20341 Educators providing Business courses delivered Online

Proactive Education

proactive education


'Working with educators to achieve Gatsby Benchmarks and with individuals on all things employability related.' Mission: To inspire young people to become emotionally literate whilst enhancing the skills they will need from the age of 16 and onwards. To be the number one provider for entrepreneurship, work related learning & work experience; and to enhance strategic business partnership locally and nationally. Proactive Young People CIC is an exciting and experienced not-for-profit organisation or company with a can-do attitude and the ability to deliver the World of Work activities to individuals, schools, academies and colleges; encompassing employer engagement, work related learning and work experience. As an organisation Proactive has a wealth of experience and expertise in engaging local businesses and national businesses; it is this geographically based relationship management that is our unique selling point. We have a database with over 3,400 engaged and willing businesses on standby to support our activities, all of whom have become accustomed to a single point of contact for this region. We have gained their trust, respect and preferred partner status. Proactive delivers work experience & industry placements for academies and schools within Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire and beyond, further boosting our employer network. We continue to strategically work in partnership with Local Enterprise Partnerships, area Chambers, the FSB and local County Councils to bring the latest initiatives, opportunities and advice to you.




AVTAV understand the importance of complying with regulatory requirements and ensuring that security measures are upheld across the aviation supply chain. We pride ourselves on ensuring our workforce are fully prepared, qualified, and compliant for their specific role. The provision of high quality, effective AVSEC training is an essential part of the recruitment process within the aviation sector to ensure compliance with regulations are met and competency of staff is assured. Our cross-sector experience means that our teams fully understand the complexities and challenges that our clients face in this highly regulated industry, from initial staffing needs to the ongoing management and service expectations of both a training and labour provider. Our services are available individually or as part of a full-service bespoke package specific to our client’s needs. We understand the importance of supplying an efficient time-critical service. We know that last-minute requirements are to be expected and that our clients demand a supplier that is fully immersed in their business, understands their expectations, is proactive and prepared to deliver on time without compromising on quality or compliance. Our teams are made up of aviation recruitment and vetting experts, alongside training and AVSEC specialists. Our expertise in the aviation supply chain means that our clients can rest assured we can deliver a service that exceeds expectations, taking away the hassle of multi-supplier usage.

B & E Together

b & e together

We have retained the skills, expertise and relationships to take OUR company forward. Our operational team of committed, dedicated and skilled individuals are all positively contributing to supporting and inspiring the young people of South Yorkshire. B&E Together has been established as a Not for Profit company established with 2 main objectives: 1. To benefit young people and communities across South Yorkshire by providing a dedicated Employer Engagement and Work Related Learning service that delivers: Inspirational and educational work experience placements. Inspiring and valuable opportunities for developing knowledge and skills vital for entering the 21st century work place. New horizons within the world of work, locally, nationally and internationally. 2. To provide local people with secure employment whilst working to deliver a valuable service that provides long term, sustainable benefits to the people, communities and economy of South Yorkshire. We are looking to the future and by setting a personal example our staff team of skilled, dedicated entrepreneurs are providing inspiration to the young people of South Yorkshire about the vast possibilities that career pathways and future employment can offer. B&E Together Ltd has been formed around a new business model that is based on introducing new technologies and a younger dynamic into the staff team whilst retaining the core skills, abilities and best practice developed over many years of successfully delivering high quality work experience placements.