2321 Educators providing Communication courses delivered Online

Newbury Speakers

newbury speakers


ewbury Speakers provides a safe, supportive and positive learning experience in which members learn to develop their communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. Members learn and practice in a friendly, non-threatening environment. They learn and practice alongside other people who are there for the same reason. They are taught by people, who just like them, were hesitant about public speaking but have now successfully developed their public speaking skills. Together everyone grows and develops their confidence and communication skills. And, best of all, they usually have fun as they learn. As a non-profit organisation Newbury Speakers is run by volunteers that give their time to help run the club. Community Outreach Newbury Speakers has been part of the Newbury Community for over 35 years. The club has staged numerous events such as free workshops and a Speakers Corner in the Market Place. Members have given speeches at local networking clubs and facilitated Speechcraft courses for corporations in the area. Speechcraft is a program designed to help develop public speaking skills and confidence in front of an audience. These skills are learnt over six two-hour sessions, one session per week. During each session participants learn and practice speaking and communication skills, and have the opportunity to learn and receive feedback from experienced speakers. The skills learnt by the participants, are not only relevant to public speaking but to all situations where verbal communication is required.

Benjamin Tree

benjamin tree

Hi, my name’s Benjamin. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and my work. I have been actively engaged in the field of health and wellbeing for over 20 years. In my teens, I was attuned to Reiki, and since then I have worked with various therapeutic modalities including; Nutrition, Massage, Reflexology, Yoga, Chi Gong, Meditation, Shamanic Healing, Theta Healing, Sekhem, Breathwork, Embodiment, and Coaching. I combine my experience and understanding of all these modalities in my present work. My initiation into the depths of life began as a teenager being alongside my mum whilst she journeyed with a chronic illness that eventually took her life. This was a powerful time and it was my wake-up call to the realities of life and death. Since then supporting awakening, healing, and transformation for myself and others has become my life’s mission. I have been very fortunate to travel the world and train in a diverse range of modalities with inspiring teachers. My offerings are a synthesis of all I‘ve learned and the practices that have empowered me. I know everyone has their own unique set of challenges and gifts and my passion is to support people to find the ways that best support them by connecting with their own deep inner knowing and combining the best of ancient and modern wisdom. I received my Reiki Level one initiation when I was 19 years old, which opened up my energy pathways and enhanced my awareness of healing energies as well as my practice of Yoga & Chi Gong that I’d been doing for many years. In my early 20’s I traveled to India, Canada, USA, and Mexico where I studied Ayurvedic Massage and Shamanic healing techniques. I also met and was inspired by many wise beings including his holiness the Dali Lama at his temple in Dharamsala. In 2005, when I was 25, I qualified as a Rebirthing Breathworker after training with Leonard Orr, the founder, in the USA. I then continued my studies and travels in Europe, Russia, and Turkey until eventually settling back in the UK in 2012. In 2013 trained with Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, the founders of The School of Movement Medicine. I qualified as a Movement Medicine Teacher and Facilitator in 2019. During this time I also trained as a Steiner teacher and outdoor educator as I have a deep calling to serve young people and their connection with nature. In 2020 I joined together my work with Rebirthing Breathwork and Movement Medicine to create the modality that I now work with called Embodied Breathwork. At the heart of my work, is a trust in the power of these intentional healing practices of breathwork and movement, to re-connect us to our true nature; to bring alive the light of our beings, and wake us up to live our full potential and bring our gifts to the world.