630 Educators providing Chinese courses delivered Online

selena lovett

selena lovett

Selena's spiritual journey has taken her to many different places and through many experiences which have led to her being able to offer different spiritual modalities. She offers spiritual readings using tarot cards offering insight and guidance, mediumship readings to bring healing messages from your loved ones and focuses on leading healing courses to enable others to experience the magic of healing. Through her own healing journey she discovered that so many issues and imbalances began in the sacred area of the womb where she has spent time exploring and healing. After this incredible transformational journey where she gathered information on how to heal the divine feminine she now shares her unique formula for healing using Sacred Symbols, Angel and Reiki energy to heal ancestral lineage, releasing past traumatic experiences and issues that block people from connecting to their true being. If you feel called to begin your healing journey you can arrange a treatment with Selena. If you would like to really step into your power - start a life-changing healing course with Selena guiding you through an 11-week program through different healing modalities, the chakra system and sacred symbols. Selenas' courses are accredited by the IPHM. Selena is a Reiki Master, Energy Healer trained in Quantum Healing, Hands of Light, Chakra Balancing & Cleansing, T:I:M:E - Angel Healing, Pendulum, Chios, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, CBT, NPL, Mindfulness & Life Coaching. If you feel you are in need of some peace and balance in your life - please contact her to arrange a healing session Have a look at the services offered, readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your need. You are not alone - reach out and begin healing. Selena was blessed with the gift of connecting with her spirit guides and loves having the opportunity to guide people through difficult situations and give insights into their life. Her focus is to empower people on their journey and to help heal and move any blocks that hinder their path. Selena is the author of the book Steps to Enlightenment and the Tarot Deck - The Journey to Enlightenment and co created The Art of Compassion Oracle Deck. When giving a Psychic reading; Selena will tune into your aura to gain insight and information about your life and your future to enable her to give you insight and guidance about certain issues in your life and to empower you with knowledge of how best to move forward and achieving your goals. A psychic reading can help you gain clarity in your current situation, when faced with decisions for your future or when you want to get a better understanding of the big picture. Whatever your issue, romance, career, or soul purpose - contact to organise a convenient time to connect online and talk about what you need, guidance through a psychic reading will be able to help understand what you are going through and what we can do to improve your situation. Learn Tarot to empower yourself!! In these classes, from Beginner to Pro. you will learn all about tarot and how to use it to guide yourself and give insightful readings for others, healing yourself along this journey with Tarot and then being able to use it as a tool to add to your business or to set up a new business as a Psychic Tarot Reader. Selena has produced a Tarot Masterclass taught at the Watkins Wisdom Academy. ¨Watkins has been an authority in the Mind Body Spirit field for over a century. Our teachers are all professionals in their field and each course is unique to their teaching styles. So you know that you are learning from the best!¨

Calderstones School

calderstones school


I am exceptionally proud to lead and work in such a richly diverse school community in which students with different languages, cultures and religions learn together in harmony. The school's comprehensive nature is something that we value immensely. Our students are encouraged to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff endeavour to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued. We work closely with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our students. We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Over the last few years we have spoken constantly about raised expectations and we will continue to push this throughout this academic year, particularly as we look to re-set and recalibrate on the back on the impact of the pandemic. In every aspect of school life, we will raise the bar for students and staff with the view that 'nobody rises to low expectations'. In terms our curriculum delivery, student achievement and progress, their involvement in school and community life, the ways in which students wear the uniform and present their work with pride, the ways in which they speak to each other and the behaviours that they demonstrate within the school and the community in which it resides ... in all of these ways, our expectations will be more ambitious and explicit than ever before. To this end, we have developed a ‘Manifesto for Change’ which sets out the ways in which we aim to continue our journey to excellence and identifies the long-term priorities for the school. One of our main priorities this year will be to ensure, as far as we can, that no child is left behind and that every child is challenged by the curriculum that we have in place. Students should find things difficult, although not impossible, at times. They should struggle at times and be expected to think deeply about the work that they do. They shouldn’t be getting everything right all of the time; if they are, the work is too easy and they’re not being challenged. None of this means that they shouldn’t be enjoying their learning; being challenged can be enjoyable. The curriculum is the bread and butter of our educational offer and should be inspiring a real thirst for learning; we can only do this through supporting and challenging. I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school by browsing our website. Visits are encouraged and welcomed; we would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school.