9781 Educators providing Coaching courses delivered Online

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.

Centaur Biomechanics

centaur biomechanics

Russell MacKechnie-Guire holds a PhD in Equine Biomechanics, graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in 2019. Russell’s thesis was titled ‘The Relationship between Saddle and Rider Kinematics, Equine Locomotion, and Thoracolumbar Pressures in Sports Horses’. Russell is based at Centaur Biomechanics, a company which he founded in 2006. He has extensively researched the effect that tack (saddle, bridle and girth) and the rider has on equine health and performance. Russell holds a post at Hartpury University as a Reader in Equine Biomechanics. Russell’s current area of research is horse-saddle-rider interaction, spinal kinematics in horses when ridden over ground, the effect that rider asymmetry has on equine back movement, and from a rehabilitation perspective, the effect that training aids and pole work exercise has on back movement. In addition, Russell collaborates with researchers on various research projects associated with equine health, rehabilitation and performance. Russell is a consultant for the British Equestrian Federations World Class, Team GBR programme and is a member of Team GBR’s Scientific Advisory Group. Russell also sits on the Society of Master Saddlers Scientific Advisory Group, and is part of the executive committee for the International Task force on Laterality in Sports Horses. Russell is also a Pilates instructor, Intrinsic (Human) Biomechanics Trainer, a BHSI equestrian coach, and a keen competitor in dressage and show jumping.