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91 Educators providing Ayurveda courses

Joanna Taylor & Associates

joanna taylor & associates


Established in 2009, we are a small, friendly and professional school offering CPD and personal development courses for therapists, counsellors and coaches. In addition to our ongoing programme of short courses and workshops (usually delivered online), we offer a Diploma in Clinical Supervision and occasional Retreats for Therapists. As a delegate or student, we know that you will have a better learning experience when your own outcomes are being met, so we make sure our classes are small in order to ensure individual attention from our tutors. This means that our courses are tailored to suit you, and they are relaxed and informal - it's important to us that our students have fun whilst learning - and we have a strong emphasis on self-awareness, inclusion and respect. Principal Tutor Joanna Taylor is a UKCP Accredited Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapist, Wellbeing Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Clinical Supervisor and an INLPTA Certified Trainer of NLP.  She also has an interest in Ayurveda and Energy Psychology.  She is a an accredited member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and a Fellow member of the Association for Coaching (AC). Joanna lives in rural North Yorkshire, UK, with her dentist husband, John, and three canine members of staff who all feature frequently in her blog, The Teachings of Dog.  She is an international speaker and has had articles published in a number of dental and veterinary publications on the subject of stress and burnout. Joanna has a passion for ongoing personal and professional development, and this is reflected in her courses, which are constantly updated with the latest research. We operate within the Codes of Ethics and Practice of UKCP and the Association for Coaching (AC).

Yoga By Noel

yoga by noel



I first found yoga in 2007, while travelling Asia, and the physicality of the practice caught my interest right away (such as supporting my weak lower back at the time), but also to quieten my mind and centre myself through my adventures.   Soon after, I trained in Ayurvedic Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Massage and found a holistic way to combine Ayurveda, Hatha Yoga and modern practices into enhancing my everyday wellbeing, as well as teaching others how to do the same. I have immersed myself in many sound therapy sessions. The feeling you get from being surrounded by intense sounds and vibrations is of grounded serenity. This helped me thrive through this time, bringing stillness to my mind and body. I incorporate this sound bowl therapy into all my yoga classes, so you too can experience the benefits. I am based in Stafford, where I have formed a fun, cool and welcoming yoga community. My intention as a professional yoga instructor is to help students listen to their inner selves and find the courage to step out of their comfort zone. Just like playing an instrument or sport needs practice, so does yoga. Nobody will be able to do all the yoga postures in the first class, even as an experienced yoga teacher, I still need to practice. Yoga is more than just getting into a posture and stretching the body. Yoga teaches you to be present and shows you ways to calm the mind. It is not at all competitive.  On the Path of Mindfulness You may practice yoga as we do in the UK, to relax, stretch and become more flexible. But yoga can be more than that. When you truly get into it and take the time to focus on your breathing, within an extended hold of the pose (as we do in Hatha Yoga), you adjust, you feel, you listen, you focus.  A light bulb starts to shine somewhere in your mind, your endorphins take over, you start to surrender, you may smile, you become one with the present moment - that’s when the true magic occurs.   Being present is a lifelong journey in itself and something I am still focusing on daily. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but through yoga, mindfulness and gratitude we lean closer and closer to being ever so present.  This is something I bring a lot of focus to in my yoga classes. It helps us to feel what is happening right now - not what happened or will happen, but what is happening. Take a deep breath right now - what do you feel? You feel the gift of the present moment.    Smiling is mandatory in my yoga classes - as I do believe humour and fun are key to experiencing the present moment and to releasing fabulous uplifting hormones. Believe me: this approach has helped me through many tough times.  Yoga has been a life changer for me, in times of worry, anxiety, the lows and the highs…it’s provided me with the opportunity to reflect, go within and come out of those times feeling totally nurtured and ready to take on every single chapter. My only hope is that you also feel this from the yoga practice.  I offer in-person yoga classes in Stafford, for small groups or 1-2-1. I am also qualified to offer holistic coaching, Massage Therapy and chakra energy balancing.

Kanga Studio Nairobi

kanga studio nairobi


Situated in the heart of Nairobi, Kanga Studio is a nurturing and safe space where you can connect with yourself through the practice of authentic yoga, meditation, yogic philosophy and other healing activities, amongst like-minded people and with high-end teachers and therapists. We have an holistic approach including: yoga practice, nature therapy, ayurveda, massage and sound healing. At Kanga studio, you can practice yoga with the guidance of experienced teachers, and join a community of people interested in conscious living. You can enjoy a cup of tea at the lush gardens, connect with nature as you grow in your yoga practice in a safe, warm and healing space. We look forward to having you join us, as the community continues to grow and we are happy to support your journey and see you achieve your wellness goals. Kanga Studio welcomes people of all abilities, ages, faiths and perspectives. Within the beautiful space at Kanga Studio, you will find Liforme mats, blocks, belts, bolsters, cushions and blankets, available for all members and participants. Kanga Studio Nairobi comprises of a large studio space, beautiful gardens and therapy rooms. There are two bathrooms on site, one shower and storage available for your valuables during workshops, classes and therapies if you wish. BOOKINGS To book classes and workshops, please see see the timetable page and book directly via our online booking system. If you are a current student at Kanga Studio, you may book via Whatsapp or text message (Sherline 0759956291). For treatments and therapies, please call us directly or email to make your booking via reception-nbo@kangastudio.co. All therapy descriptions can be found on the therapies page. All sessions at Kanga Studio must be pre-booked. ARRIVING AT KANGA STUDIO NAIROBI Please ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled session to allow time to settle down, and in case you have any questions beforehand for the teacher, you will get them answered. There is plenty of parking available at Kanga Studio within the compound and on the grass outside the gate. Kanga Studio provides yoga mats and props. You are also welcome to bring your own with you. There is a bathroom and toilet on site, and storage available for your belongings during your session. We welcome you to relax at the studio after your session with us. Complimentary herbal tea and water is provided, and a library of books to read.

Cooking With Monisha

cooking with monisha


Chef Monisha Bharadwaj is an award winning author, food historian and a food writer based in London, UK. Monisha is a qualified chef from the Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Mumbai. She started Cooking With Monisha, situated in West London, in 2004. Today it is a successful school that attracts not only the home cook but also chefs who wish to learn Chef Monisha’s brand of simple authentic Indian cooking. Monisha has also created and taught her popular courses at the Ashburton Cookery School in Devon, The Bertinet Kitchen in Bath, Seasoned Cookery School, south Derbyshire and at Divertimenti in Knightsbridge. She is often invited to judge food events and has been a judge at the Guild of Fine Food’s ‘Great Taste Awards’ for the past several years. Monisha also holds a BA in Indian History and in 2013, she was invited to be Guest Lecturer at SOAS, University of London, to give a series of talks on ‘The History of India through its Food’. In 2017, she worked with Kew Gardens giving talks on healing Indian ingredients, and with the British Council on ‘How The British Fell in Love With Curry – a historical perspective from 1200-2017’. In 2018, Monisha was invited by the Wellcome Collection, London, to talk about Ayurvedic nutrition as part of their exhibition, ‘Ayurveda Man’ and opened the South Asian Spice Box residency at Borough Market, London, with a cookery demonstration of south Indian food. In 2019, she was invited to be a Guest Speaker on Indian food on a Cookery Legends cruise around the British Isles. She was awarded ‘Cookery Writer of the Year’ in 2003 by the Guild of Food Writers and her many books have been shortlisted for and won several prestigious international awards. In 2020, her book ‘Indian in 7- recipes using 7 ingredients or fewer’ won the Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2020 for the Best Indian Cookbook in the World. Growing up in India, Monisha was brought up on an Ayurvedic inspired diet, where food brought happiness and physical well being. Today, she brings her experience of and passion for ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to all the classes she teaches.

Christina Mantradevi Kircher

christina mantradevi kircher

D - Linz am Rhein

Hi, so happy and grateful to meet you! I am a German-based psychologist (Dipl.-Psych./BDP), healer, musician, and writer, who specializes in the unique gifts and challenges of High Sensitivity and High Giftedness.  I can help you to explore your unique gifts and powers, be it as a young highly gifted still in school or training, as a creative, parent, or leader in any field.  You know it will be a journey: The unique journey of your personal unfoldment. Being trained in various psychological and holistic fields (Depth Psychology, Energetic Healing, Trauma Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Transformational Group Work, Body Work, Ayurveda) my understanding of the phenomena is both rich and differentiated.  I am very happy to share my knowledge with you to empower you and promote your conscious growth. You can book Video Courses, and 1:1 Coaching Sessions to help you... * Explore your unique form of sensitivity in detail and use it to flourish in life. * Uncover your personal form of giftedness and embrace it both naturally, and openly, be it in the intellectual, artistic, interpersonal, or spiritual realm. * Use your unique inner tools to fulfill your soul's longing: To find the place where you truly feel at home. While holding space for you, I use elements from all my areas of professional expertise:  Gentle psychological exploration, special tools to diagnose your gifts, techniques to balance the nervous system and calm down thoughts and emotions, visualization techniques, mini-meditations, spiritual guidance ... What you personally need will emerge in our encounter naturally. I will help you to derive practical steps for your everyday life, so that each session can continue to work for you sustainably. And about myself? I do love my work. I love being of service and promoting growth and creativity. I am clear, warm, centred, at least while I am working ;), and  I am usually quite joyful. And I do love life: It is for me a not-always-easy, but an immensely precious jewel of transformation and infinite creativity. If you would like to work with a conscious, soulful professional, I warmly welcome you! PS: My profile here on Cademy is just fresh, and so is my English website, which will soon be available here: https://diamondstarpath.com/. Until then, please have a look at how I work in German-speaking countries: Klarheit & Sinn [https://www.klarheitundsinn.de/]

Gail Biddulph

gail biddulph

I have dedicated my entire life to helping other people to become high performers. Others say I’m a high performer too! I define a high performer as someone who wants to achieve more than others. Someone who is committed to being a little better tomorrow than they are today. And someone who wants to leave a legacy that makes the world better than they found it. Sometimes that means being tenacious, sometimes being brave and embracing new ways. Often letting go of the old ways that no longer work. Letting go of stress, our self-negativity and inherited dramas. During my 20+ years as a business improvement consultant I’ve created a fusion method that reduces stress and simultaneously improves profit. Let’s face it, as a business owner a lot of stress is from knowing there’s more opportunity, but you can’t quite grasp it. Taking the dual approach of identifying accelerated growth, profit and stress reduction gives maximum results. Although qualified in business psychology, accelerated business growth and business coaching with a focus on creating high-performing businesses, in my heart I know that every business is only as successful as its people. And, that high performing people think differently, act differently and feel different to people who have missed out on internal self-development practice such as meditation. I was fortunate that my father taught me meditation as a child. It was only in my twenties I realised the power of my teachings and daily practice as I struggled juggling studying business psychology, working full time and trying to enjoy life. I realised that meditation helped me sleep, kept me calm and healthy so I started formal training to become both a yoga and meditation teacher which I incorporated into my business optimisation consultancy. My studies have extended over thousands of hours of apprenticing, studying different ways of meditating and studying The Vedas. I followed my fascination of the layers of human consciousness and how business owners can become high performers. I am now over 29 years and 21,170 meditations deep into my practice and my optimisation methods have added over £100 million of revenue to companies. I have studied with Buddhist Monks and Tibetan Masters, British School of Meditation, British School of Yoga. Most recently studying Meditation Mastery Teacher, Advanced Yoga Practitioners Diploma, with the highly acclaimed team at Dru Global School of Meditation, Yoga & Ayurveda. I am qualified at Master level in Ancient Yoga Massage from an accredited teacher of the Healing Hands Centre, Kathmandu. I live with my husband and dog in Cheshire where you can find me walking in nature, enjoying my own cooking a bit too much and riding my motorcycle on sunny days! Turning My Mess to Mastery Against all these odds of mental exhaustion, emotional turmoil and physical pain in 1995 I embarked on my solo, unsupported motorcycle ride around the coast of Great Britain with no satnav, no mobile and no wrong turns. I am the first woman to do it. Just weeks before the start I couldn’t stand straight. I couldn’t walk. It was then I acknowledged something I had known from a very young age that there is a vital link between our mind, nature-connectedness and achieving the success we desire. With this acknowledgement I was able to reduce and eradicate the pain. I was pain free and set off as planned, met all 277 pre-planned media interviews on time every time and raised a substantial amount of money for a lung cancer charity. That was just the beginning of the journey…