20341 Educators providing Business courses delivered Online

Ajm Advisory

ajm advisory


Aldo J. Martinez, principal of AJM Advisory, has over thirty-five years of experience in financial markets regulation at the NYSE Euronext and in the securities industry. As, Vice President, Market Surveillance Division (MKS) in the Special Counsel, Trading Correspondence and Options Surveillance Department, he was responsible for MKS regulatory and legal matters including representation in trading investigations conducted by MKS involving federal securities laws and NYSE rules. He led the coordination in regulatory merger task force and special projects, such as regulatory merger of NYSE and NYSE Arca; developing a Divisional training program to provide staff with relevant knowledge including fraud, criminal activity such as customer "intrusion" cases and market making activities; and representing the NYSE Euronext by coordinating regulatory initiatives involving 36 U.S. and non-U.S. markets members in the Intermarket Surveillance Group (ISG). Aldo also evaluated evidence indicating whether markets were maintained in a fair and orderly manner and coordinated a Division-wide New Products Committee which assessed new trading products for impact on surveillance functions. He was responsible for conducting several Options surveillances of the NYSE Arca market, maintaining the MKS Business Continuity Plan and participated in the review of new issuer listing applications for qualification with NYSE and NYSE Arca company listing standards. While at the NYSE Euronext, Aldo held the position as Vice President (MKS) Market Trading Analysis II (MTAII) for 15 years and headed the department responsible for detection and investigation of insider trading, and market manipulation at the NYSE and other trading abuses. He instituted effective team approach to revitalize the NYSE Insider Trading Surveillance program after the insider trading scandals of the 1980s which led to the development of sophisticated, state of the art automated systems to detect trading violations in ever evolving market structure and increasing volume of trading. He proudly represented the NYSE in the ISG and his collaboration with ISG members led the evolution of the ISG into a truly international regulatory cooperative network of 36 exchanges and markets around the world. Aldo also developed and was responsible for the MKS Business Continuity Plan. Aldo Martinez's earlier years at the NYSE involved holding positions as Managing Director - MTAII; Director - Regulatory Quality Review (RQR) MKS Program - evaluated the MKS surveillance programs for effectiveness and efficiency and internal audit for regulatory processes; Attorney - Special Counsel (MKS and NYSE Enforcement Division) - represented and led the NYSE with over 18 successful disciplinary hearings involving market trading violations and cases involving violations of federal securities laws and NYSE rules. Aldo has 9 years of trading floor experience. He also served as assistant to the General Counsel at Spear Leeds & Kellogg where his duties extended to trading in NASDAQ stocks, options and futures clearing and investment banking as well as block proprietary trading and NYSE Floor trading. Throughout Aldo's career, he has given regulatory presentations to U.S. and non-U.S. government officials, dignitaries and market centers, participated in SEC international seminars and State panels and he has been interviewed by national and international print and broadcast media (e.g. CNN Espanol). Aldo also has a passion and true skill set in training, teaching and motivational speaking.

Marshall Assessment

marshall assessment


End point assessments are the final tests given to an apprentice during their apprenticeship. The goal of this activity is to offer an impartial, objective review of individual skills, knowledge, and behaviours. Although the activities are different for each apprenticeship, end-point assessments follow the same general structures. The end-point assessment is performed after a minimum of 12 months after the start of the apprenticeship. It must be successfully completed before the issuance of an apprenticeship completion certificate. Every training provider delivering on Apprenticeship standards must have an agreement with an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). Assessment Organisations must be registered on the Government approved register (RoEPAO). If you have apprentices in the life science, chemical science, physical science or in the science education sector, our fair and straight-forward EPA process provides a cost effective, quality-assured assessment solution for your business. Marshall Assessment has over 30 years’ experience of work based learning and assessment. We make the unfamiliar structures of end-point assessment easily navigable with comprehensive customer support and assessment resources. We have a broad range of occupational competence that spans most of the UK science sector. Our industry-competent assessors focus on precise communication, clear expectations, and rapid reporting of assessment decisions. Assessment activities depend on the apprenticeship under evaluation. Individuals might participate in professional discussions, complete skill-based challenges, or perform in situational judgement tests. Portfolios and practical observations are sometimes part of the process, as are presentations, showcases, and interviews. Each assessment activity works to evidence the knowledge, skills and behaviours that each learner has developed during their apprenticeship. This complete and careful evaluation of their skills, knowledge, and behaviours is an impartial, yet rigorous process that tests the candidates core ability to perform their job role effectively and safely. The unique benefit that the end-point assessment brings is its holistic design. People retain knowledge and learn new skills in unique ways. Instead of trying to fit each candidate into the same profile, this process looks at the competency of the individual from all facets. Assessment Plans Achieve Crucial Outcomes. Assessment plans are delivered by the training provider with guidance from the EPAO. This provides structure to the EPA and signposts our assessors to maximise our assessment opportunities. End point assessments remove managers being the sole decision-makers on the competencies of a candidate. Although, that change can be challenging for some, working with our team ensures that your assessment plan achieves the best possible outcome. Our assessment team are flexible and will rapidly understand the requirements of your business. We will partner with you to give your apprentices the best possible chance to shine and demonstrate their competencies. This partnership begins with initial assessment and progresses to EPA and beyond, as we will stay in touch with you regarding your apprentice’s progression. Now is the time to link up with your EPAO. Our future depends on the expertise that your apprentices demonstrate in the science sector. Together we are responsible for building a brighter, safer world through a highly trained and competent scientific workforce. Use the experience our team provides to help your organisation and the science sector to bounce forward.




Our founder, Stine Dulong, quit her corporate lawyer job in 2013 to become a full time potter. For her, clay was a gateway into transformation. Not only did it become her career, and change the structure of her life on the surface, but it fundamentally shifted who she is and how she perceives the world. She had tried yoga and meditation, but it never “clicked” for her. Yet through pottery, she found a way into a slower, more mindful and joyous way of existing. Having experienced such a powerful transformation through working with clay, Stine decided that she had to share this magical material with the world, so she started offering classes at her studio. Little did she know that the demand would be so great that SkandiHus now consists of three studios, a team of 26 and more than 350 happy students every week. Bearing witness to the profound effects working with clay has on almost everyone who walks through the studio doors, is the greatest privilege of Stine’s life. When she isn’t busy teaching and running the business, she makes tableware for the likes of Nigella Lawson, Anna Jones and Tom Kerridge, and her work is in many high-end restaurants, including The Connaught Hotel, The Hand & Flowers and Nobu. When Stine first touched clay in an evening class in 2013, she felt like she had arrived home. Whilst she never intended to become a full-time potter, she decided somewhere along the way to trust the journey and continue to follow her heart no matter what. She is now a firm believer that the world would be a better place if everyone did more of what sets their soul on fire and that when we allow ourselves to follow our dreams, we indirectly give people around us permission to do the same. She often gives talks about following your passion and living a more present, slower and fulfilling life. She has recently signed with Rachel Mills Literary and will be writing a book about pottery and her journey. STINE’S WORK Stine’s work is inspired by a love for Scandinavian design in which beauty is radiated through light colours, the ample use of natural materials, minimalism and functionality. Like many Scandinavian designers before her, Stine believes that quality design should stylish and relevant to the modern human being by providing minimal distraction and maximum aesthetic value. Stine both throws and hand-builds her pieces, using a broad range of techniques to create her finished pieces. She also uses a wide range of clays and materials, but most of her pieces are made from reclaimed studio clay, as she is a firm advocate of minimising waste and our impact on the world. She finds great joy in making something beautiful from something once considered waste. When Stine is not busy making her own designs, and running the business, she teaches classes and events as she feels that she has been given this gift to share it with the world. She is slowly building the clay revolution, one ball of mud at a time.

Craft4Smiles C.I.C.

craft4smiles c.i.c.

Papworth Everard

Craft4Smiles C.I.C. is a crafting community that provides inclusive, accessible high quality creative papercraft and mixed media online programmes for adults. Our courses are social and interactive whether delivered online or in-person. Our aim is to introduce and build crafting skills, improve wellbeing and to develop the basic skills needed for success in the workplace and at home, including self-confidence, problem solving, communicating in a group, basic maths and English. We teach over 45 different paper craft and mixed media techniques. Each course is carefully constructed to help you develop your crafting skills and knowledge.   Crafting and our courses are mindful, taking us away from the day-to-day. Participants have consistently reported improvements in their wellbeing.  Anyone who wants to learn new skills can join our programmes.  No previous experience of papercrafting or mixed media work is needed. We have delivered courses successfully in Cambridgeshire for 6 1/2 years and have worked with 280 Cambridges residents during this time. 86% of participants state that what we offer has helped to improve their wellbeing. 75% state that it has made a positive difference to their daily lives.   Our Courses:   1.  Short Courses: Standalone 3 to 10-week/session courses. Each 2-hour session runs sequentially so that  you can build your paper crafting and mixed media skills.  Currently we offer:  * Quilling: 10 sessions/weeks * Introduction to Paper Craft and Mixed Media: 10 sessions/weeks * Memory Book: 3 sessions/weeks * Memory Album: 3 sessions/weeks 2. From Beginner to Advanced Crafter available from January 2025: a 40-week/session long course delivered over approximately 13-14 months that follows on from the Introduction to Paper Craft and Mixed Media 10 week course. Each term should be followed sequentially, however, you can book in 10 week blocks. There is a discount of 10% if booking all 5 terms.  During this course, you will be introduced to over 45 paper craft and mixed media techniques and will learn about the vareity of paper craft and mixed media materials and equipment available and how to use them. By the end of the course, you will be a competent crafter and able, if you wish, to start selling/your own business. The equipment provided includes an electric A4 die cutting machine and a variety of dies and a scoreboard. and basic materials and equipment e.g. glue, a variety of tapes, alcohol pens, acrylic paints. You do not need any previous experience of paper crafting to join this course.  Fees for all courses include all the materials and equipment that you need for each lesson - supplied in a package with kits clearly labelled by week at the beginning of the course/term.  This means that you do not need to have any materials or equipment of your own. For all courses, the equipment and any leftover materials from all courses are yours to keep. Testimonial The first 2 cohorts on our online 18 month 'From Beginner to Advanced Crafter' course finished their courses in April. One individual provided a full A4 page of feedback. We are sharing that here - it is great to know that what we offer has an impact and helps. We hope that this feedback will encourage others to join us. Everything was made easy Enrolling Turning up to online sessions’ Having the equipment provided – so very well organised. The way the sessions were run encompassing everyone’s different pace and abilities. The welcoming atmosphere at the sessions. We all achieved the week’s task. This was important as I was struggling and would not have been able to deal with another thing, or complication, or something for me - so would have opted out. I was giving so much of myself elsewhere, to feel valued and be looked after was comforting, motivating and energising.  The lack of money doesn’t prevent attending. I felt welcomed in the group, whichever group I attended, and built-up rapport with the others in an easy going light hearted way – it was fun. I felt able to undertake the activity and supported throughout the session– Gray is just brilliant. This had a positive impact  There was no negative impact on me. I am grateful the sessions lasted as long as they did which I appreciate is difficult. It gave me time to feel the maximum benefit of improved mental health and general wellbeing, confidence building, skill and creativity development, and helping me to deal with everything else that was going on in my life. Specific When the flyer for the course was emailed me at work on a general circulation I read it and thought it sounded like something I needed and would like to do. I felt so drawn to it I contacted you to see if I was eligible. I was so very tired. Worn out with two years of covid emergency response work on top of my day job, pretty much spending 7-7 at my computer each day. In addition my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I decided to leave work in March 2022 to spend more time with her and care for her and support her children. Another member of my family was struggling with her mental health and I needed to spend more time with and supporting her too. Taking early retirement had a significant impact on my finances as I was only 60 and this was going to put pressure on us but as a family we agreed where my priorities needed to be. I was feeling overwhelmed, anxious and very low. The accessible, friendly, welcoming, creative space helped me cope. Initially it was time for me. Then it was something to look forward to and something to share. It was fun, relaxing and easy to lose yourself in making something and learning new skills. When things deteriorated for me, it was a constant and a safe, supportive environment. We may not have met the other participants in person but we soon bonded and cared for each other. It was Ok to turn up and not talk, not have your camera on, or to share sad news or how you were feeling. I will miss it and need to continue to carve out time for me to maintain the benefits going forward.