188 Educators providing Art courses in Bristol

344 Dance School

344 dance school



344 DANCE SCHOOL is based at DANCE STATION, Alexandra Park, Fishponds, a building comprising 3 fully equipped dance studios, a lecture and music room, changing rooms, rest areas, a studio theatre and a Dancewear shop - KATHY'S DANCEWEAR. Our lessons also operate in rented premises in 8 branches covering the Bristol area:- Church House, Long Ashton The Village Hall, Emersons Green Holy Trinity Church, Bradley Stoke The Batch, Warmley 467c Wells Road, Knowle The Village Hall, Wickwar Children and adults can learn for fun or they can take advantage of the many opportunities offered to them including exams with the ISTD, RAD, LAMDA and LCM; shows; competitions; workshops and masterclasses; summer schools and many other performance opportunities. All our exams are held at our own premises as we are an Approved Exam Centre for all the above examining boards. Whether you dance at Dance Station or one of our branches, the school has a positive, fun, atmosphere to bring out the love of dance and help you get the most out of your lessons. Dance is a performing art and with our beautiful studios and theatres, performance opportunities can be developed to the full. STUDIOS are also available for hire at both our Fishponds and Knowle Branches. FOR CHILDREN it is a chance to learn a variety of dance styles, be creative and make friends wiith similar interests outside of their school groups, build confidence and sociial skills, develop good poise, posture and discipline all within a safe environment with highly respected, experienced and qualified teaching staff. FOR ADULTS we have one of the largest selection of classes in Bristol, catering for all levels from beginners to advanced and for all ages - some of our dancers are over 80 years so it is never too late to learn! We have a great social atmosphere at Dance Station and extra activities often include theatre trips, dance social evenings and meals out. We are also on MOVE GB so if you are a member you can take advantage of their rates. FOR THE SERIOUS DANCER we are able to push you to achieve your maximum potential through the large range of classes and dance techniques on offer, variety of teaching staff, and availability of masterclasses with professionals, and opportunities for private tuition to enable you to compete at the highest levels. We also train Dance Teachers as well as professional dancers, and our teachers are spreading their knowledge all over the country and indeed, the World! Ex-students have gone on to full-time vocational training at such places as Elmhurst, Hammond, The Royal Ballet, Laine Theatre Arts, Rambert, Northern Ballet School, Northern Contemporary, London Studio Centre, Arts Ed, Italia Conti, Bodyworks, Masters, Millenium, Bird, Performers, Wilkes & Liberatus as well as our own 16+ vocational course. Careers have included West End performing, Cruise Ship Performing, National and International tours, Pantomimes, Holiday resort entertaining and teaching opportunities around the world.

Sarah Goss Traditional Woodcarving

sarah goss traditional woodcarving


Sarah specialises in providing bespoke hand carved items ranging from lettering and relief decoration to producing architectural details such as corbel brackets and ceiling roses. By adding hand carved decoration, items that are otherwise plain and ordinary are transformed into unique pieces that are personal to the owner. This applies just as much to everyday objects such as chopping boards as to more elaborate ornamental features to decorate the home. Wood carving is incredibly versatile and Sarah can either work from existing designs you may have seen or create a completely new piece for you. As well as producing the initial carved work Sarah can offer a variety of finishes including oil and water gilding using genuine Gold and Silver leaf. Sarah's interest in traditional crafts began whilst studying for A Levels in Art & History of Art at the Royal Latin School, Buckinghamshire. Through understanding how the country's great buildings were built and furnished, along with the reasoning behind their design, she developed an even greater respect for their creators and understood why it is important to maintain these buildings for future generations. From Buckingham she moved to Portsmouth to study a degree in Restoration and Decorative Studies at Portsmouth University. Within her first year she had grasped the basics in a variety of traditional decorative techniques including faux finishing, gilding and scagliola. In her final two years she decided to focus her studies on woodcarving and plasterwork- both in a restorative sense and in creating new designs using traditional materials and methods. During her time at University she was provided with the opportunity to hone her skills in both woodcarving and plasterwork. Her projects included 3-coat lime plastering, using the lime plaster she'd made from scratch using traditional recipes. She researched the historic and almost extinct technique of freehand stucco work, creating her own designs and experimenting with various recipes, including those that were used in the restoration of Uppark in Hampshire. Thankfully all that hard work paid off and she graduated with a 1st Class Honours. Sadly, her year was the last to complete this course as the University decided to end it in back in 2008. From Hampshire she was on the move again, this time to Shropshire where she began work with a heritage company. Here she built upon her project managing skills and learnt more about the structural side of building restoration, particularly timber framed buildings. Whilst she enjoyed her time in Shropshire, she decided that she was much happier in her workshop among the sawdust and plaster, which leads her to her current home back in West Sussex.