20340 Educators providing Business courses delivered Online

Association Of Education Business Professionals

association of education business professionals


Shouting about the collective impact of employers’ engagement through EBP brokerage for improvement of future prospects for all young people in the UK Sharing the vision and thought leadership of the network of EBPs nationally Impressing the value and intelligence of brokerage between employers and education sector by EBPs nationally Building on the lasting networks and share ‘practice excellence’ for the greater benefit of young people, brokers and employers nationally The AEBP is a network of experienced brokerage organisations nationwide; Education Business Partnership organisations who are specialist brokers building sustainable links with employers. Shaping and delivering practical and insightful engagements with business professionals; professionally managed encounters to impress the current and future realities of industry in young people. Collectively working to shape the next generation for employment. Picture5 The collective impact of independent, EBP brokerage, prior to the governments sweeping educational cuts, in just one academic year amounted to over; Over 127,000 work experience placements researched and secured Over 161,000 secondary school and college students participating in work related learning activities and enterprise skills development Over 55,500 primary pupils working with employers to develop work related skills Over 74,000 young people attending careers events, CV preparation and interview skills events brokered by EBPs Over 35,300 business professionals engaging with young people to share insight into the workplace, practices and skills development Over 191,000 employers actively engaging with EBPs across the UK Over £1.2m invested by employers directly for EBPs to broker work related learning activities to improve young peoples’ preparation for employment

Alchemy Coaching

alchemy coaching

EMILIE WEST Emilie is an award-winning coach and professional speaker who helps her personal and business clients achieve their goals through positive change. COACHING Coaching that moves you forward I offer 1:1 career & business coaching for professionals, executives and entrepreneurs who want to make a change or achieve new goals. Drawing from more than 14 years of experience in investment banking, marketing and team development, I coach across a range of areas acting as a catalyst to improve personal and business performance, overcome self-limiting beliefs and drive career progression. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER As a professional business speaker Emilie offers a range of workshops and keynote talks across leadership, resilience, wellness and personal growth. “I tailor my talks to each audience and engage them through a combination of story-telling and practical advice. I bring a positive attitude and energy to speaking engagements to inspire the audience to make positive changes in their own lives”. I use my own unique career and health story to motivate my audience to start living their best life, leaving the audience inspired to succeed by: * Playing to their strengths  * Overcoming the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding them back * Being great at any role, even if they don’t have directly relevant business experience * Embrace being their authentic selves rather than wasting energy trying to project an image I tailor my talks to each audience and engage them through a combination of story-telling and practical advice. I bring a positive attitude and energy to speaking engagements and aim to inspire the audience to make positive changes in their own lives.