358 Educators providing Climate courses delivered Online

Baby Week Leeds

baby week leeds


Baby Week is a registered charity and aims to bring sectors and services together to promote the best start in life. The initiative was inspired by Brazil’s ‘Semana do Bebe’ (UNICEF 2010), following a visit to the country by Churchill Fellow Lucy Potter. Leeds hosted the first English speaking Baby Week in 2016 and since has had interest from several other towns and cities wanting to host their own celebrations. Since Baby Week became a registered charity, Bradford, Hull, Wakefield, Cheshire and Merseyside have organised their very own take on Baby Week Leeds. In 2019, we were nominated and came in second place as charity of the year by The British Journal of Midwifery Practice Awards (BJM). Over the past six years, hundreds of citywide events have been held with thousands of attendees including parents, expectant parents, practitioners and professionals , and of course babies! Each city hosting the week has the opportunity to celebrate and bring together the work of maternity and early years services, helping to raise awareness of the critical developmental growth stages and a real focus on the 1001 days in order to give every baby the best start in life. Baby Week is organised with Child Friendly Leeds with partnerships involving NHS Leeds, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Leeds Dads, Public Health, Mumbler, and many more partners across all sectors. To mark the 5 years in 2020, Baby Week Leeds focussed on five of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a focus over the next few years: Good Health and Wellbeing, Reduced Inequality, Sustainable cities and communities, Climate action and No Poverty.

Zanaan Wanaan

zanaan wanaan


Zanaan Wanaan are Kashmiri words for ‘women speak.’ ZW engages in feminist activism on the ground, produces independent scholarship, supports creative work, and works towards strengthening the women’s movement in Kashmir. ZW’s action-research based approach is rooted in the commitment to upholding principles of peace, equality, and justice. We also work on building transnational feminist solidarities, forging alliances and creating cross-movement conversations. Areas of focus: Producing independent scholarship Engaging in feminist activism and advocacy Promoting civil discourse Encouraging critical inquiry Supporting and platforming Kashmiri women cultural practitioners Fostering creative expression What We Do: ZW is a cross-section of art, academia, media and activism. Our work facilitates, amplifies and advocates for women’s involvement in socio-political discourse. We publish original works in the annual issues in the ZW Journal. These issues are thematic collections of works by Kashmiri women from diverse backgrounds in the form of academic articles, narrative essays, investigative reports, auto-ethnographic accounts, interviews, artworks, photo-essays, video stories, and more. We are a network of women on ground and across the world working collaboratively on interdisciplinary projects ranging from gender based violence, peace and security, climate crisis, public health, and so on. ZW is focussed on women and youth-led activist action through critical initiatives required to build and sustain social change. We support/produce creative and artistic expression for civic action and information dissemination. In addition to this, we conduct capacity-building workshops, film-screenings, provide skill-based training programmes and also introductory courses on research and methodologies to young women as a part of our grassroots collective action.

Food Tank

food tank

Some people don’t have enough food, while others are eating too much. There’s only one way to fix this problem—and it starts with you and me. Food Tank is for the 7 billion people who have to eat every day. We will offer solutions and environmentally sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty by creating a network of connections and information for all of us to consume and share. Food Tank is for farmers and producers, policy makers and government leaders, researchers and scientists, academics and journalists, and the funding and donor communities to collaborate on providing sustainable solutions for our most pressing environmental and social problems. As much as we need new thinking on global food system issues, we also need new doing. Around the world, people and organizations have developed innovative, on-the-ground solutions to the most pressing issues in food and agriculture. Through years of field visits (and years of trying to eat better in her own community) our President Danielle Nierenberg has helped to highlight and promote these best practices. Today, we hope to bridge the domestic and global food issues by highlighting how hunger, obesity, climate change, unemployment, and other problems can be solved by more research and investment in sustainable agriculture. Food Tank highlights hope and success in agriculture. We feature innovative ideas that are already working on the ground, in cities, in kitchens, in fields and in laboratories. These innovations need more attention, more research, and ultimately more funding to be replicated and scaled-up. And that is where we need you. We all need to work together to find solutions that nourish ourselves and protect the planet.

BWT UK Limited

bwt uk limited


High Wycombe

Water is our life elixir and at the same time a limited resource. BWT advocates the sustainable and responsible use of the precious resources of our blue planet. Water is our mission. It was the chemist Henry Cavendish (1731 – 1810), who discovered the composition of water, when he experimented with hydrogen and oxygen and mixed these elements together to create an explosion (oxyhydrogen effect). In 1811 the Italian physician Amedeo Avogadro finally found the H2O formula for water. Although water has a simple molecular structure, it nevertheless has unique physical properties. It is the only element that exists on our planet in a solid, liquid and gaseous aggregate state. It is these special properties that make water so fascinating and so important for all creatures. Water has 775 times the density of air. This fact causes the ‘buoyancy’ effect, which enables us - and most mammals - to swim. Many substances expand when they are subjected to heat and reduce their density at the same time; conversely, they increase their density when cooled down. When a liquid is cooled, the colder part sinks to the bottom. The freezing process of water is the other way round. Water reaches its maximum density at 4 degrees Celsius, which is exactly 0.999973 kg/l. Ice weighs 0.91 kg/l – which is the reason why icebergs float. This also explains why frozen water bottles explode and why fish can survive in a frozen lake. They live at the bottom where the water is the heaviest, as the temperature there is approximately 4 degrees Celsius. Water is a very bad heat conductor. This property is of utmost importance for the global climate. Water can actually store a lot of heat, which it then releases again during the cold season. In the warm season, however, it prevents excessive heating. In this way water moderates the differences in temperature. If one cubic centimetre of water evaporates (at approx. 100 degrees Celsius), its volume expands to 1243 cubic centimetres (vapour pressure) - a process that formed the basis of the construction of the steam engine; this machine eventually gave rise to the Industrial Revolution. The physical and chemical properties of water make it a universal solvent and means of transport, which is integrated into all cycles of nature, both micro- and macroscopic. Without water, for example, there would be no circulation of nitrogen or phosphorous - both essential elements in the biosphere - as there is no way for the corresponding ions to be transported. Water can dissolve salts and feed these in dissolved form to plants. Plants then use these ions as nutrients and release the water they don’t need for their nitrogen metabolism into the atmosphere. This small water cycle is as important as the large one - without it, and therefore without water, there would be no life.

Kilcooley Women's Centre

kilcooley women's centre



Kilcooley Women's Centre, is currently based in Balloo, Bangor and has provided services for women in North Down since 1995. KWC adopts the principles of COMMUNITY WEALTH BUILDING to improve the economic outcomes for the borough of Ards North Down through collaboration. The Women's Centre is a key player within the wider Kilcooley area and works collaboratively with other agencies towards improved outcomes for all residents of the estate, with a particular focus on early intervention programmes and projects to address educational underachievement and poor health and wellbeing outcomes. As the only women's centre serving Ards/North Down and unique in Co Down, where possible we offer outreach training to smaller towns and villages in the Borough. On 2nd June 2017, HM Queen Elizabeth announced in the London Gazette that she had awarded the centre the 'Queens Award for Voluntary Service' in recognition of the service to the community from 1995. The Centre has been acknowledged as a valuable asset within the community and has developed a diverse range of services to meet the identified needs of women, children and their families living within the Kilcooley and wider Ards & North Down area. Local women are involved in the staffing and management of the centre. Kilcooley Women's Centre is a key provider of training, health awareness, childcare and young women's activities and leads on community based education in the area. The Centre currently operates out of various sites, each one offering a welcoming environment, where local women can engage in a wide portfolio of activities, including training and education, programmes for young women aged 16-24, employability skills, health and wellbeing programs, peace and reconciliation activities, arts programs and personal development programs to build skills, confidence and self-esteem. To work towards self sustainability in a climate of austerity and reduced grants and funding, KWC is working towards a social economy business model as a trading arm. The centre operates a regional programme across the Ards North Down and Peninsula area, working from Holywood, the gateway to Co Down to the tip of Portaferry at the most distant part of the peninsula. This work links urban and rural, crosses the different community and social divides and has developed a positive proactive working partnership with the Co Down Rural Network linking towns and villages. The partnership considers collaboration and transfer of innovation, experience and sharing of resources, skills and expertise is the way forward for women, children and families residing or working in the Ards North Down region. Within the centre, we operate a childcare project called Ladybirds Childcare Services, which is registered with the South Eastern Trust Early Years Team for full-time day care. We offer 'Jellie Tots' baby room for the 0-2 year olds and 'Smarties' pre-nursery for 2-4 year olds preparing for their nursery year or transition to P1. Ladybirds Childcare offers affordable childcare to assist women engaged in training or in the transitional period into employment, respite as crisis intervention for vulnerable families and a not-for-profit affordable childcare programe. The centre links with 14 regional women's centres in Northern Ireland through a close working relationship with Women's Support Network (WSN) the umbrella group for Women's Centres NI, who represent our views on the Department for Communities sponsored 'Women's Regional Consortium' which provides a one stop shop information and policy service for women in disadvantaged communities across NI. KWC also co-operates with other regional, national and European partners. KWC are keen to form collaborative and partnership approaches to service delivery to share services and support to deliver value for money and maximise any funding the centre is awarded. We welcome and encourage any woman to contact us or call into the centre and speak to one of our staff about how we could assist you. Opening hours to the public are 9.00am - 4pm Monday to Thursday and 2pm on Fridays, but the phones are manned from 8.15 a.m. We are closed public holidays and for staff training on occasion.

Impact Festival

impact festival


It started when I began to learn more about the conditions for egg production and I realised that free-range wasn’t the wonderful happy situation that I thought it to be. The standards for labelling products as free-range are not as high as the marketing would suggest. (I am of course speaking in general terms and I know that this won’t apply to all farms, but it appears to apply to the majority). As a vegetarian at that time I’d already thought that I was quite ethically aware with what I bought, and it dawned on me that there must be many other people buying and supporting products that they also think are ethically sound, and that these people too may be interested to know more. Passion for performing arts! As a professional dancer, this prompted me to come up with an idea for a show to raise awareness on global issues and ethical living - not just animal welfare, but also climate change and human rights. However I realised that if the audience are inspired to make ethical changes or learn more, simply watching a show would not give them the tools to do that. Hence the creation of Impact – awesome events and activities to inspire change, with incredible live performances, the tools needed to live ethically and fun ways to implement everyday ethical living even for the busiest of lives! Don’t be put off by the heavy topics we’re dealing with, our events are fun and uplifting, with a vision of making positive changes. I’m not claiming to be perfect, nor am I trying to preach. I’m still learning too. I just know our planet is wonderful, as is the human race and all life that shares Earth with us.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)

vilnius gediminas technical university (vgtu)

We are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) - a prestigious European technical university, attractive not only to Lithuanian, but also to foreign students, teachers and researchers seeking quality studies, significant for the progress and development of the Lithuanian state. Our accumulated long-term experience in the fields of engineering and technology is reflected in the abbreviation - VILNIUS TECH. It perfectly describes today's world and everyday life, which is increasingly difficult to imagine without technology. It is they who become a tool that helps to create the world of the future, to cross any boundaries or borders. The world is changing rapidly every day, and we are changing along with it, trying to create and discover something new. The need to change and improve is driven by the prevailing trends in Europe and around the world: rapid technological development and digital transformation, the green course, the industrial revolution. The whole world is facing such challenges as climate change, economic instability, pandemic. However, it is important to understand that these are not only threats, but also unique opportunities to search and discover the most advanced technological solutions that will help not only us, but also future generations. I firmly believe that each of us can contribute to the development of technology. After all, the community and its members are the foundation of the university, which consists of people of different views, age and education, united by a common goal - to create for the future. Together, we can achieve that VILNIUS TECH becomes an open, growing, future-oriented organization that connects science, business, and most importantly, society. I invite you to contribute to the journey of new searches and discoveries and to reach scientific heights together! Prof. Dr. Romualdas Kliukas Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Tynedale Transformed

tynedale transformed


We send you our best wishes at this unbelievable time… COVID, Boris, cake, taxes, Brexit, Climate Change, lies, corruption etc.etc. It is truly appalling but we are still here shining a light on all this and more. However, the team have decided that because we are at a point where people are tired of Zoom, but not ready to get together, that we will concentrate for a while on posting items of interest to keep us going. We currently publish a monthly e-newsletter called Second Sunday News. It will be on our website and a copy be sent out to our mailing list via Mailchimp on the second Sunday of each month. It will feature opinion, local and national triumphs and links to articles and videos. Obviously, it will also link to our website, especially our regularly updated resources area. We will continue to do this until we can arrange meetings and events face to face, indoors or out. So, until we meet, keep looking at our Second Sunday postings. Stay safe and thank you for your support and contributions so far. All the best The TT team Tynedale Transformed is about re-imagining a fairer and sustainable future and making it happen. Tynedale Transformed is about pushing the boundaries of what political participation looks like. Strategy games, treasure hunts, reading groups, and theatre workshops, talks, events, walks, lectures…. anything is possible. TT will be based on inclusivity and a shared wish to examine the issues facing our communities and our world, encouraging a politics based on creativity, open mindedness and comradeship. We want to transform the way we live together. We want to start the conversation. Our aim is to draw on existing networks and connections, locally, regionally and nationally as well as providing a platform for new ideas new groups and individuals. Tynedale Transformed 2020

Actes Trust

actes trust

Working across the North-East of England and beyond, Actes is a charity that embraces a client-led approach to delivering a wide portfolio of services. Formed in 2001, Actes has a successful track record of developing and delivering both accredited and non-accredited programmes and training courses using a unique peer-led approach. We work with a variety of partners, including other charities, local authorities, education providers and statutory services, to support our delivery and ensure a tailored approach for all of our clients. Here at Actes, our expertise lies in firstly identifying the needs of the individual, then by providing genuine engagement and support we develop innovative solutions to achieve change and improve lives. We believe there is potential in everyone and we are committed to helping our clients recognise their own potential, progress towards their goals and make positive changes. Actes looks for enterprising solutions to problems and we are not afraid to try something different. We have a well-qualified, dedicated and experienced team who are supported by efficient and experienced back office staff. We currently operate across Tees Valley and our highly flexible infrastructure allows us to quickly set up at any location. Our main areas of expertise lie in employment support, training, engagement, and life coaching. We also provide people with opportunities to gain work experience through volunteering in Middlesbrough within our organisation and across our projects. We are proud to be delivering New Directions, Work IT Out, Climate Action Middlesbrough, Green Shoots, Benefit Take Up, Past, Present and Your Future, and Firm Foundations. Since 2001 our award winning, nationally recognised projects have helped over 20,000 people achieve their goals in the Tees Valley are

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

vilnius gediminas technical university

We are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) - a prestigious European technical university, attractive not only to Lithuanian, but also to foreign students, teachers and researchers seeking quality studies, significant for the progress and development of the Lithuanian state. Our accumulated long-term experience in the fields of engineering and technology is reflected in the abbreviation - VILNIUS TECH. It perfectly describes today's world and everyday life, which is increasingly difficult to imagine without technology. It is they who become a tool that helps to create the world of the future, to cross any boundaries or borders. The world is changing rapidly every day, and we are changing along with it, trying to create and discover something new. The need to change and improve is driven by the prevailing trends in Europe and around the world: rapid technological development and digital transformation, the green course, the industrial revolution. The whole world is facing such challenges as climate change, economic instability, pandemic. However, it is important to understand that these are not only threats, but also unique opportunities to search and discover the most advanced technological solutions that will help not only us, but also future generations. I firmly believe that each of us can contribute to the development of technology. After all, the community and its members are the foundation of the university, which consists of people of different views, age and education, united by a common goal - to create for the future. Together, we can achieve that VILNIUS TECH becomes an open, growing, future-oriented organization that connects science, business, and most importantly, society. I invite you to contribute to the journey of new searches and discoveries and to reach scientific heights together! Prof. Dr. Romualdas Kliukas Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University