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Her Next Chapter

her next chapter

Leamington Spa

Tenacious. Terrific. Trustworthy. Truthful. And sometimes Trouble. When you ask my family, friends and coworkers about me, they will probably list these attributes. Or qualities. For good and for bad. I am the only child to my mother Grace and my father Ken who met in Blackpool, England during the Second World War, which means much of my family resides in England. Including my daughter who met my son-in-law during her junior year abroad at Oxford University. I grew up not knowing that my mother had an accent, never understanding the difference between English and American terminology so that even today I will say a word and people will look perplexed, and I realize I am using the English word and not the American one. I’m an only child because my parents decided traveling back to England would be very difficult with more children. My father made a point to keep me from being spoiled which was a double-edged sword because his lack of praise left me with a feeling that I had to try twice as hard as anyone else just to keep up. The end result is one very motivated woman, and I constantly seek continued learning and new challenges. My first words were undoubtedly “When are you going to give me a horse?” and thus Patience Prize and I became a team when I was 14. My father once again made sure I knew the horse was not to be taken for granted when he said, “Now you’ve got a horse, you’d better get a job. And you won’t be paid for mowing the lawn anymore.” My love of animals produced my first job at the local veterinarians cleaning up cages and feeding animals. One small dog had broken her two front legs, was terribly vicious, and no one could touch her. After her surgery she was crammed up in a corner while still asleep, and I moved her into a more comfortable position and, of course, petted her and spoke to her. After that I was the only one who could open her cage and touch her without getting bitten. She must have known my smell. Years passed and I became both a photojournalist and regular journalist with local Berkshire County Massachusetts newspapers. When I returned to college to complete my bachelor’s degree, my journalism provided me with life experience credits and thus I completed my BA in English. What to do next? I had student loans, so I needed either grad school or a second job. My daughter waitressed at a local restaurant open only on weekends and they said they needed a dishwasher, so she said, “My brother needs a job.” Then they asked, “So who else do you have at home?” and she said, “My mom.” Thus, I tried the second job routine as a waitress. We served wine in long-stemmed glasses and carried them on a tray. During one shift I was at a table of two women and the tray started to tilt, and I couldn’t stop it! So, I stood there and watched the wine glasses crash down on the table and splash everywhere. It was not a happy time for all involved. So, I said, “That’s it, I’m going to grad school.” I took my daughter and son to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, we ate at the Russian Tea Room, and I told them they couldn’t bug me for two years. The non-traditional program at Vermont College of Norwich University was a full-time program so I had a full-time job, a full-time grad school program, a son in high school and a daughter in college. During my internship I worked 7:00 a.m. to noon, drove to Albany, New York (a one-hour drive one way), worked at a public relations firm from 1:00 to 6:00 and stopped at the restaurant where my two offspring worked about 7:00 for a glass of wine and a light dinner. Then I realized I didn’t have time to clean the bathroom, so I hired a cleaning lady (very inexpensive in a small town back then) and decided that was an expense associated with grad school. That was a valuable decision. The downside of a small town is that a master’s degree doesn’t allow for many jobs at a living wage. I decided I would move. After networking for several years and finding a church in Washington, DC I moved to northern Virginia on October 2, 1999, never having lived more than 6 miles from where I was born. I got a job the second day. I bought a house that January and a horse, Sonny Madison, in January 2001 and have never regretted my choice or looked back. At some point in 2018 I found Her Nexx Chapter and started writing for them. It provides me with a chance to get in touch with my creative style since my most prevalent job has been a technical writer. Now I’m also the Editorial Project Director and a member of the Advisory Board. It’s a tremendous value to women everywhere, and I always enjoying learning something new and sharing my blogs with the community. So here I am. I’m still horseback riding and trying to keep fit. I try to look for the positive side of life even in times of turmoil – notice I said “try” because sometimes life gets to be a tad difficult. But that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Philadelphia Church Of God

philadelphia church of god


From the beginning of Jesus Christ’s ministry with just 12 disciples to the thousands of laborers, supporters and co-workers of today, God’s Work has had a vital job to do. The purpose for which Christ established the Church characterizes its work—its activities and overall commission. The Work is a spiritual work. In the New Testament, Christ showed us that the purpose of God’s Work is twofold. First, we are to proclaim to the world, as a witness, the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. As part of that witness, because of mankind’s sins we are to publish the Bible’s warning of the disasters that will precede Christ’s Second Coming. Secondly, we are to spiritually nourish the Church itself, preparing the people God calls for future responsibilities under Christ when He returns to rule all nations in love. The many and varied endeavors of the pcg all trace back to this clear, exciting twofold commission. The ministers and members of the pcg are dedicated to proclaiming and living the way of life explained in the Bible. It is a way of sharing and giving, of caring for others, of striving for godliness in all our dealings with our fellow man. It is a way of family harmony and joy, a way of peace among nations and peoples of all cultures and races. It is a way of rigorous accomplishment, and drawing on God’s help to achieve the very fullest of our incredible human potential. The pcg is working—humbly, but diligently—to hasten the day when, as the Prophet Isaiah said, “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9). The pcg promotes strong families and practicing “pure religion”—looking after the widows and fatherless (James 1:27). Members endeavor to follow God’s law: love toward Him and love toward fellow man (Mark 12:30-31). Philadelphia Church of God: Statement of Activities The purpose of the Philadelphia Church of God is to preach, promote and advance the spiritual teachings of the Church. It is also the Church’s responsibility to support and maintain local congregations and ministers in order to propagate the faith. In furtherance of the above objective, the Philadelphia Church of God will: Establish, maintain and administer churches to provide for the fraternal, spiritual and educational needs of those members of the public who wish to study or practice the religious observances, tenets and doctrines associated with the faith; Educate, ordain and hire ministers to care for and work with the congregations; Procure, advertise and arrange for the broadcast of The Key of David television program for the free educational benefit of the public and procure, advertise and circulate educational reading material and audio tapes for the free educational benefit of the public; Establish, maintain and administer a central office to provide for the overall control, coordination and management of the Philadelphia Church of God, which includes general administration and record keeping relating to funds received, funds disbursed and other legal requirements; Provide scholarships and other assistance based on applicants’ financial needs and local pastors’ recommendations to a summer educational program for youth and an annual religious retreat; Provide for an evangelical and missionary support system in particular areas of the world to which the Philadelphia Church of God desires to bring a similar message by similar means as mentioned above; Provide for humanitarian financial contributions or works of service through the Philadelphia Foundation to national and international charitable and humanitarian projects deemed worthy by the Philadelphia Church of God.

Kidz Own Out Of School Club

kidz own out of school club


Welcome to Coten End Primary School! We hope that this website gives you an insight into life at our very special and immensely popular school. We are in a lovely location in the centre of Warwick and there is a very strong sense of community. It is the people who make a school and we are fortunate to have wonderful children, parents, staff and governors who share a common aim of wanting the very best educational experiences for every child. Our vision is ‘Learning for everyone, learning from everyone’. We are wholly committed to this and it is evident on a daily basis. We take the education of children and young people very seriously and it is a privilege to be trusted with this important role. Children only get one chance and that is why we strive to make every day matter. At Coten End Primary School, we are proud of our acknowledged commitment to each individual child. We recognise that children learn and develop in different ways so we aim to provide a curriculum that supports, challenges and enriches every step of the learning journey for every child. Some children will need specific support at some point in their school career with something they find challenging and we aim to provide that support within a caring environment, drawing on a wide range of external expertise as appropriate. Similarly, many children are ready to embrace a high level of challenge to reach their full potential and we provide a personalised approach to their learning. Every child matters at Coten End and I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how we can work together to meet your child’s individual needs.