20344 Educators providing Business courses delivered Online

Global Study Solution

global study solution


Welcome to the future of higher education. We are poised to embark on a revolution of learning, one that belongs to the inspired and to the innovative. GLOBAL STUDY SOLUTIONS is the embodiment of our vision that world-class education is a human right. Democratization of knowledge is the key to economic growth, social development, cultural enrichment, and political empowerment. Through its accredited partner institutions, GLOBAL STUDY SOLUTIONS offers academic degrees, languages, professional certificates, continuous education, and vocational programs. We have taken advantage to bring quality education to you, wherever you may be….. What we offer for you? GSS is not just another educational consultancy but also a trusted organization for education marketing and employer branding. With quite an amiable approach we provide expert service to promote your institution. Your partner for student recruitment GSS assists you to recruit students and support throughout the whole student recruitment process – from consultation concerning your student recruitment strategies to authentic execution of the planned marketing activities. We also show you how effective to reach prospective students. More than just consultancy GSS that works! Our integrated approach comprises more than traditional consultancy. Frequently, consultancy is only the beginning of a successful cooperation. In contrast to traditional consultancies, we consider ourselves to be a full service provider that supports you through the entire marketing process – until the desired results have been achieved. “We know our prime objectives very well and we believe in our creative business strategies, so together we achieve results and to develop concepts that are applicable in practice. Your success is our vision.” We believe that Human has pursued the knowledge through education and travelling around the world. “GSS Global Study Solutions” has envisaged the help and assistance required in this human pursuit and looks forward to providing guidance and information on global opportunities and reputed sources of required education across the world to the young knowledge seekers. OUR OBJECTIVES Aim to achieve the mission and vision through following objectives : To gain adequate knowledge and skills for the key employees and professionally develop them to provide quality services to the clients To achieve and surpass norms established by internationally reputed regulatory or certifying agencies and qualify to provide recruitment services. To obtain official representation status from internationally renowned institutions and introduce them to students, thereby facilitating the students to enroll in their desired programs while aiding the cultural diversity objectives of institutions. To actively participate in the marketing plans of principal foreign institutions by conducting events and providing infrastructure and administrative facilities as well as supplying market intelligence. To provide coaching for language proficiency required by student to pursue higher education abroad To guide and enable the students to achieve desired results in language, aptitude and competitive entrance tests. To counsel and advise students to select most appropriate programs and institutions suitable to their academic qualifications and aptitude and assist them in admission formalities To provide comprehensive solutions for sourcing programs, identifying institutions, improving language proficiency, admission applications, scholarships & funding, visa applications, pre-departure preparations and post-landing under the same roof. Global Study Solutions offers you a Summer Camps experience that lasts a lifetime with Comfort, relaxation and Leisure activities. Intensive English Programs -Learning languages & Linguistic activities Paid Internship: Enhance your educational experience and develop your career by making the world your classroom. Intern Abroad and get hands-on training while gaining the skills you need to be successful in an international and global workplace. Events/ Chat Room/ University Visit: We host a series of Online Chats and Virtual events throughout the year for prospective students and applicants. OUR MISSION “To make accredited educational programs accessible to everyone, everywhere” Our mission is to source internationally renowned academic institutions providing modern learning programs leading to bright international careers and guide help and assists students to gain easy access to such learning opportunities. OUR VISSION “World-class education as a human right” We believe that Human has pursued the knowledge through education and travelling around the world and in universe & we look forward to providing guidance and information on global opportunities and reputed sources of required education across the world to the young knowledge seekers.

Mersey School of Anaesthesia

mersey school of anaesthesia


Established in 1997, The Mersey School of Anaesthesia (MSA) is principally concerned with preparing Trainee Anaesthetists facing their Primary & Final FRCA Examinations. Originally held within a Charitable Trust Accounts at Liverpool Heart & Chest and Aintree Hospitals, it was advised by the Trust Account Managers that it should be moved and run as an independent Charitable Company. In 2012 the MSA registered with the Charity Commission (Reg. No. 1149165). Income is invested back into the Courses that the MSA run and at the end of each Financial Year, any surplus income is donated to Research, Education and Patient Care charities, these mostly of an anaesthetic texture in the UK or used to support Volunteer Anaesthetists in various Charitable Ventures Abroad. Overall, by the end of March 2021, the MSA has donated a total of over £900,000 to such concerns, all of it by reason of candidates’ subscriptions to our courses and classes allied to the full support of those Anaesthetists, who contribute as Faculties to those Courses without expectation of recompense. Here is a collage of some of the Donations/Funding Grants that have been made in recent years: HERE Its Motto & Objectives The Motto of the MSA is “If you Feed the Children with a Spoon, they will never Learn how to Use the Chopsticks” If you are a Trainee planning on attending MSA Courses, it is important that you must appreciate before you attend that the MSA never claim to provide teaching or distribute teaching materials on its Courses. You must not attend expecting to be taught. The Courses are designed for Exam Preparation and include; – Exposure to Exam Style Questions – Opportunities to Practice in as close to Exam Conditions as we can muster – Learn & Fine Tune Exam Techniques – Peer Learning The advice to Trainees is that they should attend MSA Courses only when they consider themselves adequately Prepared, in terms of knowledge, for the Imminent Examinations. The MSA’s emphatic advice regarding all the FRCA Examinations is that trainees should only sit these examinations when they feel that they Deserve to Pass. It has to be courting Disappointment to enter for these exams Hoping to Pass We also fully appreciate our methods do not suit everyone’s learning style, therefore, you must feel assured before attending that it will help you in your Exam Preparation and subsequently embrace the ‘gameplay’ we offer. We are very conscious of Trainee’s valuable time and want to make sure you make the best use of it. Not everyone finds the same approach useful. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, but also advise you to speak to Colleagues who have been to MSA Courses in the past to ask them the questions: ‘Why they would recommend?’ and ‘How did the Course help them?’. Supporting Lifebox… The MSA also contributes to Lifebox, an international charity concerned with the improvement of Anaesthetic Services in underprivileged parts of the world where the mortality from General Anaesthesia can be unacceptably high due to a lack of suitable equipment or adequately trained personnel. To date this specific donation is over £35,000. You can find our recent donations HERE Supporting AquAid… We at the Mersey School of Anaesthesia are aware that keeping our Candidates hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. In 2016, conscious of plastic pollution, the MSA stopped distributing Bottled Water to Candidates at Registration to the Courses. Instead, we invested in a couple of AquAid Water Coolers to be used on the Courses and asked Candidates to bring their own refillable bottle. With each purchase of a Water Cooler Refill Bottle an automatic donation has been made to the Africa Trust. We are delighted to be informed that, as a result, these funds have helped to build an ‘Elephant Pump’ in Africa to provide a much needed source of clean & fresh drinking water for many in the community. Thank you to AquAid for providing an excellent service and for giving us the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please consider AquAid when looking for a ‘Water Solution’ in your business or offices; we would highly recommend! To date [2021] AquAid have donated in excess of £16 million and helped bring a life-time supply of clean, fresh drinking water to more than 3.2 million people.

Smr Training

smr training


SMR International specializes in the management of knowledge services and the relationship of knowledge services to knowledge strategy development. The company is known for excellence in delivering consulting, publishing, and strategic learning services to its clients, and the company’s reputation in its field is unsurpassed, thanks to the expertise and commitment of the finest team of KM/knowledge services specialists working in the knowledge domain today. Guy St. Clair Guy St. Clair is President, Consulting Specialist for Knowledge Strategy, and Knowledge Services Evangelist for SMR International. In his professional work, Guy is recognized as an expert adviser in knowledge services and in building the organizational knowledge culture, with a special emphasis on knowledge strategy development. Guy is a prolific author and a frequent speaker on management and leadership issues relating to KM and knowledge services. In a filmed interview (available for view on Guy’s Profile on LinkedIn) with Knowledge Value Chain® expert Timothy W. Powell, Guy talks about knowledge services and knowledge strategy. In another filmed interview (also available for view on Guy’s Profile on LinkedIn), Tony Saadat of Soutron Global, SMT International’s long-time strategic affiliate, interviews Guy about his book — Knowledge Services: A Strategic Framework for the 21st Century Organization — published in 2016 by De Gruyter. Guy’s other books are listed in his Wikipedia site and on his Amazon Author Page. In June, 2017 Guy’s article “Knowledge Services: Your Foundation for Building the Twentieth-First Century Knowledge Organization” was published in Issue 85 of Leader to Leader, the award-winning journal of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute (formerly the Peter F. Drucker Foundation). In the article, Guy provides direction for senior executives and organizational leaders seeking to initiate and implement knowledge services in the workplace. Many of Guy’s presentations, articles, special reports, briefings for clients and colleagues, white papers, and other professional writings can be accessed through SMRShare. Additionally, SMR International blog posts can be accessed by subject using the search engine for the site (to the right) or accessed by date (see chronological listing, also to the right). With Dale Stanley, Deb Hunt, and other members of the SMR International team, the company provides consulting services and strategic learning activities for a wide range of companies and organizations, including non-profit and not-for-profit organizations. In addition to his work with SMR International, Guy teaches at Columbia University in the City of New York. In 2010 Guy came to Columbia to work with the university’s School of Professional Studies in developing the M.S. in Information and Knowledge Strategy program, and he was for four years a Lecturer and Subject Matter Expert for Knowledge Services in that program. Guy currently serves as Lecturer in Knowledge Services for the school’s Postbaccalaureate Studies Program, teaching Managing Information and Knowledge: Applied Knowledge Services. Guy is also the Series Editor for Knowledge Services, the new series from Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, the scholarly publishing house specializing in academic literature. Guy and Barrie Levy, his Associate Lecturer at Columbia University, are the authors of the first title in the series, The Knowledge Services Handbook: A Guide for the Knowledge Strategist, published by De Gruyter in 2019. Two other titles in the series were published in 2020: Powell, Timothy W.: The Value of Knowledge: The Economics of Enterprise Knowledge and Intelligence. Garfield, Stan. Handbook of Community Management: A Guide to Leading Communities of Practice. Two new titles are currently scheduled for publication and will be announced when available for purchase: Stepanek, Marcia: Knowledge Services and Knowledge Strategy: Closing the New Digital Divide (2021). Edler, Beatrice: Knowledge Services and Privacy-by-Design: The Nature of Doing Business in Modern Innovation (2022) The new series presents and discusses new and innovative approaches to knowledge sharing used in all fields of work, with authors chosen to provide critical analysis of issues and present solutions to selected knowledge leadership challenges. Since knowledge services is industry and workplace agnostic, the series strives to present practical solutions that can be applied in all institutions worldwide. It thereby contributes significantly to improvements in knowledge management, knowledge services, knowledge strategy development, and knowledge sharing within the organization.

Wine Education Service Limited

wine education service limited


What makes our wine tastings, wine courses and wine tasting events special? Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers Great Tutors An Unparalleled Range of Courses Small Classes Flexible Booking Impartial Advice Satisfied Customers We have been running wine tastings and wine tasting courses in London for over 25 years, in Manchester for over 15 in Aberdeen and Birmingham for over 10 and in Belfast for 4. Over this time, we have created a following of over 10,000 satisfied customers. And today, over 60% of new customers book for our wine tastings and wine tasting courses on the personal recommendation of a friend or colleague. Great Tutors Our tutors are at the top of their profession. All are qualified to WSET Diploma level and are members of the UK Association of Wine Educators, the professional body for those who make their living in whole or in part from teaching about wine. Many are also members of the elite Circle of Wine Writers. All travel widely to keep their wine knowledge up to date. Skilled communicators, they know how to make wine tasting and learning about wine fun. An Unparalleled Range of Courses We were the first in the UK to offer a comprehensive range of wine tastings, wine tasting courses and wine tasting events designed primarily to appeal to wine consumers rather than aspiring members of the wine trade. In addition to weekly wine tastings in London, we organise over 30 introductory wine tasting courses a year in London and other UK cities, over 20 intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and, for those with hectic weekday schedules, wine tasting workshops on Saturdays, when lunch is an integral part of the day. Although wine consumers still make up the majority of our customers, our London wine tastings and intermediate and advanced wine courses are growing in appeal to people studying for their wine trade qualifications, especially WSET Diploma and the prestigious, but for many, elusive Master of Wine qualification. Small Classes We know of some wine course providers who pack 30 people or more into a class. We think that’s way too many. In a class of that size, learning is more difficult, participation is inhibited and you never get to know the other people in the room. We limit bookings for our introductory, intermediate and advanced wine tasting courses and our Saturday wine tasting workshops to 16 people – much more sociable, much more fun. Flexible Booking Many people who sign up for our wine tasting courses on weekday evenings lead busy lives, working under pressure and travelling on business, often at short notice. We understand the problem. If you have to miss a course session, you may either send a substitute or pick up that session on a subsequent course. Just let us know and we will make the arrangements. We make no charge for this and set no time limit! Impartial Advice Many wine tastings and wine tasting courses are run by wine merchants. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a great way to get potential customers into their stores and promote sales of their wines. We are not wine merchants. We don’t sell wine. We are not paid by any wine merchant to promote their wines. So, at our wine tastings and on our wine courses, you will never come under any pressure to buy wine. The wines we select for you to taste are intended to illustrate the main points of the wine course session or the theme of the wine tasting. We hope you will enjoy most of the wines we give you to taste but don’t necessarily expect you to enjoy them all. Your course tutor will help you to understand what makes a wine enjoyable. But he or she will also tell you if a wine is too young, too old, too acidic, too alcoholic or just plain faulty. Just imagine a wine merchant doing that! Wherever possible, we buy the wines we give you to taste from local retail outlets. We will tell you where we bought them and how much we paid. So, if you like a particular wine, you can shop for more with confidence and without difficulty.