9781 Educators providing Coaching courses delivered Online

Resolution Space Limited

resolution space limited

Resolution Space Ltd is a collaboration between two former senior military officers and long-standing colleagues, Louise Carver and Kate Harper. Louise Carver BA (Hons) FInstLM Chartered MCIPD Louise is a former RAF senior officer and a highly capable and experienced learning and development practitioner, facilitator, presenter and mediator with over 30 years’ experience working in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. She is passionate about putting motivated and capable individuals and teams at the heart of organisational success. Louise is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and is recognised as an approved training provider by the ILM. She is accredited by the Belbin Institute as a team roles facilitator and is qualified to administer the Strength Deployment Inventory® and Relationship Awareness Theory® which she uses to enhance individual and team development. She is also a qualified workplace mediator, able to help manage and resolve workplace conflict. Kate Harper MSc MA PGCE MCMI CIPD Kate is a former senior Army officer and professionally qualified learning and development practitioner. She is a proven leader with more than 25 years' experience gained through working with public, private and voluntary sector organisations. She is passionate about developing successful leaders, people and teams, so that their talents are fully used and valued by their organisation. Kate is a member of the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) and a Chartered Member of the Chartered Management Institute (MCMI). She has a Masters degree in Management of Training and Development, a CMI Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Leadership and Development and is a qualified teacher. She is qualified to administer the Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Steps 1 and 2, has completed a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner course and has diplomas in Business and Life Coaching.

Focus On Your Core

focus on your core

I help you focus on your core to bring out your best self, one goal at a time. Only you have the power to change and focus on what you really want! I serve as your sounding board to get you started and get moving! I coach and advise professionals, businesses and young people to help them map and identify their priorities. Struggling to get started? I help you think strategically and support you in getting in the direction you want to be – your goals, your career, your brand. Have a look at our programs and let’s have a private chat to see if this is right for you. You are in total control. This is your life. But you got to bring your whole self if you want positive change. For owner/manager businesses, start-ups and young entrepreneurs, I help you with your business’ brand identity and strategic communications, whether you are at the startup phase or growing your business with a team. I have been doing this for 14 years. Leadership buy-in is important for whatever change you are thinking, so start chatting over a cup of tea or lunch. I also love working with university students and young people. I am passionate about supporting them through self-discovery, confidence and career mapping. So many young people need direction. I also partner with universities and organisations to help deliver online career coaching support to guide students throughout the school term. I am passionate about arts in health and its impact on our wellbeing. I thoroughly enjoy working with professionals in the creative industry. I am also an artist and my work is focused on health and wellbeing and influences of life in the Caribbean. Try something new and be inspired to improve, take action and take care of you. Thanks so much for visiting and I am excited to join you on your journey! Let’s do this!

The Reset Project

the reset project

I help forward-thinking organisations boost their leaders' and teams' health, wellbeing and resilience to transform their productivity, their profit and their reputation. All too often, corporate health and wellbeing is reactive rather than preventative - trying to tackle a problem once it has appeared, rather than avoiding the problem in the first place. Not only does this send healthcare costs and absence rates through the roof (not ideal), it does little to empower people to establish a healthy lifestyle that will benefit them, their family and the business both now and in the long term. Unhealthy lifestyles are having a debilitating impact on business performance. Exhausted, burnt out, unmotivated, stressed, lethargic, 'wired and tired' people at work are leading to snowballing absence rates and healthcare costs, and are killing morale, productivity and profits. rachP1-2.jpg It's clear to see the impact this is having on business - in 2019 alone UK businesses lost almost £92 million to poor health. And it's not just the business that suffers... when someone isn't looking after themselves - whether that's poor sleep, stress, nutrition, mobility or connection - their families, communities and wider society all miss out. In particular, burnt out, run down. detached leaders will have a huge knock-on effect across all areas of the business, both from a people and an operational perspective. But it doesn't have to be this way. 80% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle - and lifestyle is something we can change, together. Through 1:1 and group coaching, I take leaders and teams through a systematic lifestyle behaviour change framework that tackles eight key areas of health and wellness. The result? They're equipped with simple but alarmingly effective tools and techniques at their disposal to make positive, sustainable changes to their lifestyle. They take responsibility and action in supporting their long-term physical and mental health - and everyone benefits (except the healthcare providers, probably).




We started in 2009, and we’ve been on an epic journey ever since. From our beginnings where we were solely focused on children’s football coaching to delivering our first ‘100% Active’ session in 2017, we’ve tried to stay true to our core beliefs. These are that all children should have the opportunity to develop through a variety of exciting activities that engage both body and brain, inspiring them to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. From the outset our focus has always been on children and their enjoyment of being active, learning new skills, improving their confidence and developing friendships. When we started in 2009 were running sessions for approximatley 40 children a month; this has now increased to almost 2000 children a month. We genuinely love being part of the children’s development and over the years we have had some amazing stories to tell. We find it fascinating to observe how individual children are in their handling of situations and how they get their characters across when integrating with new groups of children, even at the age of 18 months old. It is this kind of reward that keeps us focused on our goals, but we have a big challenge! Children of today are growing up in a world where they can lose hours during a day, day after day, week after week through being on electronic devices, during which time they have no interaction with other people. We have to acknowledge that we are living in a technology encompassing world now, but our vision is to create a balance between technology and being active. We want to offer variety and engagement through the sessions we offer to ensure children don’t lose the vital skills which will help them as they develop in life… things such as social skills, the ability to converse, the ability to handle situations, to adapt to changing environments, earn respect, be part of a team and how to win and lose.

Big White Shed

big white shed


Big White Shed opened its doors in 2015 to support the completion of projects by helping find those missing 'bits' needed for a successful outcome. Initially an idea brought about by the frustration of finding a publisher for her novel, founder Anne Holloway decided to do it herself! Tired of waiting for someone to publish her book and spurred on by positive comments from those who had read it, and the success of other authors who had taken control for themselves, she decided to do the same and set up a small press. Drawing on contacts made over the years, she managed the production of the novel from editing, designing, print sourcing and type setting through to marketing and managing sales. She had to buy in services, trade expertise, ask favours, and more importantly than that, was propelled forward by the belief of others in what she was doing. The success of the project made her determined to support others in 'doing it themselves'. As well as first hand experience of small-scale publishing, she has expertise in coaching and mentoring, writing, editing, performing, teaching and sales management. She has a strong track record in the retail and entertainments industries, has set up and run small organisations, was co-director of East Midlands poetry collective Mouthy Poets for 6 years, Creative Director of Nottingham Poetry Festival in 2021 and 2022 and writes and performs her own work. You can find out more about her on her website. Big White Shed is a place to seek advice and tools, trade expertise and ideas in order to complete a creative project - a virtual meeting place for people who want to get a job done and the people who can help achieve that. In the shed, we will think through what you have in mind, and help make it a reality. Big White Shed acts as an enabling partner.

Sophro By Nature

sophro by nature

I'm a mum of two, and a certified Relaxation & Sophrology Therapist based in Kings Heath and Stirchley in Birmingham, UK -consulting online and in-person, in French and English, for stress & anxiety management, pregnancy and birth preparation, children, sleep issues, mindset coaching and self-development, and life transitions and challenges. ‍ My Approach ‍ Sophro by Nature was born from my passion for People and Nature, and my desire to promote a healthier and deeper connection between our body and mind, and the world around us. Sophro comes from the Greek "Sos" and "Phren" meaning awareness/balance of the Body-mind connection, and "by Nature" refers to the fact that this connection/awareness is natural - but with life's busyness we tend to forget about it. It also refers to my passion for bringing therapy to the outdoors. ‍ I use relaxation therapy along a holistic therapeutic method - called sophrology - that combines classic relaxation techniques with mindset coaching, and which blends the best of Western science (hypnotherapy, positive & behavioural psychology, relaxation techniques, guided imagery, counselling skills) and Eastern traditions (mindfulness, yoga, breathing, visualisation, meditation) to balance the body-mind connection and provide a more serene approach to life challenges. (see FAQ for more info on Sophrology). ‍ All the techniques I use are advocated for by the NHS on their website and have been shown to be effective by research studies - my own background is grounded in science with a (honour) MSc in Environmental Studies and Ecotourism from Edinburgh Napier University. I've also spent over 400 hours in training and supervised therapy for two years in a state-accredited school in France to become a Relaxation and Sophrology Therapist :) ‍ About Me After I became a mum for the first time in the US, I was looking for a new way of being a working mother. When we moved to Luxembourg, I set up a project coming from my heart: working with children and families. This led me to create my own Professional Training Center in Language Development and Nature Education in Luxembourg. Thanks to this experience, I've worked with people of all ages, walks of life, cultures and nationalities - parents and babies, young children with special needs, mums and dads to be, grandparents, language therapists, and early-years educators. ‍ Working with parents and children also naturally led me to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, general well-being, and stress management. This is what started my life-long mission, and prompted me to train as a Relaxation and Sophrology Therapist: to provide support and ways to alleviate stress-related issues that I witnessed - much too often - in people's daily lives. My own experience living and working in various countries with different cultures expanded my cultural and diversity sensitivity - this is why I chose to specialise in children, families, and especially expatriates/immigrants and Third Culture Kids. What I love most about my work is the flexible and therapeutic nature of the methods I use; one day I can prepare a pregnant mum for birth and dealing with pain and fear, the day after I can help a child deal with stress and anxiety, the next day I can help a client improve sleep issues, and the following day I can provide emotional and pain relief to someone going through chemotherapy... It is never boring and always feels so rewarding! As a holistic practitioner, I enjoy taking into account all aspect of your life(style), so that I can provide tools and techniques to empower but also lead to another way of being yourself - a happier and healthier self :) I've always be a Nature lover (I was a Climbing Instructor and trained in Primitive Skills and Nature Education too), and I combine this important value of mine with relaxation and sophrology when I design sessions for my clients, as I firmly believe that the natural world - our world - is a great source of appeasement. In my spare time, I enjoy running, gardening, spending time in Nature, photography, reading, crafting with my kids, and experimenting with fermented food.