2322 Educators providing Communication courses delivered Online

Mama Wellness

mama wellness

It was never going to be a straight forward journey and many things had to happen to get to here, so let’s start at the beginning. My son was born in 2007 profoundly deaf and it changed everything for me, I never knew love like it. Mother and baby groups were hard to come by back then and I spent a lot of time alone just Joseph and I, I was fine with that but I always felt I needed something more. Eventually I managed to get a place at a local class with other Mums and babies, I was so excited to meet other Mums and arrived at my first class so eager. After our first class, I remember feeling so broken, my beautiful baby was just not responsive like others, he had his little hearing aids on but wasn’t able to hear through them until many months later after cochlear implant surgery. I remember thinking this is a sensory class, how do I learn how to play with my baby? I was young and clueless, I felt very alone and parents didn’t talk to me, maybe because they felt awkward I don’t know, or maybe because I was closed off and had already set myself up to fail. I went to that class once more and knew it was not for me, I hated the way I felt and I knew that I never would want anybody else to feel that way. And so it began, as Joseph got older my knowledge of play and communication with deaf children grew. I became so passionate about language development in babies and how important it was as a parent to play, talk and give love. At the age of 13 months, Joseph had his cochlear implant surgery and was able to hear for the first time. It wasn’t like the videos you see of deaf children hearing for the first time, it was a long process, from listening to a series of beeps through a new mechanical device, it was a year of turning those beeps into recognisable auditory sounds. The process took a very long time and by 30 months first words started to emerge, at the age of 7 he had caught up with his peers. Being the Mother of a deaf child still is an epic adventure, that we have to be prepared to stop everything at the drop of a hat, if something major happens to the equipment or there are any signs of infection around the implant site, It is part of our daily life to check equipment, ears and his precious head.

Bristol Art For All

bristol art for all


My name is Amy Powell and I am a catalyst for reconnecting people with their innate creativity. At Bristol Art For All we facilitate friendly, inclusive learning environments where people can explore their creativity. We started in 2015 running an open access drop in face-to-face community art class in Easton in Bristol. From December 2019 to March 2020 sessions moved to Hamilton House in Stokes Croft Bristol and since April 2020 have been online. Online sessions are run in partnership with local charities as well as sessions open to all adults. Current partners include Age UK and St Mungo’s Recovery College. All online sessions are around a theme selected by the participants, who use the art materials and skills they already have to devise their own projects. Support is on hand to give input on what is made. The sessions act as an online art studio with time for making and opportunities to share and get feedback on artwork. Participants are seen as artists first with the acceptance that we are all on our own life journeys. The focus is on creating learning environments where people enjoy the process of making. With this strong foundation people can have the confidence and resilience to develop further skills. This website gives a taste of the work made over the course of Bristol Art For All. Myself and Rosa Hewitt began Bristol Art For All in 2015. In 2017 Rosa went to the University of Hertfordshire to study Art Therapy. She now works in London as an art therapist with children. I continued with the project in Bristol with the support of volunteers, building my knowledge, experience and skills by studying courses in teaching, facilitation, communication and social enterprise. As well as volunteering with Arts and Health organisations including Studio Upstairs, Bristol Art on Prescription, Workers Education Association (WEA), Milestones Expressions programme and St Mungos Recovery College where I currently run their online art class. I love being a catalyst for people to reconnect with their creativity. It is a great privilege to have worked with over 200 people across Bristol and beyond. Some have attended for years others for one session but all have been welcome and encouraged in their art making. I am currently in the process of making Bristol Art For All into an online art school to reach people who would otherwise struggle to access mainstream arts education. I am interested to connect with organisations, which work with clients who would benefit from exploring and developing their creativity with the support of being in a group.

London College Of Business And Computing

london college of business and computing

LCBC LERAN ENGLISH LCBC Learn English, was established in 2010 and has grown into one of the most respected and highly sought-after institutions in the Eastern province and beyond effectively teaching the English language to young and adult learners. Initially established in Batticaloa with 30 students, 2017 saw the addition of several branches in the Eastern coastal belt with a vast number of students. English is truly the global language. Whether you choose to go abroad or to study from home on your computer, our English language courses are the perfect way to learn English and get more confidence in speaking the language. When you study our English language courses you’re guaranteed to benefit from our long experience in teaching English, laser focus on practical communication skills, and highly-qualified teachers. Whether your interests are personal or professional, learning English will open doors both expected and unexpected. No matter where in the world you go today, you’ll always find someone who speaks at least a bit of English. If you want to travel abroad, work internationally or simply be able to understand all the latest movies and music, learning English will lead you down the path you’re dreaming of. Learn the language with LCBC Learn English and see how quickly your world expands. LCBC STUDY ABROAD Having over two decades of experience in student counseling and visa processing, LCBC Study Abroad has positioned itself as a figure you can trust in the industry by providing an unbeatable service to our clients. We assist our clients with a range of services from obtaining offers from Universities, visa preparation, interview preparation, pre-departure guidance to post-departure assistance. LCBC Study Abroad provides a comprehensive service that meets all your overseas education needs. We are very much updated on Universities and Colleges abroad and nature of programs they offer. We help students in getting all the information about the institutions of their interest. We provide complete updates about various scholarships offered by different Universities. LCBC organizes pre departure sessions for its students so that they can have an opportunity to know about the new culture they are going to face, about the institute they are enrolling for and also making them aware of do’s and don’ts while they settle themselves in a new environment. This not only allows them to get more confidence but also adjust better in the institute and hence have better performance in the programs of their study. We also assist students with booking of flights well in advance to allow ideal departure dates, routes and discounts.

Sprawling Buds ICSE School (Best School In Jammu)

sprawling buds icse school (best school in jammu)

We are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce SPRAWLING BUDS ICSE SCHOOL, THE FIRST CISCE AFFILIATED SCHOOL in J&K, to you and thank you for expressing an interest in our school. We believe we provide a very special environment in which both our pupils and staff grow and develop, and I hope what you see here will convey a small sense of what we have to offer. Our purpose is simple: We want to develop confident, articulate young men and women, who are interesting, balanced and independent people who care for each other. Our school provides an outstanding learning experience, but we are so much more than just our examination results. Although we do pride ourselves on our academic success, the outcome of a school should never be measured only in statistical summaries, but rather it is the journey, as well as the destination of our pupils, that is key to our success. This means we focus on every aspect of the development of our young people – their cultural, physical, moral and social development. We recognise the importance of developing a strong sense of belonging and believe in educating the whole person and teaching traditional values. This is reflected in our diverse and full extra-curricular programme and we expect our pupils to embrace the opportunities offered to them. By encouraging pupils to take part in the wide variety of activities available, we can nurture their leadership qualities, promote high moral values and encourage excellent communication skills. We want our pupils to be simultaneously competitive, co-operative and caring, as this will ultimately prepare them for life. At Sprawling Buds we have high standards, and we expect the same of our pupils; we want them to be ambitious for their own development, and apply themselves to their studies with intellectual curiosity and academic endeavour. The celebration of success is important to us and we take every opportunity to commend our pupils for their achievements, whether they be at house, school, regional or national level. Our pupils are an inspiration to others around them. Education is a lifelong journey, and we have the privilege of being able to prepare young men and women for the next part of that journey. If you share our values and aims and are interested in learning more about Sprawling Buds, then we invite you to pay us a visit, meet some of our inspirational pupils and spend some time with us in school.

Af Academy

af academy


Private support of the Air Force Academy provides so much more than a margin of excellence, a higher education phrase used to describe the role of private philanthropy. Your impact is, in fact, immeasurable. Our focus on “More than a Margin” is a celebration of the generous individuals who make our mission possible. It more adequately describes the true impact of private support. We believe strongly, as many do, that our Academy is a vital national resource — one that is deserving of our emotional and financial support. The Academy's mission is simply too important to leave to the vagaries of federal funding alone. As a result, the Air Force Academy Foundation (formerly the USAFA Endowment) will work actively to identify and to cultivate key relationships with current and potential Academy donors to support the superintendent's strategic priorities. We also believe that a foundation, singularly charged with the abiding stewardship of donated funds and constituted in such a way as to ensure the permanency and efficacy of the gift, is the most effective structure for providing this support to the Academy. As a result, the founders of the Air Force Academy Foundation chose to establish a new type of foundation and to memorialize a number of unique Founding Principles into the organizational bylaws. Founding Principles Our board of directors is stable and independent. The structure of the Air Force Academy Foundation is such that donors can have confidence that their gifts will be stewarded carefully and consistently over time by other donors. We are committed to a positive and supportive approach. The singular role of the Air Force Academy Foundation is to provide financial support for vital Academy programs. We will not make any public pronouncements on the policy decisions of the Academy or the Air Force. We are fully transparent. Our operations have complete audit and donor visibility annually. Annual reports are provided to each donor — both for the Air Force Academy Foundation as a whole, and for each donor's individual gift. Our Commitment to Donors We hold donor service first and foremost. We commit to integrity and transparency in all our dealings. We will recognize our donors' contributions while respecting donor-requested privacy. We seek perfection in every written communication and report we produce. We under-promise, over-prepare, and over-deliver. We get the job done regardless of who gets the credit. We welcome constructive criticism. We seek continuous improvement in every aspect of our operation. Cooperation and respect characterize our interactions with each other and the outside world. Quality preempts quantity. Execution supersedes intention.

Pauline Daley

pauline daley

We also offer a range of other courses not related to first aid, please look under the 'other courses' tab. We are an approved centre for both Qualsafe Awards and Pro--Trainings UK, Awarding organisations recognised by Ofqual to offer regulated qualifications. Group bookings of 12 people receive over 40% discount and we are able to price match to most companies upon sight of a written quotation and can come along to your premises to minimise disruption to your workforce. Emergency First Aid at Work - This is a one-day course, suited to the lower risk working environment and covers the following: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Bleeding, Broken Bones, Burns, Choking, CPR, Diabetes, Eye Injury, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Heart Attack, Nosebleed, Poisoning, Primary Survey, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Secondary Survey, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Stroke, Unconsciousness, and Record Keeping. First Aid at Work - A three-day course, suited to the higher risk working environment and covers the following: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis. Angina, Asthma, Bleeding, Burns, Chest Injury, Choking, CPR, Croup, Crush Injury, Diabetes, Drowning, Epilepsy, Eye Injury, Fainting, Febrile Convulsions, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Frostbite, Head Injuries, Heart Attack, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Hyperventilation, Hypothermia, Internal Bleeding, Poisoning, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Sprains and Strains, Stroke, Unconsciousness and Record Keeping. Paediatric First Aid - A two day course, suitable for people working with children and babies, in any working environment including schools, nurseries, after school clubs, day care etc. The course covers the following: Allergic reaction, Amputation, Asthma, Bleeding, Broken Bones, Burns and Scolds, Choking, CPR, Croup, Diabetes, Drowning, Electric Shock, Epilepsy, Eye Injury, Febrile Convulsions, Head Injury, Heat Stroke, Hypothermia, Meningitis, Nosebleed, Poisoning, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Seizures, Shock, Sickle Cell, Smoke Inhalation, Spinal Injury, Sprains, Strains, and Unconsciousness. Defibrillation (CPR and AED) - A half day course, many more public areas, supermarkets, clubs and businesses now have these devices. To attend this course delegates do not have to be first aid trained. The course covers: Abnormal Heart Rhythms, Angina, Chain of Survival, Children AED usage, Choking, CPR, CPR with an AED device, Heart Attack, Heart Rhythms, Hygiene during CPR, Post Traumatic Stress, Recovery Position, Resuscitation with an AED, Safety using an AED, Survival Rates, Unconsciousesness, Ventricular Fibrillation, Reporting AED Usage. Basic Life Support - This course is a half day course and suited to delegates who want basic knowledge of actions to take in any emergency and how to deal with major accidents and injuries. The course covers the following: Adult Child and Infant Resuscitation, Communication and Casualty Care, Looking after yourself and the Casualty, Treatment of Severe Bleeding and Chest Pain, Treatment of Choking in Adults, Children and Infants and Treatment of an Unconscious Casualty. Requalification - The course is a two day course and suited to those candidates who require to renew their nationally accredited award in First Aid at Work. Covering two units the course content covers: Bones Muscles and Joints, Suspected Head and Spinal Injuries, Suspected Chest Injuries, Burns and Scolds, Eye Injury, Sudden Poisoning, Anaphylaxis and Major illnesses (Heart Attack, Stroke, Epilepsy, Asthma and Diabetes). Automated External Defibrillator training now included on this course. Care Home First Aid - This is a one day course based on Emergency First Aid structured for use in a Care Home. Consisting of: Recovery Position, Bandaging, Assessing Dangerous situations, Heart Attacks, Diabetes, First Aid Kits, Unconsciousness, CPR, Choking, Falls and Fractures, How and When to Obtain Help, Epilepsy and Seizures, Fainting, Dementia, Shocks, Burns, Bleeding. Stroke and Poisoning. First Aid for Foster Carers – A one day course based on Emergency First Aid structured for use by foster carers, consisting of: First Aid Kits and other Responsibilities, Primary Survey and Recovery Position, CPR, Choking, Seizures, Asthma and Hyperventilation, Anaphylactic Shock, Shock, Bleeding, Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries, Burns and Meningitis, Poisoning, Unresponsive Casualty, Assessing an incident and Dealing with minor Injuries. Equestrian - Basic One Day Equestrian First Aid - One day course: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Bleeding, Broken Bones, Burns, Choking, CPR, Diabetes, Eye Injury, Electrocution, Fears of First Aid, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Heart Attack, Heat and Cold Emergencies, Horse Safety, Helmet removal, Nosebleed, Poisoning, Primary Survey, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Secondary Survey, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Stroke, Unconsciousness and Record Keeping. Equestrian First Aid at Work - A three-day course: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis, Angina, Asthma, Bleeding, Burns, Chest Injury, Choking, CPR, Croup, Crush Injury, Diabetes, Drowning, Epilepsy, Eye Injury, Electrocution, Fainting, Fears of First Aid, Febrile Convulsions, First Aid at Work Rules and Regulations, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Frostbite, Head Injuries, Heart Attack, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Hyperventilation, Hypothermia, Heat and Cold Emergencies, Horse Safety, Helmet removal, Internal Bleeding, Poisoning, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Sprains and Strains, Stroke, Types of Wounds, Unconsciousness and Record Keeping First aid courses. First Aid for Mental Health Course Level 1 - Awareness course: This ½-Day course is run in a fun and engaging way, and is aimed at providing learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and be able to signpost the person towards professional help. (4.5 hours) First Aid for Mental Health Course Level 2 - This 1-Day course covers the content of the Level 1 course aimed at providing learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and be able to signpost the person towards professional help) but also expands on the effects of drugs and alcohol, incorporates the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan and covers ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace. (7 hours) First Aid for Mental Health Course Level 3 - A 2-Day course goes into detail on a wide range of mental health conditions and the support and help provided by healthcare professionals. It covers the content of both the Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications but is aimed at Trainer/Assessors and/or supervisor level within the workplace. (7 hours each day). Pet First Aid – A half day course : Aim of the course, The vet and your role in first aid, keeping your pet safe in an emergency, car accidents, pet proofing your home, communication and care of your pet, how pets show pain, checking your pet’s health, restraint of a pet in need and the use of a muzzle, breathing and respiratory problems including choking, dog CPR , drowning , shock , pet first aid kits, broken bones , spinal injury and moving an injured pet , controlling bleeding , dressings and bandages , paw problems , ears, eyes and mouth , Illnesses , poisoning , bite and stings , burns and temperature related problems , the older dog , cats , small dogs care , puppies and young animals , travelling with your dog abroad. Canine First Aid – A half day course : Aim of the course, The vet and your role in first aid, keeping your pet safe in an emergency, car accidents, dog proofing your home, communication and care of your pet, how pets show pain, checking your dogs health, restraint of a pet in need and the use of a muzzle, breathing and respiratory problems including choking, dog CPR , drowning , shock , pet first aid kits, broken bones , spinal injury and moving an injured pet , controlling bleeding , dressings and bandages , paw problems , ears, eyes and mouth , Illnesses , poisoning , bite and stings , burns and temperature related problems , the older dog , small dogs care , puppies and young animals , travelling with your dog abroad. Security Dog First Aid – Full day course. This course is approved by NASDU for the requirement of pet first aid in their standards. First aid is important to know for your security dog not only to comply with associations and local authorities but also for animal welfare and to help a dog in need. The nature of working with dogs will pose a risk that they may be harmed in the course of their work or transport. The course has been designed to meet the NASDU learning outcomes and added a few extra modules to ensure full understanding. The courses will give a 3 year nationally recognised certificate, CPD time credit conformation, weekly video refreshers, evidence-based training certificate.

Lux Theatre Arts

lux theatre arts


Eleanor’s career path has been firmly rooted within the disciplines of Drama, Dance and Music. Having initially trained as a ballet dancer at the Royal Academy of Dance, London, under the instruction of June Mitchel, Eleanor went on to gain a degree in Music, specialising in the voice. Post degree, Eleanor’s work has taken her into the film industry, television productions, modelling, a singing residency in Mayfair and even a record deal. Eleanor has also been lucky enough to explore dramatic performance through many platforms including: Film The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (as Lily Cole’s body double/stand in) Inkheart Bourne Ultimatum Batman – The Dark Knight National Treasure – Book of Secrets Robin Hood A Long Way Down Get Him To The Greek Inception The Other Man Advertisements Compare The Market Heinz Sky Head & Shoulders Marks & Spencer Christmas Commercial Vodafone Television Come Fly With Me Sense and Sensibility Love Soup Made in Chelsea Rev White Heat Above Suspicion Echo Beach Plus One Secret Diary of a Call Girl The Hour Holby City New Tricks Spooks Music Videos The Goodbooks – ‘The Illness’ Pixie Lott – ‘Broken Arrow’ KT Tunstall – ‘Made of Glass’ 15 years ago, Eleanor was headhunted to teach ballet at Heathfield School in Ascot, and teaching quickly became what is now a lifelong passion. Equipping pupils with the skills to build self-concept through communication and expression became a driving force for Eleanor. She was among the first group of postgraduates to be awarded the Royal Academy of Dance’s Diploma in Dance Teaching Studies, and Eleanor is currently completing her MA Education (Drama). Alongside her pedagogical studies, Eleanor taught Drama, Dance and Musical Theatre at a further four independent schools in Ascot for over a decade. She and her wonderful team currently deliver the co-curricular Performing Arts provision at 7 schools and colleges within Surrey and Hampshire. “I have an immense passion for teaching and feel privileged to have such an enriching career. Through my teaching, I strive to make the studio a fully inclusive, inspirational environment in which students can develop and have their talents nurtured. Continued professional development is critical in the evolving world of performing arts education. I recognise and embrace the importance of reflecting upon current teaching strategies and adapting to the needs of students, and I am a great advocate of Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre in a child development capacity.” Eleanor Bowyer BA (Hons), HND, RAD DDTS, PGDip Ed. (Drama), RAD RTS Eleanor holds enhanced DBS clearance and is a Registered Teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance. Lux Theatre Arts family is very fortunate to include a hugely talented staff with a wealth of professional and teaching experience, all of whom hold enhanced DBS clearance.