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The Queen Elizabeth's High School, Gainsborough

the queen elizabeth's high school, gainsborough


Tradition, Achievement, and Opportunity. These core values revolve around ensuring our students are well cared for, academically challenged and afforded access to a broad range of fulfilling and enriching co-curricular activities. As a result, students at QEHS feel safe, flourish within an environment of academic rigour, and develop interests and skills which will go on to serve them well throughout their lives. On a day-to-day basis we promote these values by applying our QEHS Learner Standards: Behaviour for Learning Learning to Learn Leadership for Learning More information about our QEHS Learner Standards may be found here. Without doubt, Queen Elizabeth’s High School is a special place in which to learn and grow. There is a real sense of purpose and a high degree of collegiality amongst students and staff in this school. Consequently, QEHS continues to thrive and blossom as we look to the future with confidence, a true sense of purpose and a determination to succeed at the highest levels. I hope you will find the content of our website informative, engaging and inspiring in equal measure. I would encourage you to visit the school to see for yourself just how vibrant and purposeful our learning environment really is. Tours conducted by Sixth Form students during the normal operation of a school day demonstrate just how proud we are of the QEHS offer, so please do make an appointment to come and see us in action. I am confident you will not be disappointed.`

Jon Torrens

jon torrens

By reducing stress and fear, I make giving talks enjoyable. I teach confident communication.   I work with many different companies (Microsoft, Foster+ Partners, Redgate, Raspberry Pi, Creative Assembly) and I think they enjoy my training so much because:  1. I’m an introvert. 2. I make it fun.  Training/learning/development can be a chore; I believe it shouldn’t ever be that way. My background: I was a low-scorer academically. I studied art and design, then graphic design, got a job as a video game level designer, fell in love with performing stand-up comedy, became a full-time stand-up, didn’t become a star so gave it up, went back to games and started a family. While working at Sony Cambridge I saw a really bad presentation and realised that all the writing and performance skills I’d learnt as a stand-up needed to put to good use: transforming everyone into confident speakers. Too many people have suffered watching boring speakers, delivering dreadful material. I decided things needed to change.  I set up my own coaching business, and after much hard work I have flourished, having found my place in the world. I relate to tech people – who are typically introverted – because I have had a similar experience. I connect because I have a ton of stand-up skills and… well, I like people. I really enjoy immediately getting them past the first simple barrier: their perception of their own communication skill level. It’s simple to get past that and then build on that foundation.