20339 Educators providing Business courses delivered Online

New Horizon Training Ltd

new horizon training ltd


New Horizon Training Ltd is accredited with the CPD Standards Office - a World-Leading CPD Accreditation Service, and we have also been awarded, April 2023, the Provider of Training Excellence award. With this accreditation New Horizon Training offers a great opportunity to help individuals enhance their careers. The Dual accreditation is an award from the Professional Development Consortium, awarded to professional training and learning providers to be recognised as a provider of training excellence with a fully accredited CPD provision. A list of training events and courses can be found on our website at https://www.newhorizontraining.co.uk/ [https://www.newhorizontraining.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR0apz6LjhLns7S97zDMHuFCUL-VAHXzkx12Fuu2Ppuz0BnmQR7y57WY3Po]New Horizon Training is collaborating with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training Academy and we offer a Hypnotherapy Training course specifically designed for individuals eager to become proficient, successful, and accredited Clinical Hypnotherapists. Our in-person training course in Swindon takes six months and is structured across eight modules. When you book onto one of our events or training courses you get more than just a mark of accreditation within your formal CPD Certificate of Attendance and the CPDSO logo; this means that our delegates can be sure that the training, learning or coaching activities are independently assessed to the highest standard. New Horizon Training and SFTA Swindon Lead Senior Lecturers are Lisa Williams Edgar and Angie Hayes.

Jon Torrens

jon torrens

By reducing stress and fear, I make giving talks enjoyable. I teach confident communication.   I work with many different companies (Microsoft, Foster+ Partners, Redgate, Raspberry Pi, Creative Assembly) and I think they enjoy my training so much because:  1. I’m an introvert. 2. I make it fun.  Training/learning/development can be a chore; I believe it shouldn’t ever be that way. My background: I was a low-scorer academically. I studied art and design, then graphic design, got a job as a video game level designer, fell in love with performing stand-up comedy, became a full-time stand-up, didn’t become a star so gave it up, went back to games and started a family. While working at Sony Cambridge I saw a really bad presentation and realised that all the writing and performance skills I’d learnt as a stand-up needed to put to good use: transforming everyone into confident speakers. Too many people have suffered watching boring speakers, delivering dreadful material. I decided things needed to change.  I set up my own coaching business, and after much hard work I have flourished, having found my place in the world. I relate to tech people – who are typically introverted – because I have had a similar experience. I connect because I have a ton of stand-up skills and… well, I like people. I really enjoy immediately getting them past the first simple barrier: their perception of their own communication skill level. It’s simple to get past that and then build on that foundation.

Primary Support Team Ltd

primary support team ltd

As an experienced English consultant, Susie works with schools, academies and partnerships to develop and improve all aspects of English across the primary age range. Using her knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and effective teaching and learning practices, she successfully supports many schools — leaders, teachers and support staff — to improve outcomes for their pupils. During her 20+ year career in Education, Susie has enjoyed classroom teaching, as well as holding a range of senior leadership posts. Prior to establishing her own consultancy business, she worked as an English Consultant for Oxfordshire County Council’s School Improvement Service. Susie has written, developed and led a wide variety of training events, programmes and projects to address current local and national educational priorities and, in recognition of this work, has been awarded the Gold Quality Mark for Professional Development by the London Institute of Education. Susie is an accredited trainer for several reading intervention programmes and has recently worked with OUP to write and present a new online professional development package for their Project X CODE intervention. Susie is passionate about finding innovative ways to inspire teachers and engage learners. Her face-to-face and online training is of high quality: rooted in the curriculum, with evidence-based practice coupled with creative teaching and learning approaches. She believes in a bespoke approach to school support, working alongside school leaders, class teachers and support staff to develop practice through a range of leadership and classroom-based strategies, always precisely tailored to the identified needs of the school. Susie provides training, resources and school support in partnership with local and national organisations, such as Quest for Learning, Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance and Oxford University Press. Over 20 years’ experience in primary school teaching and leadership, as well as advisory work for Oxfordshire County Council’s School Improvement Service contributes to high quality work with schools: In-depth knowledge of the English curriculum and its related assessment Knowledge of the most effective approaches and pedagogies for impactful teaching and learning Broad experience of working in and with a range of schools and partnerships Expertise in using effective approaches to support schools and their staff to improve teaching and learning Purposeful challenge and support for school leaders, teachers and support staff Extensive experience of researching, developing, writing and delivering a range of CPD packages and projects for schools, trusts, partnerships and national organisations Associations with national organisations for English and advisory Current knowledge and experience of school governance

Precious Metals Workshop

precious metals workshop


Established in 2010 by Goldsmith Ian Nicholson [http://www.thisisian.com/] and located in Edinburgh’s creative space Out of the Blue [http://www.outoftheblue.org.uk/], the Precious Metals Workshop (PMW) is Edinburgh’s leading independent workshop for goldsmiths, silversmiths, jewellers and hobbyists. We run courses [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/courses] for all levels of skills and provide access to a large range of tools and facilities necessary to create jewellery. We are a safe space for creative minds, home to a family of makers [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/jewellers] who share their knowledge and skills while inspiring each other and benefiting from an artisan vibe within the workshop. We operate several programs based on helping people start their own jewellery careers, providing a free bench and facilities access as well as weekly business mentoring. See our Inclusions [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/inclusions] page for further information on this. At the PMW we are very aware of our supply chains. There is continued exploitation in the mining of metals and gems and we are proud to support two third-world women’s mining groups. Please see our Facets [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/facets] page for further information. The Precious Metals Workshop is a community of makers, where we share our knowledge, skills and inspire each other as creative individuals. We provide a range of specialised equipment including soldering stations suitable for casting, pickling tanks, wheel and barrel polishers, ultrasonic tank, bubble etching tanks for copper and silver, fly press, ring stretchers, stone setting tools, heavy duty vices, bench drills, hammering stumps, silversmithing hammers, draw bench and plates, metal guillotine, rolling mill, large and small kilns. We have an extensive collection of resource books on techniques and practices to support both our emerging and established makers.