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British Compressed Air Society

british compressed air society


In a world of constantly changing legislation and standards, BCAS plays a crucial role in driving progress in the compressed air industry. Founded in 1930, the British Compressed Air Society is the only UK technical trade association open to manufacturers, distributors and end users of compressors, vacuum pumps, pneumatic tools and allied products. Our role is to provide unbiased advice on legislation, technical standards, education, compliance, safety and environmental matters that affect suppliers and users of compressed air and vacuum systems. BCAS Structure There are tiers of activity within BCAS: BCAS Board Permanent Committees The board is made up of the President, Vice President, Last Past President and Executive Director plus elected and co-opted seats. Each group member has a permanent place on the board. There are 5 board seats elected by the membership and the remainder are co-opted for skills required within BCAS. Elected & Co-opted board members stand down at the first change of president but may be re-elected/re-co-opted to serve on the board. BCAS also has sector committees, special committees and working groups, which are set up from time to time to address specific issues. The chair of the committee is selected by ballot of the sector committee. The current committees are: Compressor Committee Low Pressure & Vacuum Committee Air Treatment & Applications Committee Distribution Committee Training & Development Committee Statistics Committee In addition, BCAS plays a crucial role in upholding standards and advising its members about changing legislation and standards to ensure compliance and safety within the industry. It is also an active member of Euris to lobby on UK matters , Pneurop to lobby on European legislation, BSI and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Crucially, BCAS is an independent source of advice and technical help to ensure that compressor equipment, its installation and maintenance is energy efficient, compliant and safe. BCAS is calling on compressed air users to save energy from their compressed air system with the 10% Taskforce.

Reading - Kadampa Meditation Centre

reading - kadampa meditation centre


The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful we shall be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we shall experience true happiness. By training in meditation we can gradually learn to stay peaceful all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances. If we practice meditation we will experience a calm, spacious feeling in the mind, and many of our usual problems will fall away. Difficult situations will become easier to deal with, we will naturally feel warm and well disposed towards other people, and our relationships with others will gradually improve. Kadampa Meditation Centre Reading offers introductory meditation classes and courses in Reading and the surrounding area. Our beginners classes include guided meditations, a short practical talk about how to use meditation to solve daily problems, and an opportunity to ask questions and discuss. Our meditation courses and classes are open to everyone, whatever level of interest or experience, and give people the opportunity to learn more about meditation, Buddhism, and finding peace & happiness from within. The benefits of meditation include: Improved concentration and focus in daily life Less stress, worry & anxiety Reduced irritation, anger & frustration Greater inner peace & happiness Increased confidence & self-esteem Improved mental and physical well being A positive outlook on life & better relationships These beginner Buddhist meditation classes and courses provide practical advice for the problems of modern living. Through attending our classes you can learn to view everyday situations in the most beneficial and constructive way leading to greater happiness for yourself and others. “When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subsides and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within. If we train in meditation our mind will gradually become more and more peaceful, and we shall experience a purer and purer form of happiness. Eventually, we will be able to stay happy all the time, even in the most difficult circumstances.”