Booking options
Delivered Online
3 hours
Intermediate level
The definitive guide to workplace bullying & harassment delivered by UK's leading expert. Take a deep dive into the subject - the facts, the experiences, the reasons, and the damage to individuals and businesses.
In-house workshops delivered online for your company to raise awareness and helps you and your teams prevent different types of disruptive and unacceptable bullying and harassment behaviours as well as understanding the impact on health and performance.
Definitions of bullying, cyberbullying and harassment
Overview of current legislation and the preventative duty
Different forms and behaviours that bullying can take in the workplace
Remote working: what makes cyberbullying different?
The bullying relationship – what makes someone bully?
Professional, personal and emotional impact of being bullied in the workplace
Being an Active Upstander
Current best practice for organisations
Yes, please contact us for further details and pricing.
There is a maximum of 20 delegates per session online.