9780 Educators providing Coaching courses

Belfast Met

belfast met



Belfast Met is the largest Further and Higher Education College in Northern Ireland and one of the largest in the UK. We have developed a dynamic new curriculum which mirrors the priority growth areas identified for Northern Ireland as this is where future jobs will be created. Through our partnerships with industry, we constantly adapt our curriculum to meet the skill demands of our economy. We provide a unique breadth of education and training at every level and have designed a portfolio of courses to address a variety of skill needs – from apprenticeship and Level 1 courses, to those undertaking degrees and post-graduate study. Coupled with this is our commitment to ensuring that our students have access to opportunities which will enhance their employability and job-ready skills. Our focus for the future is to support the development of Belfast by providing education, training and skills development to enhance individual, community and economic prosperity. Over the next three years we will sustain and improve our responsiveness to learners, employers and communities. The College has already built an excellent reputation with employers for offering relevant, high quality learning. We will build on this by focusing on developing long-term mutually beneficial partnerships and becoming recognised as an expert in key and emerging growth areas. Working in partnership, we will increase participation, progression, attainment and skill levels of all our students.

Flourished You

flourished you

Flourished you offers courses and trainings for businesses and private individuals on wellbeing and its components. The foundation of our work is Positive Psychology, the science of wellbeing and flourishing.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on one of the most widely used models of wellbeing from Positive Psychology, the following wellbeing components are covered by Flourished You. Pleasant Emotions The frequent and stable experience of pleasurable emotions for improved psychological resources and wellbeing. Engagement The complete engagement in life through the application of strengths and immersed attention.  Relationships The central and evolutionary factor of wellbeing are supportive relationships for psychological safety and security. Meaning and Purpose The sense of belonging and of contributing to something significant and greater than oneself according to core values. Achievement The pursuit of achievement, competence success and mastery for their own sake in a variety of areas. Vitality The optimal physical conditions through nutrition, movement, sleep and rest to enable wellbeing.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, wellbeing is a complex phenomenon that depends on a subjective balance of satisfaction of various elements in each person and can not be grasped by a model for the individual. Therefore, Flourished You helps to clarify and improve the individual wellbeing elements through coaching [http://flourished-you.com/coaching]. Flourished You's quest for insight into the great life integrates the latest scientific findings with wisdom and practices developed over hundreds and thousands of years in disciplines concerned with wellbeing on this earth, such as Yoga or Buddhist meditation practices. This provides a truly holistic perspective on the great life.

Optimise Leadership Solutions

optimise leadership solutions


As a former primary Head Teacher of three substantive posts and one interim headship, I now enjoy my role in providing independent consultancy support and challenge to leaders at all levels in a wide range of context. I am former School Improvement Partner (SIP) across four Local Authority areas, Ofsted and Diocesan Inspector. I am an accedited and experienced leadership coach and employ a coaching approach to much of my work with the school leaders. I have trained many leaders to become effective coaches and facilitated the implementation of a coaching culture in a number of schools. I continue to facilitate and lead the review of Head Teachers’ performance since its introduction in 2001, across many part of the country. I am tuned into the needs of governors with regard to this and offer training to governors who are new to the process. I have assisted the development of governing bodies in many areas of governance. NICKI BELL Former Head Teacher I first became a Head Teacher in January 1995 and was substantive Head Teacher of three schools and an interim Head Teacher of a fourth. Between my last two headships I worked for four years for a national training company in Cambridge that was, at that time, an affiliated centre for the National College. I was responsible for rolling out a number of a national programmes in the East region, including Leading from the Middle. I retired from headship in 2016. My final school was a three-form entry Infant and Nursery School in Birmingham judged by Ofsted to be an outstanding school. We were federated to our adjoining Junior school which was the lead school in a Teaching School Alliance, (TSA) and I was heavily involved in the CPD element of this. My career has offered lots of opportunities to do exciting things. I was a seconded National College Associate for four years supporting school leadership in the West Midlands. I have been lucky enough to write and deliver leadership training in many different places, the two most distant being in the Middle East and China. I now have two roles. I am Director of Primary Education for a Trust for 40% of my time and the rest of my working life is freelance, frequently working with Alistair. We write and deliver training for leaders, at all levels, in primary schools and develop resources to support head teachers with many of the bureaucratic tasks of headship. Alongside this I do a lot of 1-1 support of schools, acting as an Improvement Partner, supporting HT performance management and providing CPD.