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Bemis (Scotland)

bemis (scotland)


BEMIS is the national umbrella body supporting the development of the Ethnic Minorities Voluntary Sector in Scotland. BEMIS was established in 2001 to promote the interest of minority ethnic voluntary organisations, develop capacity and support inclusion and integration of ethnic minorities communities. It is a member-led and managed organisation with an elected board of directors. The major aims and objectives of BEMIS are to represent and support the development of the ethnic minority voluntary sector across Scotland, and to support the diverse communities and individuals that this sector represents, especially those who are under- represented and disadvantaged. BEMIS aims to address inequalities by empowering communities, working towards an inclusive society by establishing structures, which recognise diversity and empowers ethnic minorities, and ensuring that they are fully recognised and supported as a valued part of the Scottish multicultural civic society. Initial Key aims and objectives: To strengthen the capacity of the ethnic minorities voluntary sector. Raise the profile of the ethnic minorities’ voluntary sector and its needs at strategic, local and national levels. Have a coordinating role for the voice of the ethnic minorities’ voluntary sector, ensuring pertinent issues are raised with the relevant bodies. To take a lead on policy issues and debate which are of concern to minority ethnic communities at both local and national levels. Work in partnership with all stakeholders and the diverse Ethnic Minorities communities in support of equality and a multicultural Scotland. Key Strengths Of BEMIS as identified in the HMIE review: a highly committed board of directors and staff who brought with them a good range of professional skills and a clear understanding of their responsibilities; the organisation had been successful in uniting a diverse range of stakeholders; BEMIS was highly valued by stakeholders and was making a positive impact on individuals, organisations and communities; strong commitment to inclusion and diversity; and strong commitment to ensuring grass roots organisations have a voice rather than acting as a spokesperson for EM communities. The above is complemented by the following notions stated by HMIE: A sector leading organisation/ excellent rating. BEMIS made a significant difference in local communities and to the organisations it supported. 93.6 % of questionnaire respondents rated the overall service provided by BEMIS as good to excellent Active involvement in research work with other organisations [which] enhanced understanding and removed barriers to BME involvement in local and national democracy Organisational efficiency and effectiveness for stakeholder organisations had been improved BEMIS gives grass roots a voice rather than acting as mouthpiece for EM communities BEMIS had been instrumental in securing a significant increase in the EM responses to consultation processes making effective use of its network both nationally and across a diverse range of ethnic communities/ BEMIS was making a positive contribution to policy development and had been instrumental in ensuring …‘engagement’… directly with EM organisations/ BEMIS had a strong track record of consulting its target communities, identifying needs and responding quickly with programmes and projects. Their commitment to capacity building ensured that local projects were self sustaining and no longer required significant support from BEMIS staff The comprehensive range of accredited training opportunities offered including a BA in community regeneration and HNC working in communities ensured EM people in local communities had the skills to better engage with local structures and partnerships Managers and staff at BEMIS were highly motivated, energetic and committed to the purpose of their work. They worked very effectively as a team, providing high levels of mutual support. The very strong commitment of BEMIS to diversity and inclusion was reflected in its diverse membership. Participants in the professional development courses came from a range of ethnic backgrounds The organisation had made very good efforts to target specific communities with its work, and to involve them in its management the organisation was not fully capitalising on its excellent work. It should develop better means to communicate and celebrate its successes so as to raise its profile. There is a strong commitment at both board and staff level to ensure that the diverse voluntary sector and communities this sector represents are fully recognised and supported as a valued part of civic society and a multicultural Scotland. BEMIS enjoys a high proportion of fundamental Strengths that are essential for the development and delivery of our role and remit. The opportunities for developing and delivering our strategies and objectives are ample and remain to be explored and exploited to the full in support of the diverse EMVS as well as government policies and initiatives around equality and social justice. Within the above context, BEMIS has and continue to be a major partner in supporting the equality agenda in Scotland and in supporting the diverse communities within the framework of equality, diversity and a cohesive multicultural Scotland. We envisage this role to be enhanced and promoted enabling us to function and deliver at several levels in empowering the diverse EM voluntary sector and the communities this sector represents as well as assisting national policies and objectives of the government in their endeavour to promote an equal multicultural Scotland.

Swindon Borough Council

swindon borough council


At Swindon Borough Council, we are committed to delivering for our residents, local businesses and communities. Our services provide a lifeline and safety net to residents who need us most through the vital care and support we provide. These services directly benefit a relatively small number of residents yet demand the majority of our funding. But, by squeezing the most from our resources, we continue to provide services for the whole community including waste and recycling collections, road repairs and libraries. As well as providing a vast range of public services, we are using our legal powers, assets, access to targeted funding, local knowledge and influence to lay the foundations for Swindon to thrive in the future. Bringing together partners from across the private, public and voluntary sectors to improve the quality of life for residents. Working across education, health, crime, the local economy and climate change. We are ambitious for the town, realistic about the challenges but excited for the future. We’re acting now to meet the needs of Swindon’s growing population: building new homes, creating new school places, upgrading roads and enhancing our country parks while also working to revitalise the town centre with £100 million of Council-led investment. We have a clear vision for how we see Swindon developing in the future: By 2030, Swindon will have all of the positive characteristics of a British city with one of the UK’s most successful economies; a low-carbon environment with compelling cultural, retail and leisure opportunities and excellent infrastructure. It will be a model of well managed housing growth which supports and improves new and existing communities. Swindon will be physically transformed with existing heritage and landmarks complemented by new ones that people who live, work and visit here will recognise and admire. It will remain, at heart, a place of fairness and opportunity where people can aspire to and achieve prosperity, supported by strong civic and community leadership. None of this is possible if we don’t live within our means. That’s why our Council Plan sets out our clear priorities to make best use of our resources and how we will achieve our ambitious vision. We have committed to six key priorities which the Council will focus on over the next four years. These set out how we intend to provide services to residents and set key milestones to achieving our aims. We are in the process of developing a new reporting system that will allow you to monitor our progress against each pledge.

Optimise Leadership Solutions

optimise leadership solutions


As a former primary Head Teacher of three substantive posts and one interim headship, I now enjoy my role in providing independent consultancy support and challenge to leaders at all levels in a wide range of context. I am former School Improvement Partner (SIP) across four Local Authority areas, Ofsted and Diocesan Inspector. I am an accedited and experienced leadership coach and employ a coaching approach to much of my work with the school leaders. I have trained many leaders to become effective coaches and facilitated the implementation of a coaching culture in a number of schools. I continue to facilitate and lead the review of Head Teachers’ performance since its introduction in 2001, across many part of the country. I am tuned into the needs of governors with regard to this and offer training to governors who are new to the process. I have assisted the development of governing bodies in many areas of governance. NICKI BELL Former Head Teacher I first became a Head Teacher in January 1995 and was substantive Head Teacher of three schools and an interim Head Teacher of a fourth. Between my last two headships I worked for four years for a national training company in Cambridge that was, at that time, an affiliated centre for the National College. I was responsible for rolling out a number of a national programmes in the East region, including Leading from the Middle. I retired from headship in 2016. My final school was a three-form entry Infant and Nursery School in Birmingham judged by Ofsted to be an outstanding school. We were federated to our adjoining Junior school which was the lead school in a Teaching School Alliance, (TSA) and I was heavily involved in the CPD element of this. My career has offered lots of opportunities to do exciting things. I was a seconded National College Associate for four years supporting school leadership in the West Midlands. I have been lucky enough to write and deliver leadership training in many different places, the two most distant being in the Middle East and China. I now have two roles. I am Director of Primary Education for a Trust for 40% of my time and the rest of my working life is freelance, frequently working with Alistair. We write and deliver training for leaders, at all levels, in primary schools and develop resources to support head teachers with many of the bureaucratic tasks of headship. Alongside this I do a lot of 1-1 support of schools, acting as an Improvement Partner, supporting HT performance management and providing CPD.

Blackpool HAZ Cultural Programme

blackpool haz cultural programme


WHAT IS THE HAZ? Blackpool’s Heritage Action Zone project is a partnership between Blackpool Council and Historic England. The project is aimed at using Blackpool’s heritage as a catalyst for bringing new and diverse uses to the town centre and giving a new relevance for both local communities and visitors alike. There are two different areas of focus in the project. FOCUS 1 The first is centred on historic buildings and how heritage can be used to improve the look and feel of the high street by restoring and enhancing historic buildings. This element builds on recent improvements in Topping Street, Edward Street and Deansgate in restoring buildings and their commercial frontages. The biggest focus of this part of the scheme is the Church Street Frontage of the Winter Gardens, where work to restore the Victorian commercial frontages to Empress Buildings has already begun. Other projects include the conversion of an Art Deco building on Topping Street to provide a community creative hub and converting part of the former Black’s building on Edward Street into live/work units where local artists and creatives can rent studio and retail space with living accommodation above. FOCUS 2 The second area is the implementation of a cultural programme and this is specifically to bring new activity to the high street and to engage local communities in creative activity. This programme is already working on delivering a regular market for local creatives and artists and setting up taster workshops for local people to try out different creative activities. Future work will look at performance, film and creative workshops as well as talks and tours focused on heritage and the past, present and future of Blackpool’s town centre. THE ZONE Blackpool’s High Street Heritage Action Zone is focused on a section of Church Street containing impressive groups of mid to late 19th Century public and commercial buildings and a wealth of incredibly diverse heritage assets some of which are of national and regional significance. The Grand Theatre and the Blackpool Winter Gardens and the areas around them form the main focus of this project. It also includes Cedar Square and parts of Edward Street, Topping Street and Deansgate. The historic built environment in Blackpool and in the identified HAZ area has been recognised as having significant economic benefits not just in terms of retail or visitor economy but through the potential to impact on the quality of life for local residents and the quality of experience for our visitors. The quality of the historic built environment within the proposed Blackpool HAZ promotes ‘civic pride’ acting as a reminder of how Blackpool has evolved historically.

Prendergast School

prendergast school


Welcome to Prendergast School. It is an honour and a privilege to be Prendergast School’s eleventh Headteacher and to work with staff, students and families. Staff here are passionate about ensuring the very best opportunities and education for all students. Our motto and ethos is ‘Truth, Honour, Freedom and Courtesy.’ We are all on the same side, working to support all students to excel. We take pride in building strong relationships with students and their families. We have a long history of providing exceptional education to young people. We were founded in 1880 as Prendergast Grammar School for Girls on a site in Catford provided by the Leathersellers’ Company, which then funded the school’s move to its current site in 1995. We are now part of the Leathersellers’ Federation of schools, a group of three secondary and two primary schools as well as Prendergast 6th Form. We are very fortunate to be part of the Federation and receive a lot of support from the Leathersellers’ Company, that helps our students succeed. We are very proud of our last Ofsted judgement of Outstanding in all areas, our third Outstanding judgement in a row. We are described in the most recent report as ‘exceptional’ and having ‘exemplary attitudes to learning’ across the school. We do achieve great academic results at Prendergast School (more information is on the website). However, as a parent or carer you also want to know that your child is happy and safe. This is very important to us and we pride ourselves that students feel confident in school and thrive under our care. It is important that when students leave after their time with us that they do so as well-rounded individuals who have had many different experiences, able to overcome challenges and most importantly to learn from their mistakes. It is important that students get involved in school life as much as possible. We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities and we do encourage all students to get involved. We expect all students to attend school journeys. Communication is very important to us. We always like to know what we do well and what we can improve on further. We ask students and families to get in contact with us if there is something that they would like to ask or raise with us.