do I want to do? How should I overcome any challenges that stand in the way of my personal or professional development? In my quest to further improve upon my skills as a coach and my ability to guide you, I’ve taken and earned certifications in several courses that I apply holistically in my practice: Socratic Questioning in Psychotherapy & Counseling Working with Resisting Clients Choice Theory- Reality Therapy- Lead Management MBT (STEP-1) Workshop Mire Healthy Personality Workshop Nahal’s Coaching Method No coaching session of mine is the same — I adjust each encounter based on your needs and the progress you’ve made. To keep a little structure, however, I follow a certain flow to establish our direction and pace: First, you and I set up a session or two getting to know each other so the subsequent sessions will be open and relaxed. During this period, I will ask some questions to discern your needs and goals. The following session will then deal with the formalisation of the coaching agreement, wherein I will present the coaching strategy that I believe will benefit you most. As this is about your development, your input on my plan is very welcome. Together, we can fine-tune the map of your coaching journey. When that’s taken care of, you and I will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery. I will be there to help you develop positive habits, attitudes and ways of interpreting situations so that you can eventually reach a point in life wherein you are comfortable and confident in your true self.

Eithne Leming Associates

eithne leming associates


Eithne Leming has worked as a Teacher, Head Teacher, Education Consultant, Trainer and Writer. She has worked within mainstream education, special schools, and professional associations and for the Department of Education in a career that spans over 30 years. She is a member of the European register of NROLE (those Nationally Recognised as Outstanding Leaders in Education). OFSTED describe her as “A very effective and inspirational Leader who provides clear vision and direction.” She has project managed Additional Language Services, established a Parent Partnership Service in Suffolk that provided school improvement and parent support services as well as setting up PRU and Behavioural Support services. She has worked internationally as well as nationally and regularly speaks at Education Conferences. In addition for the last 10 years Eithne has written for magazines and publications such as the Heads Legal Guide, The Secondary Heads Association, Home-School Practice issues. During her years as a Head Teacher at First Base (a Pupil Referral Unit and Behaviour Support Service for 111 schools in Suffolk) she attracted national recognition for her innovative work with the main client group of 3 – 8 year olds and also for cross age tutoring of Key Stage 3 and 4 students (13 – 16 year olds) at risk of exclusion and disaffection. In recent years Eithne has gained experience in the National Strategies working in interim Regional Adviser roles for Early Years and also for School Improvement, providing advice and guidance to Local Authorities in Northamptonshire and more recently in Hounslow. Eithne's consultancy work in recent years has involved: training for teachers and headteachers in developing effective school improvement, schools and working in these areas at a more strategic level with Local Authorities. Eithne also provides parent and child coaching services and mentoring and coaching for headteachers and aspiring headteachers.