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Jyoti Pilates

jyoti pilates


I don’t come from a dance or sports background, and originally trained as a textile designer. I still design, so now combine my love of printed pattern, with my fascination with people’s movement patterns. So I’m no stranger to what sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen does to your body. And how I long to stretch and move after a day of that. I first came across Pilates about 16 years ago in my late 20’s, when I felt it was about time I started exercise of some sort, never having been ‘sporty’ or a fan of the gym. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my first class, but I did like the sound of improved muscle tone and length. I soon discovered there was a whole lot more to it than that. Although there are many physical benefits, the reason I returned after that first class, and keep returning to my mat after all these years is simply how great it makes me feel. Energised and relaxed at the same time, and definitely walking taller (a bonus when you are only 5’ 4”!) I’m certain that doing Pilates has kept the niggling aches and pains of age at bay; has allowed me to do all the other things I love with ease and grace, and has left me feeling stronger and healthier now than I did when I first started. I completed my teacher training with Body Control Pilates in 2008, and since then have loved watching the changes in my client’s bodies and their enthusiasm as they learn, and I have also learnt so much from them in return. I am a supervising teacher for BCPA in Edinburgh, helping to train new teachers, so there may be a student teacher and an extra pair of eyes to assist you in your class!

Dharma-Zen Tai Chi Studio

dharma-zen tai chi studio

Tai Chi can help improve the balance and help reduce the risk of falling. In comparison to other exercises, including weight training, stretching, endurance training, and balance training, Tai Chi was the most beneficial exercise, reducing falls … ( The Journal of the American Medical Association , May 3, 1995, Vol 273, No 17, pp 1341 – 1347). Danny Lai is from Taichung, Taiwan. There, he learned many different kinds of martial arts, including Tai Chi, Hsing-Yi, Ba Gua, Tae Kwon Do and Shaolin. Tai Chi Punch Although each style of Tai Chi Chuan has its peculiar features, the five styles of Tai Chi Chuan something in common, they are: With a calm mind the performer breathes naturally. In peace and ease the performer moves lightly, softly, slowly and equally. The performer moves harmoniously and in a balanced way. The performer moves like a circle–graceful and perfect. The motion is slow and steady and strong strength (yang) and weak strength (yin) can be used in motions mutually. Tai Chi Chuan has attracted attention internationally. It has special functions in promoting health and preventing illness. To help the performer to concentrate their mind and to make their motions coordinate with their breath, music can be played to accompany practice. Flow with the sound of the musical instruments. In following the rhythms of the music, practicing Tai Chi Chuan will relieve stress and benefit health. Crescent Kick (Shuang Pai Chiao) The name Tai Chi comes from the Taoist symbol the West calls yin (black) and yang (white). This Tai Chi symbol represents two balanced opposites: black and white, sky and earth, fire and water, masculine and feminine, moon and sun. Feminine is the black or yin. Masculine is light or yang. The yin side of Tai Chi is like yoga, moving meditation, or chi kung. The yang side is the martial art – the practical application of the movements – using your power. Most often the yang side of Tai Chi is not taught. The healing benefits without the martial application is the yin without the yang. Through the movements of Tai Chi, one can set the mind and body in balance. It is not easy to do. You want to make sure that for every movement in motion (yang) or at rest (yin) your body is moving together. Through Tai Chi training, you can learn more about yourself and you can feel calm and peaceful all the time. It is a kind of martial art, but it is a gentle martial art. It is not for attacking, but has powerful self-defense applications.

International Finance Institute

international finance institute

ATTEND LIVE CLASSROOM TRAINING IN CORPORATE VALUATION AND FINANCIAL MODELING BY SUCCESSFUL INVESTMENT BANKERS – WITH CONVENIENT GLOBAL LOCATIONS. Advance your professional career in finance with live hands-on investment banking classes at the International Finance Institute. Our accredited international banking school offers convenient global locations to hone your skills in investment banking. Join our seasoned experts for quality investment banking training in financial modeling, corporate valuation, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), leveraged buy-outs (LBO) and more. You’ll learn why investment banks, corporations, and leading business schools partner with us to teach the specific skills required for a successful career in investment banking. WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCE INSTITUTE The International Finance Institute is the global leader in finance and investment banking training. We conduct instructor-led training sessions in major cities worldwide. So one of our training centers is very likely convenient to you. BENEFITS OF OUR INVESTMENT BANKING TRAINING PROGRAM: Live, hands-on classroom training in corporate valuation and financial modeling by instructors who are highly experienced investment banking professionals. Skills you can apply immediately, so you’ll be seen as a highly employable, valuable asset in the investment banking industry. Expert help landing your first job and exclusive access to coveted active job openings in finance. Concentrated 30-hour course — featuring live, hands-on classroom training in corporate valuation and financial modeling by instructors who are highly experienced investment banking professionals